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This is the Performa of the questionnaire used to collect the survey and come

to some conclusion about “MARKETING OF THE SWITCHES LISHA



Name: ______________________________________

Age: __________

Tel: (m) __________________ ; (R) _____________________

1. Purpose of buying LEON/LISHA switches

a. Retailing

b. Personal Use

c. Corporate / Office Use

d. Factory / Production Unit

2. How did you come to know about LEON/LISHA switches :

a. Advertisement

b. Word of mouth

c. Others

3. Are you satisfied with the quality of the LEON/LISHA switches :

a. Not satisfied :

b. Average :

c. Satisfied :

d. Extremely satisfied :

4. What do you feel about the pricing of LEON/LISHA switches :

a. Very expensive :

b. Expensive :

c. Reasonable :

d. Economical :

5. How do you rate the promotional activities of LEON/LISHA switches :

a. Excellent :

b. Good :

c. Poor :

6. Are the switches easily available in the market - Yes / No

7. Do you want the company to open more exclusive outlets - Yes / No

8. How do you rate the safety of LEON/LISHA switches :

a. Extreme safety :

b. Adequate safety :

c. Average safety :

d. Poor safety :

9. How do you rate the durability of LEON/LISHA switches :

a. Excellent :
b. Good :
c. Average :
d. Poor :

10.Are you satisfied with the packaging of LEON/LISHA switches :

a. Extremely satisfied :
b. Average satisfaction :
c. Satisfied :
d. Not satisfied :

11) Which of the following do you prefer regarding quality, design and safety wise:

Anchor Leon/Lisha Vega




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