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JULY 2014

July Meeting (8th)

The speaker at our July meeting
will be Rowena Lovett - A lingerie
designers life.

Next Meeting
There will be no meeting in
Our next meeting is 9th September,
when the speaker will be Karen
Roberts - Come laugh with me.
There are four members with a Birthday in July.
Happy birthday to Jane Brown, Margaret Hirst, Dawn Davidson
and Diane McHarg from all of us.
Competition Table July meeting
Kathy is still in the lead.
Dont forget to bring something connected with lingerie this month.
County Show Sunday 22nd June
Thanks to Julie and Sue M for representing Heage WI and helping out at the
County Show. Apparently it was hard work but very enjoyable.
Belper Harriers event 28th June
Thanks to Sue M, Jenny and Diane for providing cakes and running a WI stall
for the runners at this event. They raised 65 for Heage WI.
Walk across the Chevin Saturday 28 June
20 members of Heage and other local WIs, with husbands,
friends (and 4 dogs) walked across the Chevin on 28 June.
Adrian Farmer from Belper Mills provided a very interesting
talk and it was enjoyed by all. We raised 60 for Belper Mills
and 35 for Heage WI.
Heage St Lukes Church - Flower
Festival June 28 & 29
Thanks to Helen, Sue B, Kathy and Janette
for their work on the WI flower arrangement
this year, entitled The storm and the
shipwreck. The flower festival raised over
700 towards church funds.

Barge Trip Thursday 10th July 6pm for 6.30pm

You will need to supply your own food and drink for this event.
40 Years of Derbyshire House
A booklet is to be published in June 2014 celebrating the 40th
anniversary of the opening of Derbyshire House.
See our notice board for details of how to get one.
Sians Garden Project
The promised 200 has arrived and we will be arranging
publicity soon. Dont forget - We still need your help to keep
the flower bed weed-free and watered.
Bakewell Show Weds 6th &Thurs 7th August
Heage WI will be helping on the Dabble Table at Bakewell Show this year.
Dont forget to visit the WI tent to say hello if you are going.
DFWI Carol Service Celebrating a festive weekend.
Fri 5th and Sat 6th December 2014 at Chesterfield.
With overnight stay, evening meal and pantomime. Learn more
at our meeting and on the information table.
Closing date for applications 25th July.
Bonsall Art Competition 2014
Theme: Poppies. Closing date Monday 14 July 2014.
See notice board for details.
Autumn Federation meeting
Tuesday 7th October.
At the County Cricket Ground, Derby. Guest
Speakers Michael Portillo and Angela Baker (an
original WI Calendar Girl). This has proven to be a
very popular event. Tickets have already been
ordered for those who wanted to attend.
Dont forget to visit our Website at:
and Facebook at:
and Twitter at: @heagewi
Over to you
If you have anything you think should be in the August newsletter, please send
your suggestion to Janette before 29 July.

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