IE111 Tut 14

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Problem 1
After a long & winding chase all around the Wicked Castle, the Wicked White Witch has finally cornered Little Boyet.
In his last ditch effort to escape LB crawled along a horizontal flagpole and hung upon the Wicked Red Flag of the
Wicked Kingdom, but then he had nowhere else to go. Princess Bukangliwayway, in the greatest proof that love is
inventive, put on a disguise and dressed up as Inday Anna Chong, complete with Fedora Hat and Leather Bullwhip.
In her new costume she jumped from the Wicked Tower in the direction of the Wicked Red Flag. She planned to loop
her Leather Bullwhip a number of times around the flagpole and thus support herself while giving her beloved LB a
way out of his desperate predicament. Her bullwhip was especially equipped with a half kilogram lead ball at the
very tip. If PB weighed 54 kg, how many times should she loop the lead-tipped bullwhip around the pole to be sure
of supporting herself without sliding down. More data: the coefficient of static friction between leather and steel is

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