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1. Calculate the reactions [both forces and moments] at the cantilevered support in
the 3 cases (a), (b) and (c). The force F is 10 N applied 45 from the horizontal in
each case.
AB = 3 m
BC = EG = 1.414 m
DE = KJ = 1 m
HJ = 2 m

2. Little Boyet went to London and flew his kite in front of Big Ben. At exactly ten
minutes past ten in the morning, his kite got caught at the tip of the minute hand of
the historic clock, and he could not disentangle it no matter how hard he pulled on
the string. The breaking point of his string is 50 Newtons. The clock axle can only
sustain a moment of 140 Newton-meters, before it moves. Determine whether
Little Boyet will break his kite string or come down in history as the boy who
changed London time.

Other info:
Boyet's location at 10.10 am: 30 meters east and 25 meters south of Big Ben
The height of the clock axle: 100 meters
The diameter of the clock: 7 meters

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