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This e-portfolio includes different lessons and items that I have created to show my

understanding based on the DSU Department of Education DESERT model standards. The
assignments posted are from my two years in the DSU Elementary Education program, and the
growth I experienced. The items shown are my signature assignments in a variety of subjects
which show how I am a competent, caring, and qualified teacher.
The comprehension lesson which I wrote shows that I can implement multiple
assessments to measure learner knowledge and skills (DM2). This occurs through the different
formative assessments and summative assessments I have included in the lesson. I make sure to
ask questions throughout the lesson which allows students to show me they understand the
content being taught. I have a summative assessment through the graphic organizer I created.
This proves how I can implement formative and summative assessments. I am able to adapt my
lessons based on the needs of the students. I must be competent in the use of these assessments in
order to use them effectively.
Another way to show I am a competent educator is the recording of a math lesson I
taught and the reflection I wrote. This shows how I am competent in using effective and
appropriate instruction to teach the different levels of my students (DM5). I teach two different
ability level groups during this math lesson each being on a different skill level. I have to adapt
my lesson and the vocabulary associated with it after switching to the lower level group. During
this video you will see that I must know my students needs in order to help them in the way they
Through my student assessment profile it shows I am a caring teacher by understanding
diversity differences and can use them to help benefit my students (DM1). During the assessment
I needed to get to know my students, so I could use their interests and differences to further their

education. I had to show my students I cared and wanted to get to know them. I was able to get
to know two of my students very well and was able to analyze the data I collected thoroughly.
After analyzing this data I made sure to implement their interests into the lessons I taught.
My educational philosophy proves I am a caring teacher by stating how I will focus on
the attention I give to my students and the acceptance of their educational needs (DM6).
Throughout this artifact I state my views on how I will teach my students and how my classroom
will function. I want to take care of my students needs, and make sure each one feels that they
are contributing in the class. My students will know I care about them, and want them to succeed
through anything they do.
I have demonstrated I am qualified by teaching with technology through my history
production. This shows my confidence in a certain subject matter (DM3), the Golden Spike. For
this artifact, I had to research my topic and put a video together that I could use in my own
classroom. I am confident in my ability to use and implement technology in my classroom.
Students are growing up in a technological world, and I show my qualifications and knowledge
through the video I created. I plan to use this video when I have my own fourth grade classroom.
The SIOP assessment project I wrote shows I am qualified in taking students assessments
and using them to create a positive emotional and physical environment (DM4). For this project I
analyzed student assessments and used them for the benefit of the students. I had to administer
the assessments to the students as if I was their teacher, and then follow up with the results. I
needed to show my qualifications for collecting, analyzing, and understanding the data. At the
end of this project I know I will be able to implement this procedure with other tests given. I now
understand the importance of collecting and implanting the data from tests.

Through all these artifacts in this e-portfolio it shows my experience and how I want to
run my own classroom. Along with this, these projects show I am able to use different strategies
to help my classroom succeed. With all of this being said, this e-portfolio shows I am able to
relate my projects to the DESERT model standards, and that I am a competent, caring, and
qualified educator.

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