Lesson Plan 7th Grade Healthy Relationships

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# 1: Nutrition and Physical Activity

Lesson Name: Run, Jump, Decisions

Summary/Overview of Lesson: Healthy Relationships Unit: Identifying warning signs of an
unhealthy relationship. Traffic light activity, Red Flag Activity, Relationship Bill of Rights reflection.

Michigan Benchmark(s):

National Benchmark(s):
3.1 Describe the characteristics of healthy

(positive) and harmful (negative)
5.8.4 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy
alternatives to health-related issues or problems.
3.9 Recognize warning signs of potential
danger in relationships

Student Friendly Benchmark(s)
I will be able to know the difference between signs of a good and bad relationship. I will be able
identify a warning sign of a possibly dangerous relationship.

Content: signs of healthy and unhealthy

Skills: determine if a persons actions or
relationships. Warning signs of a
behavior are caring and safe or disrespectful and
relationship turning bad or harmful.
harmful. Think critically on how good behaviors
can evolve into bad ones. Set a high standard of
treatment to result in a healthy relationship.

Differentiated Objective(s): Students will be able to recognize warning signs of an unhealthy
relationship and a healthy relationship. They will be able set a positive standard for the way they
would like to be treated by people they have relationships with as well as acknowledge their
obligation to treat others in a healthy manner.


Large pieces of yellow, red, and
Tape the three different sheets of paper to
green paper
different walls around the room.
Red pieces of paper (normal sized)
Create scenarios for all three categories of
good signs, warning signs, and bad signs in
Bill of Rights worksheet
a relationship. (Refer to Peel Public Health
Large white piece of paper
lesson if help is needed)
Have the Raise a Red Flag questions from

Kids Health website ready to recite; pick
out most important ones because the
activity might seem too long or repetitive.
Have enough Bill of Rights worksheets for
each student
Have classroom Bill of Rights sheet ready
with I have the right to. And I have the
Grade Level: High School Duration: 55 minutes Bloom Level: Analysis/Analyzing (4)

responsibility to written down.

Warm-Up/Anticipatory Set
As students enter the classroom, as them to write down the top 5 qualities they would
want in a partner and the top 5 they wouldnt want or wont tolerate. Good qualities in a
relationship should be a review of the previous day. Remind students that there are other
types of relationships besides romantic ones if they are struggling. When students are
finished writing down their thoughts, ask for a few people to share their answers. Underline
qualities that have already been said to show common wants or dislikes.

Activity One: Relationship Traffic Light
Step # 1: Explain to the students that the paper on the wall signifies a red light, a yellow light, and a
green light from a traffic light. Green means go, yellow means slow down, and red means stop.
Green means good sign, yellow means warning sign, and red means bad sign in a relationship.

Step # 2:Have students stand up. Explain that you will read off different scenarios a person might
face in a relationship and that they are to stand under the light that they feel would match. Make
sure to encourage independent thinking; dont stand at a light just because the majority of the class
is. Example: the scenario says, The person you are dating doesnt get along with your family.
Some students will be inclined to stand under the red light while others may stand under the yellow
depending on their own values and opinions.

Step # 3: Read off the scenarios you have created or borrowed from Peel Health Department
(scenarios are attached) and allow students time to think of their answer and stand under the light
they chose. Ask 2-3 students why they picked the color they did after every scenario, especially
those who picked a less popular color.

Teaching Tips: At least once, show how certain relationships will result in a different choice in color.
For example, it might be a bad /warning sign if your significant other is constantly calling or wanting
to know your whereabouts but it can be a sign of caring when a parent shows these behaviors.

Activity Two: Raise a Red Flag/Evolution of a Bad Relationship
Step #1: Pass out a red piece of paper to each student. Ask them to write their name in the center of
the flag and write some of their relationships they have around it such as mom, dad, best friend,
sister, etc.

Strand # 1: Nutrition and Physical Activity

Lesson Name: Run, Jump, Decisions

Step #2: Tell them to raise their red flag when you read off a situation from the Kids Health lesson
plan that would be troubling if your partner did it. If the situation is fine, ask the students how it
might evolve into a red flag situation. Example: your partner is proud when you succeed could
evolve into your partner becomes jealous of your success.

Teaching Tips: out of the 30 scenarios given, pick and choose. The activity will become too
repetitive. Also, add in a few more positive scenarios so the students have to think critically about
how a good relationship can grow into a bad one.

Activity 3: Relationship Bill of Rights
Step #1: pass out the Relationship Bill of Rights worksheet. Discuss with the students everything
they have learned that about recognizing good and bad relationships. Remind them that if they set a
high standard for the way they want others to treat them, their relationships will be have a better
chance at being a healthy one. But, they also have to remember that a relationship takes two, so they
need to be aware of the way they treat others as well.

Step#2: Ask students to fill out their own personal Bill of Rights, encourage at least three different
rights for each section. They have the right to be treated in certain ways and they have the
responsibility to treat others with respect as well.

Step #3: Put the classroom Bill of Rights (large white paper) at the front of the room. Depending on
time, you can either call on students to share their favorite right to write on the classroom bill or
have students come up in clusters with markers and write down their favorites so you have rights
from every student.

Questions at Blooms Level of Learn
Comprehension: Can you classify behaviors into good, warning, and bad signs of a relationship?
Analyzing: Compare characteristics of good relationship to a bad relationship.

Grade Level: High School Duration: 55 minutes Bloom Level: Analysis/Analyzing (4)

Make sure all students are
contributing to the conversations
surrounding healthy/unhealthy
behaviors. Collect Relationship Bill of
Rights and review answers.




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