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Company Background
Maricopa Youth Sports is a local organization that offers athletic opportunities
to the youth, ages 5-15, residing in the City of Maricopa.
The lack of publicity and a solid organizational structure within
Maricopa Youth Sports has hindered the expansion of the brand. Without
addressing these shortcomings, the organization will fail to expand and a
decrease in participation will become relevant.
Target Market
Maricopa Youth, ages 5-15
Parents of Maricopa Youth that want to provide their children with an
active lifestyle beyond the traditional school environment
SWOT Analysis

Solid sports
Treasured city
tradition for



No solid


Possibility of
target market
by establishing
new marketing

Private youth
programs may
take potential

After conducting a research survey to establish the needs of Maricopa Youth

Sports, we have envisioned three phases in which the rebranding process will take


Implement an
independent logo to give
Maricopa Youth Sports
its own identity



Establish a website to
create a source of
information and
convenience to the brand

The Costs
The rebranding of Maricopa Youth Sports will
cost approximately $11,680 for the first year,
with the costs split between the three

Create a mentorship
program through the
local high school to
establish a larger support

Estimated Cost Of Each Phase




A. Description of business or organization
Maricopa Youth Sports is an organization designed to enhance the lives and
futures of the youth of the city of Maricopa through the promotion of healthy competition
and active lifestyles. It has been a staple in the city, and continues to enhance the
community participation amongst the younger population. Maricopa Youth Sports offers
three different sports: basketball, soccer, and flag football. Any child between the ages
5-15 is able to participate in the sport and season of his/her choosing after paying a flat
initial fee of $50. Practices during the season are Monday-Friday, with games every
The Youth Sports Program depends mainly on word of mouth for advertisement,
spending minimal amounts of money on an advertising campaign. Registration is only
available through the City Hall. The unavailability of registration is what holds many
customers at bay. Maricopa Youth Sports is known only to residents in the city that have
been living there for some time. It remains a well hidden organization and does no
advertising of its own, which limits it from gaining additional participants.

B. Description of the community (economic, geographic, demographic and

socioeconomic factors)
At one point, the city of Maricopa was the fastest growing city in the United
States. Over the past decade, the citys population has grown from 1,040 in 2000, to
43,482 in 2010, a 4080% increase. Maricopa takes pride in being a big city with a small
town feel, rich with deep-seated culture and tradition. The city puts emphasis on the
different events that brings the community together, such as Stage Coach Days and the
annual Salsa Festival.
The only city in the nation that is bordered by two different Native American
communities, Maricopa is the definition of diverse. Although a large percentage of the
residents are Caucasian, a wide range of other ethnicities are prevalent in the

Maricopa has a primarily young group of residents, with 35% of the population
being under 18. This confirms the need for such a large scale rebranding effort, as the
potential for expansion is almost limitless.

C. Description of the business or organizations mission, target market and

existing branding efforts

The City of Maricopa Sports and Recreations mission is to enhance the quality
of life for the residents of Maricopa by providing a diversity of open space, park
and leisure opportunities.

The Maricopa Youth Sports program shares the same mission statement as the
City of Maricopa Sports and Recreation organization.

Target Market:

Maricopa youth, aged 5-15

Parents of Maricopa youth

Existing Branding Efforts

The Maricopa Youth Sports organization has minimal branding efforts. They have been
restricted to a small online page that offers very limited amounts of information
pertaining to the various activities and schedules that they use. Participation in
Maricopa Youth Sports has been on a steady decline because of the lack of marketing


A. Description and rationale of research methodologies selected to conduct the
research study
We decided that it would be appropriate to conduct a research survey among the
local families at the location of Maricopa Youth Sports activities. The surveys will be
printed out and distributed to a random group of attendees at some of the sporting
events. We then will collect the data from the completed surveys and use it to evaluate
the different steps that can be taken to rebrand the Maricopa Youth Sports organization.
The survey evaluates how popular Maricopa Youth Sports is among Maricopa
residents, and highlights the general approval rating of the organization. Through these
efforts, we hope to successfully profile the Maricopa Youth Sports current condition and
recognize its potential improvement points.

B. Process used to conduct the selected research methods

The survey was carefully constructed to contain 7 pointed questions that will help to lay out the
profile of Maricopa Youth Sports and explore the idea of implementing a web based registration

Market-Based Research Survey

1. Do you have a child in the Maricopa Youth Sports Program?
A. Yes
B. No
2. How old is your child?
A. 4-8
B. 9-12
3. Is your child male or female?
A. Male
B. Female
4. What sport does your child participate in?
A. Basketball
B. Flag Football
C. Soccer
5. Which season does your child participate in?
A. Winter
B. Spring
C. Summer
D. Fall
6. If given the opportunity, would you register online?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Neutral
7. Has your experience been satisfactory with the City of Maricopa Youth Sports Program?
A. Yes
B. No

C. Neutral


A. Findings of the research study
After trying to contact the Director of Community Services, which turned up very
unsuccessful, we recognized the need for a better communications portal between the
administration of the organization and the community. Being unable to receive
information of any kind from the organization itself reveals a huge lapse in public
relations, and is going to be addressed in our rebranding plan. Through this, we hope to
improve the overall public opinion of Maricopa Youth Sports, and their ability to
communicate with the organization. Communication improvements will draw new
participants into the program and encourage current participants to return to Maricopa
Youth Sports. The overall customer satisfaction level will rise, benefitting the program.
The unsuccessful communication with the organization forced us to rely solely on
survey results to develop a rebranding plan. However, the surveys were successful in
revealing certain elements and shortcomings of Maricopa Youth Sports. With the
survey, we are able to construct a logical plan of action for the rebranding efforts.

The results of the survey are as follows:

How Old is Your


Is Your Child Male or


4-8 Years


9-12 Years


13-15 Years

Which Sport Does

Your Child Participate
Flag Football

If Given The
Opportunity, Would
You Register Online?

In Which Season
Does Your Child

Has Your Experience

With The Program
Been Positive?







B. Conclusions based on the findings

The most helpful information collected from the Market-Based Survey was the
inquiry about a web based registration feature. With overwhelming favorability towards
the concept, its clear that a website is a necessary addition to the rebranding plan. The
results also showed a need for customer service improvement, which will be addressed
with the establishment of a new website with a multitude of features for efficient and
simple access to Maricopa Youth Sports. The survey helps show the face of Maricopa
Youth Sports and its profile. It shows that sports and seasons are split up evenly, and
that there is a relatively good female/male participation ratio. The survey helped us
recognize that Maricopa Youth Sports has a functioning system, and with a new face
and new publicity, it can really flourish.
A. Objectives and rationale of the proposed rebranding plan
We developed a multi-step plan to rebrand and rebuild Maricopa Youth Sports.
The First Phase of the rebranding process is the creation of an independent logo
to exclusively represent Maricopa Youth Sports. Currently, Maricopa Youth Sports
operates solely under the logo of the City of Maricopa. We want to use the new design
as a bridge between the future of the childrens athletic journey, and the traditional
familiarity of Maricopas logo. Using the color schemes of the local Maricopa High
School will influence an early sense of pride in the young athletes, and they will be
naturally drawn to participating in their local public schools athletic teams down the

Below is an illustration of the high school

logo and the City of Maricopa logo
combining to form a Maricopa Youth
Sports logo

The original City of Maricopa


An example of the Maricopa

High School Athletics logos,
as used today

A combination of themes to
create an independent logo
for Maricopa Youth Sports


The Second Phase of successfully rebranding Maricopa Youth Sports is to

implement a website for the convenience of the Maricopa City residents. The website
will provide organization information, game highlights, schedules, and an online
registration form for easy access to every element of the Maricopa Youth Sports
program. We believe that online access is a key component in publicizing and
promoting Maricopa Youth Sports. As of now, the organization fails to have an
independent website, and the potential expansion and popularity of Maricopa Youth
Sports has been hindered by the lack of an online presence.

The inadequate online presence of Maricopa Youth Sports is proven in the photos
below, which depict inadequate information and communication to website viewers.


The Third Phase in rebranding the organization is using the local public high
school to create a mentorship program that will help young participants get help and
mentorship through older athletes that are prepared to act as role models. Through this
mentorship program, the children could be shown the long-term benefits of being an
athlete and dedicating themselves to a sport. Not only would the youth gain valuable
knowledge, but the high school participants that act as mentors could gain volunteer
hours, which would help them on their path to graduation. Once again, the exposure to
the local high school would create a sense of community loyalty, and hopefully influence
the young athletes to enroll in Maricopa High School in later years. The overall goal of
the mentorship program is to create a lasting cycle that will keep generations of
participants involved and restore large amounts of community involvement into the


Enrollment Of
Child in Youth
Sports with

After a Number
of Years,
Graduate and
Start Families

Learn to Be
Youth With Goals
and Drive

Enroll to Local
High School, and
in Turn, Mentor
Maricopa Youth

B. Proposed activities and timelines

Phase 1 Maricopa Youth Sports Logo

The new logo of Maricopa Youth Sports has already been established and
does not need time for development. However, we want to allow two weeks to
create banners, posters, and other visual advertisements to spread around
the City of Maricopa, focusing on heavily travelled areas such as grocery
stores, restaurants, local school offices, and community gatherings for


Phase 2 Implementing an Independent Website

After researching the different aspects of creating a website, an estimated 3
to 4 weeks will be required to get a Maricopa Youth Sports site up and
functioning. During the waiting time, the rebranding process will be fully
concentrated on using the logo throughout the city to announce the soon
coming website and to create visual familiarity with the new brand.
Phase 3 Mentorship program through the high school
Phase 3 is estimated to take the longest to fully establish. If everything
goes with the schedule that has been laid out, the timeline of building the
mentorship program will go as follows:


Weeks 1-4
Establish a
with the
school board
and express
intentions to
create a

Weeks 4-12
Recruit a
base of
high school
athletes that
accept the
of being a

Weeks 12- 24
Form a fully
with full
from both
the Youth
and the
involved high


A. Costs associated with proposed rebranding strategies
In total, a first year budget of $11,860 will be requested to satisfy the costs of
all three phases. The cost of rebranding Maricopa Youth Sports has been broken down
between each phase.
Phase 1 is the least expensive stage in the rebranding process. The design of
the logo holds no cost itself, but the establishment of it around the city will initially cost
around $2,000. The $2,000 accounts for printing of banners, posters, and pamphlets,
and also includes the cost of distribution. Distribution costs are inclusive of occasional
mailing and supplies to hang the advertisements.
In total, the first year of implementing Phase 1 will cost approximately $2,000.


Phase 2 will likely be the most expensive, yet most rewarding step of the
rebranding effort. Researching website startup and maintenance costs leads us to
request an estimated $6,000 to cover the startup fee, with a $500 yearly maintenance
cost allowance. In addition, domain names cost $10 yearly, hosting costs $100 a year,
and marketing the new website online will cost around $750.
In total, the first year of implementing Phase 2 will cost approximately $7,360.

Phase 3 has the potential to have an incredibly unsteady expense rate.

Damages and equipment are two of the most unpredictable costs that must be taken
into account. To ensure an adequate budget, an initial $2,500 will be requested to
provide for sports equipment and replacement of such materials. This budget will also
provide for unexpected costs that may arise as the mentorship program progresses.

In total, the first year of implementing Phase 3 will cost approximately $2,500.

B. Proposed metrics to measure return on investment (ROI)

After the first year operating under the new brand of Maricopa Youth Sports,
there will be an in-depth analysis reviewing the effectiveness of the implemented
phases. Balance sheets from the first year will be compared with balance sheets from
previous years. It will then be assessed whether or not the new rebranding plan has
pulled any additional revenue, and whether or not it will be profitable long term. New
surveys will be distributed to Maricopa Youth Sports participants to assess whether or
not customer satisfaction has risen since the mentorship program has been put in place,


and since the efficient, interactive website has been established. Finally, the new
website itself will be used to note if there has been a substantial increase in registration
and site viewership.



"Executionists | Web Design, Development and Marketing Agency." Executionists | Web

Design, Development and Marketing Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.
"Professional Web Design & Marketing Company." - Professional Web Development &
Design. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2014.
"Youth Sports." Youth Sports. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2014.


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