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Science Reflection

While some may view science as just a subject, science is more than just that. Science is part of our
everyday lives. It explains the who, what, when, where, and why of everyday life. In order for students to
truly appreciate science, the teacher must have and understand basic scientific facts as well as engineering.
The standards for all grades are divided into four categories: Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth
Sciences, and Investigation and Experimentation. Science answers many questions of life. It builds a
foundation for future engineers, the designers of the world. In order for students to appreciate science for
what it is, teachers must make curriculum active, not just information that is memorized. They must build
foundational skills and knowledge for students to learn core concepts, principles, and theories of science.
Classroom teachers must always provide rational explanations for phenomena, not magical ones. They need
to be honest about what they do not know and be enthusiastic about learning new things along with their
students. They must systematically increases in depth, breadth, and complexity of their students. Skills are
needed to teach science well, so training programs for teachers need to be aware of the students'
expectations. Science is a great opportunity to develop vocabulary, and math skills. In addition, science can
be an interactive way for students to learn to be scientifically literate citizens. Teachers must teach the
Scientific Method, Scientific Practice and Ethics, Science and Technology, and Science and Society. They
should have resources for teaching science and technology. Science must be taught in a way that is scholarly
yet engaging.
For me, there have been three classes that have made an impact in my knowledge. Biology, Physics
for teachers, and Earth Science for teachers have enhanced my understanding of how to teach science. My
classes as well as fieldtrips associated in science have helped me grasp a better understanding of the subject.
For my Earth Science for teachers, we went to the Natural History Museum, seeing the rocks, instead of just
viewing pictures helped me learn about the rock cycle. I have learned many things throughout these courses.
For example, I know what Newton's Laws are, as well as the Water Cycle, Earth's layers, Convection vs.
Conduction, Biology (mitosis vs. meiosis) and the planets. I believe I am well prepared in the areas of
Physics and Earth Science. Although, I have taken Biology and earned an A, I believe my development in

Biology needs a little more help. Through more thorough reading and experience, my knowledge, as well as,
my ability to impact my students should increase.
For my science artifacts, I will use some examples of my lab assignments, a picture of a California 3D map, and my lesson plan on the life cycle of bats. One of the main standards for science is Investigation
and Experimentation. Students must understand the Scientific Method; my lab examples show my
understanding of the scientific method and experimentation. The California 3-D map can be used for the
Kindergarten standards ( 3. Earth is composed of land, air, and water. As a basis for understanding this
concept: a. Students know characteristics of mountains, rivers, oceans, valleys, deserts, and local
landforms.)and in the sixth grade science standards (6.1 Plate tectonics accounts for important features of
Earths surface and major geologic events). Although this artifact is in the science tab, it can also be used to
teach social science/history for the third and fourth grade (3.1 Students describe the physical and human
geography and use maps, tables, graphs, photographs, and charts to organize information about people,
places, and environments in a spatial context and 4.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the physical
and human geographic features that define places and regions in California). This artifact demonstrates the
correlation between many subjects. The last artifact on this page can be used to teach life cycles, although
the standard is in the second grade, it can be adjusted to meet the Life Science of various grade levels. My
work samples show that there is an overall understanding in Science. That Science reflects what we do, what
is around us, and what life is about. Through these works, I will be able to apply many of the concepts used
to teach me, to teach others the importance of Science.

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