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hey siewert:)

sorry for the very late reply.

thanks for the updates from you.
i dont thinkt that there's much more of interesting things that happened with me.
i wrote and an exam for english language proficiency "IELTS" and scored good enough for the requirements for gettign
admission in foreign uni.
i am goin to register in the educational consultance next month.
they would suggest me with soem universities over there in germany.
i hope you could help e to find out which is better.
i dont know if this is polite to ask you about your personal life.
but i never heard about your marital status.
yer married?
gf means you are not married to her?
i had these questin coz i am not familiar with the life style over there.
i hope your father's condition would get better sooon..
we have to be in their shoes to know how much pain they are goin through.
i have exam for next 2 weeks.
please be patient with me when i dont reply fast.
see you soon dear friend.
take care.
really..take care:)

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