Parts of Speech Lesson Plan Abbey Jarrell

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Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Teacher Candidate: Abigail Jarrell

Subject: Grammar
Central Focus: (Content of the lesson) Nouns and adjectives
Grade Level(s): 1

Lesson Plan Design 2014 adapted for EDUC1070

Date: 11/28/2014
Course for which the Lesson is developed:
Classroom Teacher: N/A
Time allotted: 40

Standard(s)/Benchmark(s) to be met in the Lesson: (ILS,

Common Core, or Professional Learning Standards) Each
standard should correspond to one or more objective.

Learning Objective(s):
What are the students expected to know and/or do in the lesson?
Write out each specific objective to be met by students in the lesson.

1L1.f Use frequently occurring adjectives

1SL5- Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions
when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings

Students will be able to differentiate between nouns and adjectives, name both nouns and
adjectives when asked to do so, and draw a picture of a noun and adjective of their choice.

(Identify the type(s) of assessment used in this lesson. Explain how it provides evidence that students will meet the objective(s). At least one type of assessment is
required in a lesson plan.)
Diagnostic (Pre-): (Formal or Informal) First, I will ask students what they already know about nouns and adjectives.
Formative: (Formal or Informal) During the lesson I will walk around the room and make sure that the students are organizing the nouns and adjectives under
the correct categories
Reflective: (Formal or Informal) After they organize the words, I will ask the students to reflect on the cut out words I gave them and tell me what makes the
adjectives different from the nouns
Summative: (Formal or Informal) I will have the students write a noun and an adjective to describe it and draw a picture of them on the iPad. They will share
their drawings with the class. I will ask the students to circle the noun and underline the adjective. If they are able to do so correctly, they will get full credit for
the assignment.

List the Academic Language used in the Lesson.

Include vocabulary, process terms, and syntax
Tier 1- Person, place, thing, descriptive,
Tier 2- Differentiate, name, draw
Tier 3- Noun, verb, parts of speech

Academic Language
Explain how the Academic Language is
scaffolded in the Lesson using Sensory, Graphic
and/or Interactive supports.
Students will hear me explain the difference
between nouns and adjectives and I will also show
examples on the board. They will interact with a

Describe the Evidence that Students know and use

Academic Language appropriately:

At the end of the lesson, if the students are able to

properly label the two words that their drawing is
about, this will prove that they understand the
academic language. I will also make sure that they

Implemented August 2013

Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate
in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Lesson Plan Design 2014 adapted for EDUC1070

partner during the sorting and drawing activity.

are using it correctly as I walk around the room.

Procedures: List in sequence the actions taken by teacher and students throughout the lesson.
A. Engage Students: (Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment must be included here.)
To start off the lesson, I will ask students what they know about nouns and adjectives
B. Communicate the Purpose of the Lesson to Students (Objectives and Assessment stated for students to understand):
I will explain to the students that by the end of the lesson they will be able to decide if a word is a noun or an adjective.
C. Instructional Sequence: (include technology this is a technology class)
First, I will show the students a school house rock video about nouns and adjectives.

D. Explain:
When the video is over, I will ask the students to raise their hands and tell me how we can tell the difference between a noun and an adjective.
E. Extend/Expand/Elaborate
Next, I will put the students in partners and hand every group of partners a bags with cut up words in them. The bag will contain the words noun and
adjective along with multiple examples of each. The students will then categorize all of the words under one of the two headings.

F. Monitoring Student Engagement and Learning: (What will the teacher do to ensure student engagement?)
I will walk around the room and have the students raise their hands as they finish organizing the words. I will check their work and provide them with
additional help if needed.
G. Student Interactions: (How will you structure opportunities for students to work with partners or in groups? What criteria will you use when forming
I will then hand every set of partners an iPad. They will pick any noun and adjective of their choice and draw a picture to show the two words that they
have chosen. Once they are finished, I will have the m circle the noun and underline the adjective. How they perform this last task will show me if they
have a proper understanding of the content of this lesson. They will be put in groups based on who is sitting near them. I will place them with partners.
H. Closure: Explain how the purpose of the Lesson is clearly restated by students & Evaluate (Objectives and Assessment include your
summative assessment here)
I will ask the students to name some nouns and adjectives for me so I know that they can point out the difference between the two and pick out their
own words for each.
Lesson Plan Details
Instructional Materials:
Video projector, cut out paper with nouns and adjectives written on them, iPads

Implemented August 2013

Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate
in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Lesson Plan Design 2014 adapted for EDUC1070

Use of Technology:
Projector for video and iPad
Safety in the Physical Environment:
I made sure that the app that I would use did not contain any inappropriate advertisements that would be seen by the students.

Implemented August 2013

Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate
in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

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