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Assalmu Alaikum.

According to meeting minutes of 10th ALCO meeting held on May 18, 2014, there has been taken a
decision against Double Benefit schemes tenor.
Agenda: Other
Particulars: Complexity in Double Benefit Schemes tenor.
In this connection, the decision has been taken that the product tenor will be 5 Years 4 Months. But
from the beginning in our ABABIL software the product is declared as 5 years 5 months and the
specified profit rate regarding this is 13.66. But for changing the product to 5 years 4 months the profit
rate will be changed according to method.
In this regard, IAD has recalculated and guided us to set profit rate as 13.85.
So please confirm us, the said profit rate is correct. A product parameter has been attached for your
concern; if necessary to change any field please inform us.

ICT Division,
Union Bank Limited

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