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Grade 3 Unit of Inquiry October 2014
Unit of Inquiry
Central idea: Resolution of conflict is influenced by the actions of all involved.
Lines of inquiry:

Cause of conflict (local and global)

Human rights and equity
Strategies used to resolve conflict
Consequences of resolutions

Learning experiences:
Children will learn about conflict
resolution by looking at relationships and
citizenship locally and globally
Children will learn about their needs and
wants in life, how their actions affect
themselves and others, why they should
care about others feelings and how they
have their own rights as a child
Children will understand that there are
positive and negative conseqeunces of


Provide opportunities for students to express their opinions.

Encourage students to include relevant information to develop content and ideas when

Make the connections between letters and sounds

Decode text and recognize words

Infer appropriate meaning from texts through reading in reading sessions; guided, shared,

Use standard units of measurement to solve problems in real-life situations involving
temperature (Centigrade & Fahrenheit)
Use fast recall of addition and subtraction number facts in real-life situations.

Add and subtract decimals in real-life situations, including money


Athletics - Propelling objects in sports is influenced by the equipment we choose and how we
use our body


Perspective Use for photography. Peace signs - Conflicts

Create students blogs to serve as online portfolios
Create a newspaper in Publisher program

Students will learn steady beats and they can write on the music sheet
Introduce the Ukulele

Books about Peace Looking at different perspectives of a conflict in a story write new
endings for stories
Fieldtrip dates:

To be advised.

Upcoming events:

Ashura 3rd November

Winter Holiday 19th December

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