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Erin Jacoby and Brittany Wynn

Iodine on the Periodic TabIe
» Atomic Symbol: Ì
» Atomic Number: 53
» Molecular Weight: 126.90447u
Functions of Iodine
» Production of thyroid hormones - main function
» Homeostasis
» Lowers blood pressure
» Reduce serum cholesterol
» Healthy mucous membranes
Thyroid Hormones
» Ìmportance
· Healthy mental and physical development
· Nervous system development
· T3 and T4 hormones - regulate metabolic process
· Linear growth
· Stimulate oxygen consumption
Thyroid Hormones Continued
» Released from the pituitary gland
» 3 transport proteins required to bind T3 and
T4 to be released in blood
· Albumin and Prealbumin used to transport
» Regulates
· Enzymatic Activity
· Protein synthesis
MetaboIic Pathways
» Majority of Ìodine is stored in the thyroid
» Dietary Ìodine is free in the body
· Ìodate or Ìodide
· Bound to an amino acid
MetaboIic Pathways - Digestion
» Enters gastrointestinal tract
· Bound Ìodide are freed or convert to Ìodide
· 90% absorbed in stomach
» Freed Ìodide enters bloodstream
· Enters body tissues from bloodstream
Primary Receptor for Iodine
» Thyroid Gland (70-80%)
· Absorb largest quantities of
· Passes through thyroid gland
via an active transport system
u Carries Ìodide with 2 Na
Pregnancy and Lactation
» Higher hormone requirements
· Ìncreases in thyroid function
» Lactation - lose Ìodine in breast milk
· Normal thyroid activity and brain development
6, 7, 8
Recommended Dietary AIIowance (RDA)
Age Male Females Pregnant Lactating
Birth - 6 months 90-110ug 90-110ug
7-12 months 90-130ug 90-130ug
1-5 years 90ug 90ug
6-12 years 120ug 120ug
13-18 years 120ug 120ug 220ug 290ug
19+ years 120ug 120ug 220ug 290ug
1, 6, 7, 8
Iodine Deficiencies
» Congenital abnormalities
» Goiter
» Hyperthyroidism
» Chronic Autoimmune
Thyroiditis (CAT)
» Stunted physical growth
» Deafness
» Ìmpaired mental abilities
» Neonatal creatinism
» Reproductive damage
» Mortality
1, 3, 9, 10
Iodine Deficiencies
» Who it can affect
· Anyone from birth to death
· High risk - pregnant/lactating women
· Most common
u Elderly
u Hypertension patients
1, 3, 4, 9, 10
Iodine Deficiencies - Hyperthyroidism
» Thyroid gland reduces hormone production
» Ìf left untreated:
· Goiter
· Obesity
· Heart Disease
· Ìnfertility
Iodine Deficiencies - Causes & SoIutions
» Causes
· Farmland soil is Ìodine-deficient
· Decreased use of iodized salt
» Solutions
· Promoting public awareness
· Fortified foods (dairy, salt, etc.)
3, 10, 11, 12
Iodine Toxicity
» UL: 1,100ug/day
» Signs of toxicity
· Burning of stomach, throat, mouth
· Nausea
· Vomiting
· Diarrhea
· Fever
1, 13
Iodine Toxicity
» Negative Consequences
· Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis (CAT)
· Ìodine-induced Hyperthyroidism (ÌÌH)
· Goiter
· Thyroid Cancer
» Excess Ìodine removed from body in urine
Food Sources
» Dairy Products
» Seafood
» Eggs
» Bread
» Water
» Kelp
» Some Vegetables
» Ìodized Salt
4, 9, 10, 14
Iodine Consumption
» Levels of Ìodine in food depend on:
· Rocks and soil of region
u Below 2.0ug/L = deficient
· Ìodine consumption of animal
u Meat is not a significant source
4, 9, 10, 11, 14
Iodine Fortification
» Planted in Ìodine-rich soil
» Animals fed specific diets
· Pigs - not a significant source
· Chicken eggs - significant
· Cow milk - significant
9, 15
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9. Brantsæter AL, Haugen M, Julshamn K, Alexander J, Meltzer HM. Evaluation oI urinary iodine excretion as a biomarker Ior intake oI milk and dairy products in pregnant women in the
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10. Sekhon BS. Iodine: A support against inIections and emerging as an antibiotic. J Pharm Educ Res. 2012 June; 3(1):35-39.
11. Rahman A, Deacon N, Panther B, Chesters J, Savige G. Is Gippsland environmentally iodine deIicient? Water iodine concentrations in the Gippsland region oI Victoria, Australia.
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12. Mirmiran P, PhD, Nazeri P, MSc, Amiri P, PhD, Mehran L, MD, Shakeri N, PhD, Azizi F, MD. Iodine Nutrition Status and Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior in Tehranian Women
Following 2 Decades Without Public Education. J oI Nutr Education and Behavior. 2013; 45(5):412-419.
13. Carvalho AL, Costa de Souza Meirelles CJ, Oliveira LA, Costa TMB, Navarro AM. Excessive iodine intake in schoolchildren. Eur J Nutr. 2012; 51:557-562.
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