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Unit 1: friendship
Lesson: Reading
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will:
- understand more about friendship
- develop reading skills: reading for main ideas and specific information,
guessing the meaning of the words
II. Language content: words about friendship
III. Skills: Reading + Listening/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:



Teacher has students say something about the picture in

the book and then practise reciting the poem on the next
page and discuss the question:
- What is the poem about ?
- What do you think of the friend in the poem?
- Sts answer: The friend in the poem is sincere and
- T leads in the text
Today we are going to read a passage about friendship


Task 1:
- T guides sts to read the words in the box and checks or
explains their meanings.
ngi quen
ln nhau
give and take:
cho v nhn
loyal to(adj):
trung thnh
hoi nghi
- suspect (v)/ suspicion (n)
- Students work individually to do task 1, then compare the
answers with a partner.
- Students read aloud their answers
Task 2:
- Students work individually to get the main idea of the
passage, then compare the answers with a partner.
- Students read aloud their answers

- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:

B (Conditions of true friendship)
Task 3:
- T orders sts to read all the questions carefully and then
underline the keywords in each questions
- Students work in pairs to find which paragraph the answer
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness. It tells
us that a person who is concerned only with his own interests
and feelings cannot be a true friend.
2, Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of true
friendship because they take up an interest with enthusiasm,
but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of
some new object.
3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It tells us that
the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must
know each other so well that there can be no suspicious
between them.


- Students work in pairs or in groups, discuss the questions:

"Why do we need to have friends?"
- Ask some students to present their discussion in front of the
- Give feedback
- Reading tasks (Workbook, p 4-5)

Unit 1: friendship
Lesson: Speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will:
- understand more about friendship
- describe a friend's appearance and characteristics
II. Language content: words about friendship
III. Skills: Speaking + Reading/Writing/Listening
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards

V. Procedure:

Lead in:
Look at the picture. How many people are there in the picture?
Can you guess the age of each of them? Now let's start with the
physical description of the man. Is he tall or short?...
Task 1
- T orders sts to list the useful language to describe one person.
height: tall, tallish, short, shortish, medium, etc
face: oval, large, square, long
forehead: broad, high, short, round, wrinkled
hair: curly, wavy, glossy, dyed, long, short, shoulderlength, straight, sleek(mt m)
S + be + adj
S + have/has got + noun/ noun phrase
Eg: She is beatiful
She has got a straight nose
- Students read aloud in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.


Task 2
- Students work in groups of 3 or 4, discuss the important
characteristics of a person and a friend in particular.
- Guide students to arrange the characteristics in the order of
- Call on some students from each group to report their
discussion and explain their answers.
- Give feedback
- T may order sts to describe a person who has such above


Students work in pairs, act out an interview.

- Assign role and task for students: interviewer and interviewee.
- Guide students to make questions and how to answer.
What is your friends name?
When was she/he born?
Can you describe some physical characteristics?
(What does he/she look like?)
What made him /her sucessful?
What does he/she do in his/her free time?
Useful language:
His or her personalities:

Friendly, humorous, quick-witted = clever, good- naturued,

helpful, honest, pleasant, caring.
Ask students to practice the interview
- Call on some pairs to present in front of the class.
- Give feedback

Speaking exercise (Workbook, p9-10)

Unit 1: friendship
Lesson: Listening
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will:
- understand more about friendship
- Listen for specific information and main ideas
II. Language content: words about friendship, useful expressions
III. Skills: Listening + Reading/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:


Pre - listening-T introduces the topic of listening:

In this lesson you will listen to people talk about their best
friends. But now, please talk about your best friend first. Look
through all the questions. Can you answer them all?
Students work in pairs, answer the questions
1. Who is your best friend?
2. How did you happen to meet him or her?
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Play tapes and have students to practice words. T can explain
their meanings if neccessary
apartment building: trung c

- Teacher introduces the context:

You will hear Lan and Long talk about their best friends. Listen
to their talks and then do the tasks that follow.
Task 1
T orders sts to read all the questions carefully and underline the

key words so that they can understand them well before

- Play the tape once or two times
- Ask students to work in pairs, decide whether the statements
are True or False.
- Students read their answers
- Teacher play the tape again to check and gives correct
answers and explaination.
Lan's Talk
1. F (They used to live in the same residential area, but not
the shame apartment)
2. F(She doesnt think so, but it is people often say )
3. T(She satyed with me for two days)
Long's Talk
- structures:
have a lot in common:
c nhiu im tng
help sb out of difficulties: gip ai vt qua kh khn
1. F(they first met at college)
2. F(Long sang and Minh was a guitarist)
Task 2
- Play the tape again
- Students work individually, listen and take note to complete
the table
- Students compare their answers with a partner
- Students read their answers
- Teacher gives correct answers
How and where they met

What they like about

their friends


- They used to live in the

same residential area in
- Lan went on a holiday to
Do Son and Ha went
there to visit her.

- Ha's very friendly and

- Ha's sociable. She's got
many friends in Do Son
and she introduced Lan


- They met in college

- Minh played the guitar ,
Long was a singer
- They worked together

- Minh has a sense of

- Minh likes to go to
plays and movies
- Minh is a good listener
- Minh is friendly and

Post listening

- Students work in pairs, in turn talk about the friendship of Lan

and Ha, Long and Minh.
- Some students present in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.


- Revise old lessons

- Prepare for writing lesson

Unit 1: friendship
Lesson: Writing

I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will:

- understand more about friendship
- Writing about friends
II. Language content: words about friendship
III. Skills: Writing + Reading/Listening/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:


Pre-Writing - Introduce the aim of the lesson: Write a description of a friend

-T calls two sts to come to the blackboard and write down the
words used to describe a person.
Physical characteristics:
height: tall, tallish, short, shortish, medium, etc
face: oval, large, square, long
forehead: broad, high, short, round, wrinkled
His/her personalities:
Friendly, humorous, quick-witted = clever, goodnaturued, helpful, honest, pleasant, caring, easygoing, sincere, helpful, tolerant
How to make a complete writing
Opening : Introduce the friends name, age, sex, and
home address, when and where you met him or her.
Body:- describe his/her physical characteristics
- describe his/her personalities
Conclusion: What you like or admire about him or her.

- Teacher gives feedback

WhileWriting - Students use the guidelines to write a paragraph describing
their friends
- Use peer correction
- Students self correct the mistakes in their writing, then write
the second draft.
- Teachers pick up some of the writings, correct mistakes and
give feedback for the whole class.
Post-writing - Students work in groups of 3 or 4, discuss the most important
characteristic of a good friend.
- Some representatives report in front of the class.
- The rest of the class gives comments.
- The teacher gives feedback.

- Task 1, 3 (Workbook, p10 - 11)

Unit 1: friendship
Lesson: Language focus
I. Language content: Infinitive with "to", infinitive without "to"
II. Skills: Integrated skills
III. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
IV. Procedure:


Pronunciation/ / - /
Listen and Repeat
- Teacher shows how to pronounce two sounds
- Teacher read aloud the words as a model
- Students read after the teacher
- Call some students to read the words
Practice reading aloud these sentences
- Play the tape or read aloud the sentences as a model
- Have students to find out the two sounds
- Students work individually to practice these sentences
- Teacher gives help if necessary.

Exercise 1
- Present the usage of To-infinitive

ng t nguyn th c to (infinitive with to) c s dng

din t mc ch. Chng tr li cho cu hi Why . .
Eg: I am learning English to get a good job.
Dng sau cc t hi nh who, what, where, how . . .
Eg: I dont know who to speak to.
Some other structures:
Its + adjective + infinitive
S + be +adjective + to + infinitive
the structures to give reason
too+ adjective/ adverb + infinitive
adjective/adverb+ enough+ infinitive
Eg: I am too young to drive
He isn t old enough to go to school.
- Ask students to work in pairs to rearrange the sentences, and
use an infinitive with "to".
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers
1. Who wants something to eat?
2. I have some letters to write.
3. I am/was delighted to hear the news.
Exercise 2
- Present the usage of infinitive without "to"
make + somebody + Verb bare infinitive
Dng sau cc ng t cm quan: hear, see, feel, watch
Note:- nu theo sau cc ng t hear, see, feel, watch + Vinfinitive : nghe nhn thy ton b hnh ng hay s vic
- nu theo sau cc ng t hear, see, feel, watch + V-ing :
ch nghe nhn thy mt phn hnh ng hay s vic khi n
ang din ra
- Ask students to work in pairs to rewrite the sentences, using
bare infinitive.
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers
1. The police watched them get out of the car
2. They let him write a letter to his wife
3. They heard them talk in the next room,
4. The customs officer made him open the briefcase.
ConsolidationRewrite these sentences with the words given
1. Why did he make that remark? It was very rude.
2. I enjoyed going by train. It was safer.

It .

Ex 1, 2, 3 (Workbook, p6,7,8)

Unit 2: personal experiences
Lesson: Reading
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- develop reading skills: reading for main ideas and specific information,
guessing the meaning of the words
II. Language content: past simple, past continuous, past perfect
III. Skills: Reading + Listening/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:

- Students work in pairs, look at the pictures in the text book,
and tell what these pictures are about.
- Guided questions:
o Who do you think they are?
o Where are they?
o What are they doing?
- Guide students to guess the story.

- Vocabulary pre-teach
affect (v):
appreciate (v):
attitude (n):
confidence (n):
embarrassing (adj):

nh hng
coi trng, nh gi
s t tin, lng tin
ngng ngng, lng


- Ask students to read the text silently once or two times, and
do the following tasks:
Task 1: Use the words to fill in the blanks in the
- T orders sts to skim the passage and underline the
words/phrases in the passage and helps them to guess the
meanings basing on the context.
- Students work individually to do task 1, and then compare the
answers with a partner.
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. glanced
2. making a fuss
3. embarrassing
4. idols
5. sneaky
Task 2: Put the pictures of events in the order they
happened in the story.
- Students work in pairs to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. d
2. b
3. f
4. e
5. a
6. c
Task 3
- T orders sts to read the questions carefully and underline the
key words in each question, then find which paragraph and
sentence the answer appear.
- Students work in pairs to answer the questions
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. A red floppy cotton hat.
2. So that she could buy the hat for herself.


- Students work in groups, discuss the questions: What do you

think the girl had to do after she discovered that the money
she had taken from the boy's bag was not hers?
- Ask some students to present their discussion in front of the
- Give feedback
- Suggestion:


o Put up a notice at the school board

o Get on the same bus the next day and look for the boy to
return the money to him.
o Do nothing
o Keep it a secret
o Tell her father and ask him for advice

- Make sentences with new words

- Tell the story and express your opinions.

Unit 2: personal experiences
Lesson: Speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk about their own experiences in the past and its effects
II. Language content: past simple, past continuous, past perfect, useful
III. Skills: Speaking + Reading/Writing/Listening
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:



Task 1: Match the things you might have done or

experienced in box A with how experience might have
affected you in box B
-Present the meanings of words and structures in boxes A and B
nh gi cao, coi trng
teach sb a lesson:
dy cho ai bi hc
- Students work in pairs to do the task
- Students read aloud in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.
1. d
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. e


Task 2: A student is talking to her friend about one of

her past experiences and how it affected her. The lines
in their conversation are jumbled. Put them in the
correct order, then practice the dialogue.
- Students work pairs to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Give correct answers
1. b
2. d
3. h
4. a
5. e
6. g
7. c
8. f


- Ask students to practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Call on some groups to act out in front of the class.
- Give feedback

- Ask students to use the structures used to talk about past

experiences in Task 2 and ideas in Task 1 to make similar
- Useful expressions:
o Have you ever .?
o How did it happen?
o When did it happen?
o How did the experience affect you?
- The teacher goes around the class to give help.
-be seriously ill:
- What(what disease did you get?)
- When (when did you fall ill?)
- How(how did you get the disease?)
- How(how did the experience affect you?)
sts practise making the dialogue by asking and answering the
above questions
- Call on some pairs to present in front of the class.
- Give feedback, correct mistakes for the whole class.


Speaking task (Workbook, p16)

Unit 2: personal experiences
Lesson: Listening
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- improve listening comprehension about the past experiences of a person
and its effects.
II. Language content: past simple, past continuous, past perfect, useful
III. Skills: Listening + Reading/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:


Pre - listening - Introduce the topic and aims of the listening lesson.



- Students look at the pictures and answer the lead-in question:

What's happening in the picture?
Can you see a fire?
Whats burning?
Can you see a woman
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Present the meaning of the words if necessary


- Teacher introduces the situation

Christina is being interviewed about the most unforgettable
experience I her life. Listen to the interview and do the tasks
Task 1: Decide whether the statements are TRUE or
- Sts read all the sentences and underline the key words in
each statement
- Play the tape once or two times
- Ask students to work in pairs, decide whether the statements
are True or False.
- Students read their answers
- Teacher gives correct answers
1. T
2. F (It happened thirteen years ago)
3. F(It started in the kitchen)
Task 2: Fill in the gaps
- Ask students to read through the task
- Play the tape again
- Students work individually, listen and fill in the gaps
- Students compare their answers with a partner
- Students read their answers
- Teacher gives correct answers
1. small
2. everything
3. family
4. replaced
5. took

Post listening

- Students work in groups, discuss Christina's view point:

"Family is more important than things"
Where do you get love/care from your family or things?
Can you buy new clothes?
- Some students present in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.


- Revise old lessons



- Prepare for writing lesson

Unit 2: personal experiences
Lesson: Writing
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a personal letter
to decribe a past experience.
II. Language content: past simple, past perfect tenses, linking words
III. Skills: Writing + Reading/Listening/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards....
V. Procedure:


Pre-Writing - Introduce the aim of the lesson: Write about a past experience
- Ask students to think of types of experience they know.
- Suggestion:
most embarrassing/ frightening/ unhappy/happiest/ funniest
- Students work in pairs, choose one of these types of
experiences to discuss and make an outline.
- Suggestion:
When it happened
Where it happened
How it happened
Past experiences:
- winning a competition
- failing a exam
- getting a reward
- being seriously ill
Now T orders sts to make questions for the past experience they
choose to disscuss
getting a reward
Possible questions:
- What/ receive?
- When/receive?
- For what?
- How/feel?
- How/affect?
- Go around the class to give help.


- Remind students of the form and requirements of a letter.

WhileWriting - Students use the answers discussed to write a personal letter
decribing their past experiences.
- Use peer correction
- Students self correct the mistakes in their writing, then write
the second draft.
- Teachers pick up some of the writings, correct mistakes and
give feedback for the whole class.
Post-writing - Students work in groups of 3 or 4, tell about their experiences
- Some representatives report in front of the class.
- The rest of the class gives comments.
- The teacher gives feedback.

- Summarise main points

- Assign homework

Unit 2: personal experiences
Lesson: Language focus
I. Language content: sounds /m/ - /n/ - / /, Present simple indicating past
time, the past simple, past progressive and past perfect tenses.
II. Skills: Integrated skills
III. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
IV. Procedure:


Pronunciation/ m / - / n / - / /
Listen and Repeat
- Teacher shows how to pronounce three sounds
- Teacher read aloud the words as a model
- Students read after the teacher
- Call some students to read the words
Practice reading aloud these sentences
- Play the tape or read aloud the sentences as a model
- Have students to find out the two sounds
- Students work individually to practice these sentences
- Teacher gives help if necessary.

Exercise 1: Use the correct present tenses forms of the

verbs in brackets.


- Present the use of the present tenses to indicate past time: to

make the events more vivid.
(thng c s dng k li ni dung cu chuyn hay mt b
phim. Mc ch lm cho tnh tit trong cu chuyn sinh
ng hn v gn gi vi thc t hn)
- Ask students to work individually to do the task.
- Ask students to read aloud their answers
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences by putting the verbs
into the past simple or past progressive.
- Present the uses of the past simple and the past progressive
Past simple: refers to an action happening in the past
Past progressive: refers to the situation of the action.
- Ask students to work individually to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers
1. broke/ was playing
2. wrote / was
3. was working/ broke
Exercise 3: Write the sentences, putting the verbs in
each sentences into the past simple or the past perfect
- Present the uses of the past simple and the past perfect
Past simple: refers to an action happening in the past
Past perfect: refers to an action happening before a past
- Ask students to work individually to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers

- Summarise main points

- Assign homework


written test (45 mins)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the other words.
1) A. change
B. children
C. machine
D. church
2) A. guitarist
B. passenger
C. generous
D. village
3) A. other
B. long
C. possible
D. constancy
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the
other words.
4) A. number
B. eager
C. special
D. affair
5) A. feeling
B. believe
C. ready
D. easy
6) A. acquaintance B. interest
C. capable
D. sympathy
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
7) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ....................... aid.
A. together
B. unselfish
C. mutual
D. friend
8) He is too ....................... to lend me his bicycle.
A. selfish
B. enthusiastic
C. helpful
D. pleasant
9) Suddenly she recognized the ....................... of the situation that made her
A. wonder
B. pleasure
C. understanding D. humour
10) He is a .............person because he is always friendly with everyone.
A. helpful
B. good-natured C. honest
D. quick-witted
11) If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a.............
A. loyalty
B. sympathy
C. constancy
12) A ..................... friendship is a precious relation ship.
A. mutual
B. sincere
C. generous
D. successful
13) A good marriage is based on ................................ .
A. trust
B. loyalty
C. secret
D. A & B
14) The children seem to be totally .............................. of working quietly by
A. unable
B. impossible
C. incapable
D. not able
15) They let their children ................................ up late at weekends.
A. staying
B. stay
C. to stay
D. stayed
16) The children were eager ............................ their parents.
A. to see
B. see
C. seeing
D. saw
17) Id rather ........................... at home.
A. to stay
B. staying C. stayed
D. stay
18) Peter is very funny. He makes me ........................... a lot
A. laugh
B. to laugh
C. laughing
D. laughed
19) They noticed him .......................... the agreement.
A. sign
B. to sign
C. signing
D. signed
20) Its important for her ............................ the office.
A. ringing
B. ring
C. rang
D. to ring


21) They would .................. go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A. like
B. rather
C. prefer
D. better
22) The boss made ......................... for a meeting after work.
A. us to stay
B. us stay
C. us staying
D. us to staying
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
23) I couldnt make my car to start this morning.
24) There are a lot of work to do here.
25) Im sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes.
26) Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.
27) Im delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study.
III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.
28) That was a very strange question (ask) ........................... .
29) It was very kind of you (show)................................. the way.
30) The teacher let him (stay) ..................... at home to finish the assignment.
31) It was quite a surprise (see) .............................. him again.
32) I overheard him (say) ..................... that he didnt want to learn Math.
33) She stood there and watched him (drive) ............................. away.
34) It was very difficult for her (drive)............................ the motorbike.
35) I could feel the robber (come) ............................. from the backdoor.
Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.
My names Mandi. Three months ago, I went to disco where I met a boy called
Tom. I guessed he was older than me, but I liked him and thought it didnt
matter. We danced a couple of times, then we chatted. He said he was 18, then
asked how old I was. I told him I was 16. I thought that if I told him my real age,
he wouldnt want to know me, as Im only 13.
After the dicso we arranged to meet the following weekend. The next
Saturday we went for a burger and had a real laugh. Afterwards he walked me to
my street and kissed me goodnight. Things went really well. We see each other a
couple of times a week, but Ive had to lie to my parents about where Im going
and who with. Ive always got on with them, but I know if they found out how
Tom was theyd stop me seeing him.
Now I really dont know what to do. I cant go on lying to my parents every
time I go out, and Ton keeps asking he cant come around to my house. Im
really worried and I need some advice.
36) Why has Mandi written this?
A. to describe her boyfriend
B. to prove how clever she is
C. to explain a problem
D. to defend her actions
37) Who is she writing to?
A. her boyfriend
B. her parents
C. a teenage magazine
D. a school friend
38) Why is Mandi worried?
A. Shes been telling lies.
B. Tom has been behaving strangely.
C. Shes not allowed to go to disco. D. Her parents are angry with her.
39) Why cant Tom come to Mandis house?
A. She doesnt want her parents to meet him.
B. Her parents dont like him.
C. Hes nervous of meeting her parents.
D. She doesnt want him to see where she lives.


40) Which of these answers did Mandi receive?

A. Tell me what you really feel.
B. You must start by being honest with everyone.
C. Everyones unfair to you.
D. Dont worry. Im sure Tom will change his mind.
Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.
41) tell/ have/ news/ We/ to/ not/ got/ any/ you
42) to/ 8.00/ for/ Its/ be/ before/ impossible/ me/ there
43) man/ through/ window/ 5/ I/ minutes/ jump/ the/ saw a/ ago
44) me/ to/ with/ in/ They/ Florida/ invited/ stay/ them
45) hair/ friend/ My/ has/ face/ and/ black/ an/ oval
I. Preparation: English papers, key to the questions
II. Steps
1. Organization
2. Correction: - Correct the test
- Students write down the answers.
I. 1) C. machine
2) A. guitarist
3) A. other
II. 4) D. affair
5) B. believe
6) A. acquaintance
I. 7) C. mutual
8) A. selfish
9) D. hunour
10) A. helpful
11) C. constancy 12) B. sincere
13) D. A & B
14) C. incapable
15) B. stay
16) A. to see
17) D. stay
18) A. laugh
19) A. sign
20) D. to ring
21) B. rather
22) B. us stay
II. 23) C. start
24) A. There is25) B. of
26) B. based
27) B. to hear
III. 28) to ask
29) to show
30) stay
31) to see
32) say
33) drive
34) to drive
35) come
36) C. to explain a problem
37) C. a teenage magazine
38) A. Shes been telling lies.
39) A. She doesnt want her parents to meet him.
40) B. You must start by being honest with everyone.
41) We have not any news to tell you.
42) Its impossible for me to be there before 8.00.
43) I saw a man jump through the window 5 minutes ago.
44) They invited me to stay with them in Florida.
45) My friend has an oval face and black hair (black hair and an oval face).
3. Homework: Review lesson


Unit 3: a party
Lesson: Reading

I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will:

develop reading skills: reading for main ideas and specific information,
correct the wrong information
- compare the knowledge gained with personal experiences
II. Language content: words about parties
III. Skills: Reading + Listening/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
V. Procedure:




- Show students pictures about birthdays and anniversaries.

- Students work in pairs, answer the questions
1. What is the relationship between the people in the
2. What are they celebrating?
- Give suggested answers
1. The people in both pictures belong to a family.
2. In picture 1, they are celebrating a birthday, and in picture
2, they are celebrating a golden wedding anniversary.
Vocabulary: T checks the meaning of some new words and
to blow out the candles:
thi tt nn
to give sb smth for his/her birthday: tng qu cho ai
nhn dp . ..


- Ask students to read through the passage to get its main

ideas and do the tasks that follow.
Task 1: Decide which of the activities below takes place
at a birthday party or at a wedding anniversary party or
at both. Put a tick in a right box.
- Students work in pairs to do task 1.
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. birthday party
2. both
3. both
Task 2: Underline the wrong word and provide the
correct one.
- Students work in pairs to do the task


- Students read aloud their answers

- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. Lisas family and friends are at her seventh birthday party.
2. Everyone eats cake and ice cream at the birthday party.
3. Lisa opens birthday cards and presents from her family and


- Students work in pairs or in groups, discuss the questions:

- T prepares handouts for pupils to provide them more ideas
about the discussion.
1. Where do you prefer to celebrate your birthday, at home or
in the restaurant? Why?
2. Do your parents celebrate their wedding anniversaries?
3. Are you going to celebrate your wedding anniversaries in
the future? Why? Why not?
- Ask some students to present their discussion in front of the
- Give feedback
- Summarise the main points
- Assign homework

Unit 3: a party
Lesson: Speaking

I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- talk about a party you have been to
- know how to organise a party.
II. Language content: words about parties
III. Skills: Speaking + Reading/Writing/Listening
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
V. Procedure:


Warm up

T gives situation and lead in the new lesson

Situation: Yesterday I went to a party. Please ask me
some questions to get as much information about the
party as you can
- the host/hostess of the party (Whose party was it?)
- the occasion(what was the occasion?)


T calls a good sts to write the questions on the board and orders
them to take note the answers.

Task 1: Think of a party you have been to. Choose from

the list the things you want to talk about.
- Ask students to work individually to do the task
- Go around the class to give help if necessary.
- Call on some students to give their ideas in front of the class
- Give feedback
- vocabulary suggestions relating to party
Gifts: flowers, souvernirs, a bottle of wine, chocolate
Decorations: balloon, flowers, lamp, pictures, . . .


Task 2: Tell your partner about the party.

- Ask students to work in pairs, in turn, tell each other about the
party they have been to, basing on the questions in task 1
- Tell the whole class about a party as a model.
- Call on some students to tell about the parties they or their
partner have been to.
- Give feedback


Task 4
- Call on students from each group to tell about their party and
try to persuade their friends to take part in.
- Other groups can give mark or comment to decide the best
- Give feedback


- Summarise the main points.

- Assign homework

Unit 3: a party
Lesson: Listening
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- improve listening comprehension about a party by doing T/F exercise and
answering questions.
- summarise the main ideas in the form of speaking or writing.
II. Language content: Words about parties
III. Skills: Listening + Reading/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
V. Procedure:




Pre - listening - Introduce the topic and aims of the listening lesson.
- Ask students to work in pairs to ask and asnwer the
1. When do you like to organise your birthday party, during
the day or in the evening?
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Play tapes and have students to practice words
- Present the meaning of the words if necessary

Task 1: Decide whether the statements are TRUE or

- T orders sts to read all the statements and underline the
keywords in each sentence.
- Play the tape once or two times
- Ask students to work in pairs, decide whether the statements
are True or False.
- Students read their answers
Task 2: Answer the following questions
- Ask students to read through the task
- Play the tape again
- Students work individually, listen and answer the questions
- Students compare their answers with a partner
- Students read their answers
- Teacher gives correct answers
1. She was sixteen years old.
2. Because it is noisy and expensive.
3. She served them soft drinks and biscuits at the beginning
of the party

Post listening

- Students work in groups, summarise the main points in

written form.
- Some students present in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.


- Revise old lessons

- Prepare for writing lesson

Unit 3: a party
Lesson: Writing


I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

o know the form and the content of a letter of invitation
o write a letter of invitation.
II. Language content: words about party, some useful expressions
III. Skills: Writing + Reading/Listening/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards....
V. Procedure:


Pre-Writing Task 1: Ask and answer:

- Ask students to work in pairs to answer the questions:
1. On what occasions are parties held?
2. What kind of clothes do people often wear at a party?
- Go around the class to give help.
- Give feedback.
WhileWritingTask 2: Complete the letter of invitation with the
words/phrases in the box
- Ask students to do the task
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Give correct answers:
1. at my house
3. refreshments
5. winners
2. to come
4. to cook
6. by Monday
Task 3: Write a letter of invitation to your party.
- Students use the guidelines to write a letter of invitation, use
the suggestions:
What party?: birthday party, house warming party, success
Where : at home, in a restaurant, outdoor
when?: during the day, in the evening. . . .
people invited?: friends, relatives
What activities?: singing, playing games,. . . ..
What food and drink?: cakes, wine, beer, soft drink, fruits, fruit
juice . .
- Use peer correction
- Students self correct the mistakes in their writing, then write
the second draft.
- Teachers pick up some of the writings, correct mistakes and
give feedback for the whole class.
Post-writing - Students invite the whole class to their parties in spoken form
- The teacher gives feedback.

- Summarise main points

- Assign homework


Unit 3: a party
Lesson: Language focus
I. Language content: sounds /l/ - /r/ - /h/, infinitive and gerund, passive
infinitive and gerund.
II. Skills: Integrated skills
III. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
IV. Procedure:


Pronunciation/ l / - / r / - / h /
Listen and Repeat
- Teacher shows how to pronounce three sounds
- Teacher read aloud the words as a model
- Students read after the teacher
- Call some students to read the words

Infinitive and gerund

Exercise 1: Complete the sentencs with the correct form,
gerund or infinitive, using the words in brackets.
- Have students to recall some structures using infinitive and
- Ask students to work individually to do the task.
- Ask students to read aloud their answers
Passive infinitive
Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer to complete the
- Present structures and uses of passive infinitive and gerund.
- Ask students to work individually to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers
1. B
4. B
2. A
5. A
3. B
Passive infinitive and geund.
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer to complete the
- Ask students to work individually to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers
1. D
4. B


2. C
3. B

5. C

- Summarise main points

- Assign homework

Test yourself A
I. Language content: basic vocabulary and grammar structures from unit 1 to
unit 3.
II. Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
III. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
IV. Procedure:


I. Listening
(2.5 points)
(10 mins)

- Ask students to read through the task, guess the topic of the
listening task.
- Play the tapes for the first time.
- Students listen and do the task
- Play the tapes again, students check their answers.
- Call on some students to read aloud their answers
- Give correct answers
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C

II. Reading
2.5 points
(10 mins)

- Ask students to work in pairs to do reading tasks.

- Call on some students to read aloud their answers
- Give correct answers
1. Because they had been childless for 10 years after they
were married.
2. To take some photographs of the happy family
3. The boy was dressed in a smart, brand-new outfit and
looked like a little prince.

a, Listen and put the tick in the right box.
Pronunciation- Have students listen and do the task
and Grammar- Answers:
2.5 points
1. nine
2. hour
3. matching
4. jam
( 10 mins)
b, Complete the sentences, using the right form of the
infinitive in brackets.
- Ask students to work to do the tasks.
- Call on some students to read aloud their answers
- Give correct answers


1. to see
2. To be
IV. Writing
2.5 points
(15 mins)

3. to phone
4. pay

5. to be met
6. to be appointed

In 120 words, write about your birthday party (or one of

your friends).
- Ask students to do the task, using suggestion:
o Whose birthday party was it?
o Where and when was it held?
- Students correct their writing
- Collect some papers and correct mistakes as a whole class
- Give feedback.

Wrapping and- Summarise main points

- Assign homework
Unit 4: volunteer work
Lesson: Reading
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will:
- understand more about volunteer work
- develop reading skills: reading for main ideas and specific information,
guessing words meanings in context and answering questions
- compare the knowledge gained with personal experiences
II. Language content: words about volunteer work
III. Skills: Reading + Listening/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
V. Procedure:



- Show students pictures about volunteer work and introduce

the topic of the reading lesson.
- Students work in pairs, discuss the saying:
- Suggested answer:
If someone gives you something to eat, you will not feel
hungry but it wont last long. If someone gives you and
opportunity to work or teaches you how to work, you will earn
your own living for a long time.


- Ask students to read through the passage to get its main

ideas pay attention to:
o Different form of the word volunteer
o Some expressions: take part in, participate in, take care
of, young enough to, suffer in/from...
Task 1: (48)


- Ask sts to use different forms of the word volunteer to fill in

the blanks.
- Guide sts whether a noun, verb, adj or adv is needed in each
- Students do task 1, then compare with their friends
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
Task 2 (P48): Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to
complete the sentences
- Ask students to work in pairs to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. B
Task 3 (p49): Answer the questions
- Ask students to work in pairs to do the task.
- Go around the class to give help if necessary.
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers:
1. They usually visit their places. They read books to the
people there, play games with them or listen to their problems.
2. They give care and comfort to them (and help them to
overcome their difficulties)


- Students work in pairs or in groups, discuss the questions:

Why do people do volunteer work?
- Ask some students to present their discussion in front of the
- Give feedback
- Summarise the main points
- Assign homework

Unit 4: volunteer work
Lesson: Speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- talk about volunteer work
- discuss the activities when doing volunteer work
II. Language content: words about volunteer work
III. Skills: Speaking + Reading/Writing/Listening
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
V. Procedure:




Task 1: Decide which activities are volunteer work

- Ask students to work in pairs to do the task
- Go around the class to give help if necessary.
- Call on some students to give their ideas in front of the class
- Give feedback and answers
o Helping people in remote or mountainous areas.
o Giving care and comfort to the poor and the sick
o Providing education for disadvantaged children.


Task 2: Practice the dialoge

- Have students practise the dialogue as a whole class
- Have students work in pairs to practise the dialogue.
- Go around the class to help
- Call on some pairs to act out in front of the class
- Give feedback and correct students mistakes
- Ask students to work in pairs, read the situations given and
choose some situations to make a dialogue. (Teacher can assign
the situations for different groups)
- Give an example:
- Call on some pairs to have a conversation in front of the class.
- Give feedback


Task 3 (p50)
- Ask students to work in groups of 3 or 4, talk about a kind of
volunteer work your friends and you usually do (using the
information of the previous task)
- Give suggestion:
What kind of volunteer work do you usually take part in?
What do you usually do in that kind of volunteer work?
What do you think about that kind of volunteer work?
- Call on students from each group to report their discussion
- Give feedback


- Summarise the main points.

- Assign homework

Unit 4: volunteer work
Lesson: Listening
I.Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- improve listening comprehension about volunteer work by filling in
blanks exercise and answering questions.
- summarise the main ideas based on given cues
II. Language content: Words about volunteer work


III. Skills: Listening + Reading/Writing/Speaking

IV. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
V. Procedure:


Pre - listening - Introduce the topic and aims of the listening lesson.
- Ask students to work in pairs to ask and asnwer the
1. How often do you support charities?
regularly/ from time to time/ never
2. Whats the best way of raising money to support charities?
through donations/ through taxes/ through fund raising
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Play tapes and have students to practice words
- Present the meaning of the words if necessary

Task 1: Listen and fill in the missing information

- Have students read through the questions
- Play the tape once or two times
- Ask students to work in pairs, fill in the information
- Students read their answers
- Teacher gives correct answers
Task 2: Answer the following questions
- Ask students to read through the task
- Play the tape again
- Students work individually, listen and answer the questions
- Students compare their answers with a partner
- Students read their answers
- Teacher gives correct answers

Post listening

- Students work in groups, summarise the main points in

written form, using the suggestions:
The aim of Spring School
The number of children who live and study at the
school or attend classes
The activities the children at the school take part in
The kinds of volunteers the Spring School requires.
- Some students present in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.


- Revise old lessons

- Prepare for writing lesson



Unit 4: volunteer work
Lesson: Writing
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
o know the form and the content of a letter of gratitude
o write a letter expressing gratitude.
II. Language content: some useful expressions
III. Skills: Writing + Reading/Listening/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards....
V. Procedure:


Pre-Writing Task 1: Read the letter and underline the sentences that
express the following points.
- Ask students to work in pairs
- Go around the class to give help.
- Give feedback and correct answers
The opening of the letter: Dear Sir or Madam
The amount that is donated: I am very happy to receive a
donation of $500 from your company some days ago.
How the money is used: The money will help us to repair
the old school
WhileWritingTask 2: Complete the letter of invitation with the
words/phrases in the box
- Ask students to do the task
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Give correct answers:
Task 3: Write a letter of invitation to your party.
- Students use the guidelines to write a letter of invitation, use
the suggestions:
What party?
Where and when?
- Use peer correction
- Students self correct the mistakes in their writing, then write
the second draft.
- Teachers pick up some of the writings, correct mistakes and
give feedback for the whole class.
Post-writing - Students invite the whole class to their parties in spoken form
- The teacher gives feedback.

- Summarise main points

- Assign homework


Unit 4: volunteer work
Lesson: Language focus
I. Language content: sounds /w/ - /j/, gerund and present participle, perfect
gerund and perfect participle.
II. Skills: Integrated skills
III. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
IV. Procedure:


Pronunciation/w/ - /j/
Listen and Repeat
- Teacher shows how to pronounce three sounds
- Teacher read aloud the words as a model
- Students read after the teacher
- Call some students to read the words
Practice reading aloud these sentences
- Play the tape or read aloud the sentences as a model
- Have students to find out the two sounds
- Students work individually to practice these sentences
- Teacher gives help if necessary.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentencs with an appropriate

gerund of the verbs in the box.
- Have students to recall some structures using gerund.
- Ask students to work individually to do the task.
- Ask students to read aloud their answers
Exercise 2: Complete the sentencs with an appropriate
present participle of the verbs in the box.
- Ask students to work individually to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers
- Teacher checks and gives correct answers
Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the perfect gerund or
perfect participle
- Present the structure and uses of the perfect gerund and
perfect participle
- Ask students to work individually to do the task
- Students read aloud their answers


- Summarise main points

- Assign homework


written test (45 mins)
I. Preparation: English papers
II. Steps
1. Organization
2. Test: Students do the test (multiple choice questions)
3. Collect the papers
4. Homework: Review lesson


I. Preparation: English papers, key to the questions
II. Steps
1. Organization
2. Correction: - Correct the test
- Students write down the answers.
3. Homework: Review lesson



Unit 6: competitions
Lesson: Reading
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know more about competitions
- develop reading skills: reading for main ideas and specific information,
guessing the meaning of the words
II. Language content: vocabulary about competitions
III. Skills: Reading + Listening/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre reading (7')

Pre reading (7')
- Ask sts to work in pairs, match the pictures - Work in pairs and do the
with activities.
- Give correct answers:
- Note down
- Ask sts to work in pairs, take turn ask and
answer about competitions at schools and in the
- Give feedback and introduce the topic of the
While reading (20')
- Ask students to read the passage silently to
understand the main ideas.
Task 1:
- Ask students to do Task 1 then compare the
asnwer with a partner.
- Call on some students to read the asnwers
- Checks and gives correct answers:
Task 2
- Ask sts ro work in pairs, ask and answer about
the reading passage.
- Go around the class to give help if necessary
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front
of the class.
- Give feedback and correct answers
1. The representatives of three classes of the
school took part in the annual final English


While reading (20')

- Read the text silently once
or two times.
Task 1:
- Work individually to do task
- Compare the answers
- Read aloud their answers
- Write down the correct
Task 2:
- Work in pairs to do the
- Read aloud their answers
- Write down the correct

Competition last Saturday.

2. Its aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning
English among students.
Task 3
- Ask sts to work individually and complete the
- Call on some students to read the asnwers
- Checks and gives correct answers:
1. In Activity 5, Hung was unable to recite the
poem (He could not remember the last
2. Having achieved the highest score, Group B
became the winner of the competition.


Task 3
- Do the task
- Read aloud their answers
- Write down the correct

Post reading (10')

Post reading (10')
- Ask sts to work in groups, translating th poem - Work in groups
into Vietnamese
- Ask some students to read aloud in front of - Read the poem
the class.
- Listen and take note
- Give feedback
Homework (3')
- Summarise main points

Homework (3')
- Listen and note down

Unit 6: competitions
Lesson: Speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- raise their views (like or dislike) on competitions at school
- talk about activities of a competition after observing it
II. Language content: vocabulary about competition
III. Skills: Speaking + Listening/Writing/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre speaking (7')

Pre speaking (7')

Task 1:
Task 1
- Ask sts to work individually, check the - Work individually


type of competition they like or dislike.

- Have sts compare their ideas
- Give feedback

- Compare their ideas

- Note down

While speaking (20')

While speaking (20')

Task 2:
Task 2:
- Call on some students to read aloud the - Read aloud the model
- Give more example
A: What do you think of the English
B: Oh, its interesting. Its a good time to
practise my English
- Work in pairs to do the task
- Ask students to work in pairs to ask and
express ideas about each type of
competition, using suggesations in Task 1
- Go round the class to give help
- Present in front of the class
- Call on some students to ask and answer
in front of the class.
- Listen
- Give feedback
Post speaking (10')

Post speaking (10')

Task 3
Task 3
- Ask sts to work in groups, talk about a - Discuss in groups
competition they have taken part in or
observed, using the suggestions.
- Ask some students to present their - Report their discussion
discussion in front of the class.
- Give feedback
- Listen
Homework (3')
- Summarise main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Write a paragraph describing a

Unit 6: competitions
Lesson: Listening
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know more about the history of Boston marathon, America
- improve listening skill for main ideas and specific information by
checking true and false information, answer questions...


II. Language content: vocabulary about competitions

III. Skills: Listening + Speaking/Writing/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre listening (7')

Pre listening(7')
- Ask students to work in pairs, ask and - Work in pairs
answer the questions:
1. What is the Boston marathon?
2. Who do you think can take part in the
Boston race?
- Give feed back and introduce the topic of - Note down
the lesson
- Have students listen and repeat:
- Listen and repeat
athletic clock
association Kuscsik
While listening (20')
Task 1: T/F
- Have students read through the questions
- Play the tapes once or two times, have
students do the task
- Have students compare the answers with
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Check and give correct answers
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
Task 2: Listen and answer the questions

While listening (20')

Task 1:
- Read through the questions
- Listen and do the task
- Work in groups to do the task
- Compare the answers
- Read aloud their answers
- Note down

Task 2: Listen and answer

the questions
- Read through the questions
- Listen and do the task

- Have students read through the questions

- Play the tapes once or two times, have
students do the task
- Compare the answers
- Have students compare the answers with - Read aloud their answers
- Note down
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Check and give correct answers
1. (He came from) New York
2. (She became the first official female
champion) in 1972.
3. 8 (women started and finished the race
in 1972)


4. 6164 (runners joined the Boston

Marathon in 1984)
Post listening (10')

Post listening (10')

Task 3
Task 3
- Ask sts to work in groups, name some - Discuss in groups
famous runners in Vietnam and say what is
special about them.
- Ask some students to present their - Report their discussion
discussion in front of the class.
- Give feedback
- Listen
Homework (3')
- Summarise main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Write a paragraph
summarising the history of
Boston Marathon

Unit 6: competitions
Lesson: Writing
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand the content, structures of a letter requiring for the
- know how to write a respond, supplying information
II. Language content: some useful structures of describing information
III. Skills: Writing + Speaking/Listening/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre writing (7')

Pre writing (7')

Task 1:
Task 1:
- Ask students to work in pairs to read the - Work in pairs
letter and find the information required.
- Have students compare their answers
with others
- Note down
- Check and give feedback
While- writing (20')

While - writing (20')

Task 2:
Task 2:
- Have students write a respond to Trang, - Read carefully the suggestion
using the suggestion.


- Remind students of the structure of the

1. Openning: Thanks for the letter,
welcome to the competition.
2. Development: Suppy the information
3. Closing: Social note and signature
- Have sts exchange their work and correct
- Ask students to write the second draft

- Listen and take note

- Exchange and correct mistakes

for their partners
- Correct mistakes and write the
second draft.

Post writing (10')

Post writing (10')
- Ask two students to write on the board
- Write on the board
- Correct mistakes and give feedback for - Listen and note down
the whole class
- Collect students papers, give comment - Listen and note down
and correct some serious mistakes
Suggested letter
28th October,
Dear Thu Trang,
Thank you for your letter and welcome to
our English Speaking Competition. Here
are some details about the competition:
The number of participants id limited just
25. The competition is held on 25th
November 2006, at 106 Tran Hung Dao
Street, Hoan Kiem Distric, Hanoi. It starts
at 8.00 p.m. Contestants should be
present one hour before the competition
for registration.
For more information please contact me
on the phone number: (04)9838188, and
Best wishes,
Kate Johnson
Homework (3')
- Summarise main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Listen and note down



Unit 6: competitions
Lesson: Language focus
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- know how to pronoun the sounds /tr/, /dr/, /tw/
- know how to use indirect speech with gerund
II. Language content: indirect speech
III. Skills: integrated skills
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teacher's activities

Students' activities

Pronunciation (7 mins)
- Present how to pronounce the sounds /tr/ - /dr/ - /tw/
- Read aloud the words as a model, ask students to
read after
- Read after the teacher
- Call some students to read the words
Practice reading aloud these sentences
- Play the tape or read aloud the dialogue as a model
- Have students to practise the dialogue in pairs
- Call on some pairs to present in front of the class
- Teacher gives help if necessary.

Pronunciation (7
- Listen
- Read after the

Grammar (25 mins)

- Present the structures and uses of indirect speech
with infinitve verbs.
Exercise 1:
- Ask students to do the task individually.
- Ask students compare the answers with their partners
- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers
1. John congratulated us on passing our exams
2. Mary apologised for not phoning me earlier.
3. Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station
4. The teacher accused the boy of not paying attention
to what he had said.
5. Bob had always dreamt of being rich.
6. I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the
7. Her mother prevented Jane from going out that
8. Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her.

Grammar (25 mins)

- Listen and note


- Read aloud the

- Listen
- Practise in pairs
- Read the dialogue
in front of the class

Exercise 1:
- Do the task
- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to

Exercise 2
- Ask students to do the task individually.
- Ask students compare the answers with their partners
- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers
1. Tom insisted on paying for the meal.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked forward to meeting their
children soon.
3. The boy denied breaking the window of the
womans house
4. The policeman stopped the customer from leaving
the shop
5. The thief amitted stealing Mrs. Browns car.
6. Ann suggested having a party the next Saturday
7. John and his wife were thinking of buying the house
Homework (3 mins)
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

Exercise 2
- Do the task
- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to

Homework (3
- Listen and note

Test yourself B
I. Language content: basic vocabulary and grammar structures from unit 4 to
unit 6.
II. Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
III. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards.
IV. Procedure:
Teachers Activities

Students Activities

I. Listening (2.5 points)

(10 mins)
- Ask students to read through the task, - Read through the questions
guess the topic of the listening task.
and guess the topic
- Play the tapes for the first time.
- Listen and do the task
- Students listen and do the task
- Play the tapes again, students check their
- Answer
- Call on some students to read aloud their - Listen and correct


- Give correct answers
1. A
2. B
5. B

3. D

4. C

II. Reading (10 mins)

- Ask students to work in pairs to do reading - Do the task in pairs
- Answer
- Call on some students to read aloud their - Listen and correct
- Give correct answers
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. C
III. Pronunciation and Grammar (2.5
( 10 mins)
a, Listen and put the tick in the right
- Have students listen and do the task
- Answers:
1. play
2. drive
3. twice
b, Complete the sentences, using the
right form of the infinitive in brackets.
- Ask students to work to do the tasks.
- Call on some students to read aloud their
- Give correct answers
1. talking
2. to go
3. smoking
4. saying
5. do
6. going
IV. Writing (2.5 points)
(15 mins)
Write about one of the competitions for
secondary school students on TV.
- Ask students to do the task, using
o time and the channel on TV
o length of the show, parts of the show
o numbers of the competitors
o content of questions
o the feeling you have for it
- Use peer correction
- Students correct their writing


- Listen and tick in the right box

- Correct answers

- Do the task
- Answer
- Correct answers

- Choose a competition to write


- Exchange papers and correct

each others mistakes.
- Listen to the teacher and take

- Collect some papers and correct mistakes as note

a whole class
- Give feedback.
- Listen
Wrapping and homework

- Summarise main points

- Assign homework

written test (45 mins)
I. Aims: test students knowledge and achievements in English
II. Materials: English papers
III. Steps
1. Organization
2. Test: Students do the test (multiple choice questions)
3. Collect the papers
4. Homework: Review lesson


I. Aims: to help students revise their knowledge gained
II. Materials: English papers, keys
III. Steps
1. Organization
2. Correction: - Correct the test
- Students write down the answers.
3. Homework: Review lesson


Unit 7: World population
Lesson: Reading
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know more about world population
- develop reading skills: reading for main ideas and specific information
II. Language content: vocabulary about world population
III. Skills: Reading + Listening/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre reading (7')

- Ask sts to look at the pictures (p.80) and
answer the questions
1. Where can you find these scenes?
2. What does each of the pictures tell you?
3. Do you think that the larger in population a
country is, the stronger it is? Why/ Why not?
- Give feedback and introduce the topic of the

Pre reading (7')

- Look at the pictures and
answer questions
- Students answers may be

While reading (20')

- Ask students to read the passage silently to
understand the main ideas.
Task 1:
- Ask students to do Task 1 then compare the
asnwer with a partner.
- Call on some students to read the asnwers
- Checks and gives correct answers:
1, although
4. resources
2. method
5. figures
8. control
3. increases
6. limit
Task 2
- Ask sts ro work in pairs, ask and answer about
the reading passage.
- Go around the class to give help if necessary
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front
of the class.

While reading (20')

- Read the text silently once
or two times.
Task 1:
- Work individually to do task
- Compare the answers
- Read aloud their answers
- Write down the correct


- Listen to the teacher

Task 2:
- Work in pairs to do the

- Give feedback and correct answers

1. The population of the world in 10,000 B.C was
10 million, in 1750 it was 625 million, in 1850 it
was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in
1985 it was 4760 million, in 2000 it was 6.6
2. By the year 2015, the population of the world
is expected to be 7 billion.
3. Some scientists say it can, but others say it
4. No, they dont
5. (They cant limit the size of their family)
because they know of no safe way to have
fewer children.

- Read aloud their answers

- Write down the correct

Post reading (10')

Post reading (10')
- Ask sts to work in groups, find out 5 world - Work in groups
largest countries in population.
- Ask some students to answer in front of the - Answer
- Listen and take note
- Give feedback
5 largesr countries in population:
China, India, Russia, the USA, and Indonesia
China, India, Indonesia: in Asia
Russia: Europe
the USA: in America
The richest and the poorest:
The richest: the USA
The poorest: may be India
Homework (3')
- Summarise main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Listen and note down

Unit 7: World population
Lesson: Speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- raise their awareness of reasons for overpopulation, the problems
countries with large population are facing with and solutions to the population


- talk about population: reasons, issues and solutions

II. Language content: vocabulary about population
III. Skills: Speaking + Listening/Writing/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre speaking (7')

Pre speaking (7')
- Present some useful expressions
- Listen to the teacher
- Note down
poor living conditions
low living standards
not enough food
lack/ shortage of school/ hospital...
raise an awareness of ....
punishment policies
carry out education programmes
use birth control methods
While speaking (20')
Task 1 (p. 83)
- Ask sts to work in pairs to put the causes
of overpopulation in order of importance.
- Go round the class to give help
- Call on some students to answer and
explain why
- Give feedback
Task 2 (p. 83)
- Ask sts to work in pairs, list the problems
facing poor and overpopulated countries.
- Call on some students to report in front of
the class.
- Give feedback

While speaking (20')

Task 1 (p. 83)
- Work in pairs to do the task

Task 3 (p.83)
- - Ask sts to work in groups, list the
solutions to the problems if over
- Call on some students to report in front of
the class.
- Give feedback

Task 3 (p.83)
- Work in pairs to do the task

Post speaking (10')

Post speaking (10')

Task 3

Task 3


- Students answers and

explanation are varied
Task 2 (p. 83)
- Work in pairs to do the task
- Report in front of the class
- Listen to the teacher

- Report in front of the class

- Listen to the teacher

- Ask sts to work in groups, talk about the - Discuss in groups

problems of overpopulatio and offer
solutions, using results of Task 2 and 3
- Ask some students to present their - Report their discussion
discussion in front of the class.
- Give feedback
- Listen
Homework (3')
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Write a paragraph describing a

Unit 7: World population
Lesson: Listening
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know more about the history of Boston marathon, America
- improve listening skill for main ideas and specific information by
choosing the correct answer, answer questions...
II. Language content: vocabulary about world population
III. Skills: Listening + Speaking/Writing/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre listening (7')

Pre listening(7')
- Ask students to work in pairs, ask and - Work in pairs
answer the questions:
1. Do you think that our world is
2. What continent has the largest population? - Note down
- Give feed back and introduce the topic of - Listen and repeat
the lesson
- Have students listen and repeat:
Latin America
While listening (20')
Task 1: T/F

While listening (20')

Task 1:


- Have students read through the questions

- Play the tapes once or two times, have
students do the task
- Have students compare the answers with
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Check and give correct answers
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. C
Task 2: Listen and answer the questions

Read through the questions

Listen and do the task
Work in groups to do the task
Compare the answers
Read aloud their answers
Note down

Task 2: Listen and answer

the questions
- Read through the questions
- Listen and do the task

- Have students read through the questions

- Play the tapes once or two times, have - Compare the answers
students do the task
- Read aloud their answers
- Have students compare the answers with - Note down
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Check and give correct answers
1. According to the experts, by the year
2015, the population of the world will be over
7 billion.
2. He said that the population growth rates in
some parts of the world are not the same.
The population grows more quickly in some
parts of the world.
3. According to the expert, the reason for a
fall in the death rates is the improvement of
public health service and medical care..
Post listening (10')

Post listening (10')

Task 3
Task 3
- Ask sts to work in groups, discussing the - Discuss in groups
main contents of the dialogue.
- Ask some students to present their
discussion in front of the class.
- Report their discussion
- Give feedback
- Listen
Homework (3')
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Write a paragraph
summarising the main content
of the dialogue.



Unit 7: World population
Lesson: Writing
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand the content, structures of a paragraph interpreting
- know how to write a paragraph interpreting information
II. Language content: some useful structures of describing information
III. Skills: Writing + Speaking/Listening/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre writing (7')

- Ask students to work in pairs to ask and
answer about the information in the chart
- Check and give feedback
- Present the format of the paragraph
1. Opening
the ..................................
2. Interpreting information
Useful language:
o it can be seen that
o distributed unevenly
o account for ...... percent
o more than double the population
o half as much as/ nearly half of
o rank first/last
3. Conclusion

Pre writing (7')

- Work in pairs

- Note down

While- writing (20')

While - writing (20')
- Have students write a paragraph (100- - Write the paragraph
120) describing the information in the
- Exchange and correct mistakes
- Peer correction
for their partners
- Correct mistakes and write the
- Ask students to write the second draft
second draft.
Post writing (10')
- Ask two students to write on the board


Post writing (10')

- Write on the board

- Correct mistakes and give feedback for - Listen and note down
the whole class
- Collect students papers, give comment - Listen and note down
and correct some serious mistakes
Homework (3')
- Summarise main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Listen and note down

Unit 7: World population
Lesson: Language focus
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- know how to pronoun the sounds /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, /kw/
- know how to use conditional sentences types I, II, III and conditional
sentences in reported speech.
II. Language content: conditional sentences, conditional sentences in reported
III. Skills: integrated skills
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teacher's activities

Students' activities

Pronunciation (7 mins)
- Present how to pronounce the sounds /kl/, /gl/, /kl/,
/gr/, /kw/
- Read aloud the words as a model, ask students to
read after
- Read after the teacher
- Call some students to read the words
Practice reading aloud these sentences
- Play the tape or read aloud the dialogue as a model
- Have students to practise the dialogue in pairs
- Call on some pairs to present in front of the class
- Teacher gives help if necessary.

Pronunciation (7
- Listen
- Read after the

Grammar (25 mins)

- Present the structures and uses and form of
conditional sentences
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form
- Ask students to do the task individually.

Grammar (25 mins)

- Listen and note


- Read aloud the

- Listen
- Practise in pairs
- Read the dialogue
in front of the class

Exercise 1:
- Do the task

- Ask students compare the answers with their partners

- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers
1. would drive
4. will take
2. could
5. closed
3. is
6. Ill come
Exercise 2
- Ask students to do the task individually.
- Ask students compare the answers with their partners
- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers
1. had been told
2. had realised
3. wouldnt have been
4. would have bought
5. had studied
Exercise 3
- Ask students to do the task individually.
- Ask students compare the answers with their partners
- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers
1. The man told her that he would come to see her if he
had time
2. He asked her what she would say if someone
stepped on her feet.
3. They told me if it didnt rain, they would go out with
4. The man asked the woman what she would do if she
were a billionaire
5. The man told me if I had asked him, he would have
lent me his motorbike.
6. The man told his daughter they would be very
disappointed if she didnt come.
7. The boy told the girl he was sure they would
understand if she explained the situation to them.
Homework (3 mins)
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to
Exercise 2
- Do the task
- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to

Exercise 3
- Do the task
- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to

Homework (3
- Listen and note




Unit 8: celebrations
Lesson: Reading
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know more about the traditional Tet in Vietnam
- develop reading skills: reading for main ideas and specific information,
using dictionary to get the meaning of the words
II. Language content: vocabulary about Tet
III. Skills: Reading + Listening/Writing/Speaking
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre reading (7')

- Ask sts to look at the pictures and answer the
1. What time of the year is it?
2. What are the people in the picture doing?
3. What else do you see in the picture?
- Ask sts to work in pairs, tell about the activities
they enjoy doing most at Tet.
- Give feedback

Pre reading (7')

- Look at the pictures and
answer questions
- Students answers may be
- Work in pairs

While reading (20')

- Ask students to read the passage silently to
understand the main ideas.
Task 1:
- Ask students to do Task 1 then compare the
answer with a partner.
- Call on some students to read the answers
- Checks and gives correct answers:
1. to ln, honh trng
4. cu nguyn
2. thuc v nng nghip
5. to dm
3. bng rn, khu hiu
6. s n nc,
nhn nhp
Task 2
- Ask students to do Task 2 then compare the
answer with a partner.
- Call on some students to read the answers
- Checks and gives correct answers:

While reading (20')

- Read the text silently once
or two times.
Task 1:
- Work individually to do task
- Compare the answers
- Read aloud their answers
- Write down the correct

Task 3


- Listen to the teacher

Task 2:
- Work individually to do task
- Compare the answers
- Read aloud their answers
- Write down the correct

- Ask sts to work in pairs, ask and answer about

the reading passage.
- Go around the class to give help if necessary
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front
of the class.
- Give feedback and correct answers
1. Its sometime between 19 January and 20
2. For months
3. They are decorated with coloured lights and
red banners.
4. They buy gifts clean and decorate their
houses and cook traditional food.
5. Its made from sticky rice, green beans and
fatty pork.
6. It is candied fruit such as sugared apples,
plums and tomatoes.
7. Visiting friends and other family members,
exchanging wishes, going to the pagoda,
playing games.

Task 3
- Work in pairs to do the

- Read aloud their answers

- Write down the correct

Post reading (10')

Post reading (10')
- Ask sts to work in groups, tell each other about - Work in groups
the last Tet holiday, focusing on:
o how you prepared
o How you decorated your house
o who you visited
o what special food you ate
o what activities you enjoyed doing most
during Tet
- Present
- Ask some sts to present in front of the class
- Listen and take note
- Give feedback
Homework (3')
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Listen and note down


Unit 8: celebrations
Lesson: Speaking
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


- know the meanings and purposes of some popular holidays and

celebrations in Vietnam
- Talk about some popular holidays and celebrations in Vietnam
II. Language content: vocabulary about holidays and celebrations
III. Skills: Speaking + Listening/Writing/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre speaking (7')

Pre speaking (7')

Task 1
Task 1
- Ask sts to work in pairs to practise - Practise the dialogue
reading the dialogue
- Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in - Read the dialogue
front of the class.
of - Listen to the teacher
- Give feedback
While speaking (20')
While speaking (20')
Task 2 (p. 93)
Task 2 (p. 93)
- Ask sts to work in pairs to match the - Work in pairs to do the task
holidays with its main purpose and
- Go round the class to give help
- Answer
- Call on some students to answer
- Listen to the teacher
- Give feedback
Task 3 (p.94)
Task 3 (p. 94)
- Work in pairs to do the task
- Ask sts to work in pairs, ask and answer
about the holidays above, using the - Present in front of the class
dialogue as a model
- Call on some students to present in front - Listen to the teacher
of the class
- Give feedback
Post speaking (10')
Post speaking (10')
- Ask sts to work in pairs, write about one - Write a paragraph describing a
holiday with its main purpose and holiday
Homework (3')
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Write down




Unit 8: celebrations
Lesson: Listening
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know more about the New Year Celebration in Japan
- improve listening skill for main ideas and specific information by
choosing the correct answer, answer questions...
II. Language content: vocabulary about celebrations
III. Skills: Listening + Speaking/Writing/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: cassettes, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre listening (7')

Pre listening(7')
- Ask students to work in pairs, guess the - Students answers may be
activities the Japanese often do on their New varied
Years Days.
- Give feed back and introduce the topic of - Listen to the teacher
the lesson
- Have students listen and repeat:
- Listen and repeat
pine trees
While listening (20')
While listening (20')
Task 1: Listen and tick the things you Task 1:
- Read through the questions
- Have students read through the questions
- Listen and do the task
- Play the tapes once or two times, have - Work in groups to do the task
students do the task
- Compare the answers
- Have students compare the answers with - Read aloud their answers
- Note down
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Check and give correct answers
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11
Task 2: Listen and answer
the questions
Task 2: Listen and answer the questions - Read through the questions
- Listen and do the task
- Have students read through the questions
- Play the tapes once or two times, have - Compare the answers
students do the task
- Read aloud their answers
- Have students compare the answers with - Note down
- Call on students to read aloud their answers
- Check and give correct answers


1. Because they want to get rid of the dirt of

the old year and welcome the New Year.
2. From television or the radio.
3. Kimonos or special dress.
4. No. New Years Day is mostly celebrated
among family only.
Post listening (10')

Post listening (10')

Task 3
Task 3
- Ask sts to work in groups, compare the - Discuss in groups
Vietnamese New Year with the Japanese one.
- Give suggestions:
o preparation
o foods and clothes
o activities on New Years Eve
o people to celebrate with
- Ask some students to present their - Report their discussion
discussion in front of the class.
- Give feedback
- Listen
Homework (3')
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Write a paragraph about
Japanese New Year celebration.


Unit 8: celebrations
Lesson: Writing
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- know more about the papooses and activities of some popular festivals
- know how to write a paragraph describing a festival
II. Language content: words related to festivals
III. Skills: Writing + Speaking/Listening/Reading
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teachers activities

Students activities

Pre writing (7')

- Ask students to work in pairs,
brainstorming about a popular celebration
in Vietnam.
- Give suggestions:
name of the festival
time of the festival
purpose of the festival


Pre writing (7')

- Work in pairs

main activities of the festival

your feeling about the festival
- Check and give feedback

- Listen to the teacher

While- writing (20')

- Have students write a paragraph (100120) describing a popular celebration
- Peer correction
- Ask students to write the second draft
- Ask two students to write on the board
- Correct mistakes and give feedback for
the whole class
- Collect students papers, give comment
and correct some serious mistakes

While - writing (20')

- Write the paragraph
- Exchange and correct mistakes
for their partners
- write the second draft.
- Write on the board
- Listen and note down
- Listen and note down

Post writing (10')

Post writing (10')
- Ask sts to work in groups, talk about - Work in groups
their favorite festival
- Call on some students to present in front - Present in front of the class
of the class
- Give feedback
- Listen to the teacher
Homework (3')
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

Homework (3')
- Listen and note down


Unit 8: celebrations
Lesson: Language focus
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- know how to pronoun the sounds /fl/, /fr/ , / r/
- know how to use pronoun one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone
II. Language content: words and structures about festivals and its activities
III. Skills: integrated skills
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, workbook, cards
V. Procedure:
Teacher's activities

Students' activities

Pronunciation (7 mins)
- Present how to pronounce the sounds /fl/, /fr/ , / r/
- Read aloud the words as a model, ask students to
read after
- Read after the teacher


Pronunciation (7
- Listen
- Read after the

- Call some students to read the words

Practice reading aloud these sentences
- Play the tape or read aloud the dialogue as a model
- Have students to practise the dialogue in pairs
- Call on some pairs to present in front of the class
- Teacher gives help if necessary.

Grammar and vocabulary (25 mins)

- Present the uses of pronouns one(s), someone, no
one, anyone, everyone
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences
- Ask students to do the task individually.
- Ask students compare the answers with their partners
- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers
1. anyone
2. someone
3. anyone
4. someone
5. no one
6. everyone
7. no one
Exercise 2
- Ask students to do the task individually.
- Ask students compare the answers with their partners
- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers
1. Of the three bags I like the blue one most.
2. Mai is making a fruit cake, Huong is making one, too.
3. I like reading books, especially the ones about the
natural world.
4. I dont have a computer, and my father doesnt want
me to have one.
5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one.
6. There are several celebrations in Vietnam, but
perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet.
7. We told each other both happy stories and sad ones
about our lives.

- Read aloud the

- Listen
- Practise in pairs
- Read the dialogue
in front of the class
Grammar (25 mins)
- Listen and note
Exercise 1:
- Do the task
- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to

Exercise 2
- Do the task
- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to

Exercise 3
- Ask students to do the task individually.
- Ask students compare the answers with their partners
- Call on some students to read aloud the answers
- Give correct answers


Exercise 3

1. traditional
4. celebrating
7. excitement

2. grand
5. polite

3. gifts
6. good luck

Homework (3 mins)
- Summarize main points
- Assign homework

- Do the task
- Compare the
answers with a
- Read aloud the
- Copy down to
Homework (3
- Listen and note

IV. Procedure:
Giving the forms of verbs
- T gives out some verbs.
- Ask Ss to give the forms of verbs.
- Compare with your partner.
1.To infinitive
- T writes some sentences on the
board and underlines the toinfinitive.
+ I have letters to write.
+ Does he get anything to eat?
+Theres plenty to do
- T asks Ss to comment on the use of toinfinitives in these examples.
- T reviews the form and use of toinfinitives.
1. In the examples above the infinitives are
used to replace relative
1. The infinitive can be placed after nouns/
pronouns to show how they can be used or
what is to be done with them.
+ I have letters to write = I have letters that I
must write
+ Does he get anything to eat?
= Does he get anything that he can eat?
2. Infinitive without to (bare infinitive )
a. ng t dng sau cc ng t hnh thi (can,
could ,may ,might, will, would ,shall, should.)
eg: She can sing very beautifully.
She may be late.







b. Make and let.

Cc ng t c cu trc ng t +b
ng+ng t nguyn mu khng to
Eg: The cold weather made me feel depressed.
They made me do it.
c. ng t nguyn mu khng tocng c
dng trong cu mnh lnh dng khng nh.
Eg: Go to the blackboard!
Stay at home!
d. We can use a noun or pronoun object+ bare
infinitive after verbs of perceptions such as feel,
hear, watch, see, notice, observe, perceive, smell
3. Gerund
- Ask Ss to give some verbs /verbal
phrases followed by the Gerund
Expected answers: enjoy /miss /risk
/appreciate /avoid /detest /dislike /Its no use
/cant help /
postpone / mind /be worth /mention /keep /count
on /give up
- Ask Ss to give form and usage of these
Form: Verb +V +ing = gerund
Usage: To add information to what is expressed
in certain verbs
Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D:
1. After for 3 hours we stopped other
with us.
A. to walk - to let - to catch up
B. to walk
- letting - catching up
C. walking - to let - catch up
D. walking
- letting - catching up
2. I cant help . I caught a cold yesterday
from in a draught.
A. sneezing - to sit
B. to
sneeze sitting
C. sneezing - sitting
D. to
sneeze - to sit
3. He surprised us all by away without
Good bye.
A. going - to say
B. to go to say
C. going - saying
D. to go saying
4. Do stop .Im trying a letter.
A. to talk - to finish
B. talking
C. to talk - finishing
D. talking to finish
5. If you go on your dog cars, hell end by
run over.
A. letting- to chase- being
B. lettingchase- being
C. to let- to chase- being
D. letting-





to chase- to be
6. I suggest the hospitals before the police
for him.
A. telephoning- asking- phoning B. to
telephone- asking- looking
C. to telephone- to ask- to look
telephoning- asking- to look
7. By enormous wages he is persuading men
their present job and for him.
A. offering- to leave- work
offering- to leave- working
C. to offer- to leave- working
offering- leaving- to work
8. At first, I enjoyed to him but after a while I
got tired of the same story again and again.
A. to listen- hearing
B. to
listen- to hear
C. listening- hearing
listening- to hear
9. on this beach is much more pleasant than
in the office.
A. to lie- sitting B. lying- sitting C. to lie- to
sit D. lying- to sit
10. She has gone in a neighbouring town.
A. shopping
B. to shop
C. to
shopping D. for shopping
Summarize about infinitive and gerund
Prepare about participles





What do you call it?
- Give some sentences with ing form of
- Ask Ss to give their name (if necessary)
- Give feedback and correction
1. Gerund
- If necessary T reviews the form and uses
of gerunds. To save time T may give Ss
the handout below:
A gerunds is a noun made from a verb by adding ing. The gerund always has the same function as a
noun (although it looks like a verb), so it can be
+ as the subject of the sentence:
. Reading helps you learn English.
+ as the complement of the verb to be:
. Her favorite hobby is reading.
+ after prepositions. The gerunds must be used
when a verb comes after a preposition:
. She is good at learning English.





. Theyre keen on windsurfing.

This is also true of certain expressions ending in a
preposition , e.g. in spite of , theres no point in
. Theres no point in typing the assignment.
. In spite of missing the train, we arrived on time.
+ after a number of phrasal verbs which are
composed of a verb + preposition / adverb
To look forward to ,to give up ,to be for / against,
to take to, to put off ,to keep on:
. I look forward to hearing from you soon. (at the
end of a letter)
. He kept on asking for a discount
+ in compound nouns
. a driving lesson , a swimming pool, birdwatching, train-spotting
It is clear that the meaning is that of a noun, not of
a continuous verb.
. The pool is not swimming; it is a pool for
swimming in.
+ after the expressions:
cant help , cant stand ,its no use /good , and
adjective worth:
. I cant stand being stuck in traffic jams.
. Its no use /good trying to persuade him.
. It might be worth changing the title of the book.
2. Present participle
- If necessary T reviews the from and uses of
present participles .To save time T may give
Ss the following handout:
The present participle of most verbs has the form
V+ing and is used in the following ways :
+ as part of the continuous form of a verb
. I am working.
. She was dancing.
+ after verbs of movement /position in the
pattern: verb + present participle
. My mother used to go shopping everyday.
. He came running towards me.
This construction is particularly useful with the
verb to go ,such as go diving, go fishing ,go
+ After verbs of perception in the pattern:
verb +object + present participle
. I heard someone playing the guitar.
. I can smell something burning!
NOTE: There is a difference in meaning when
such a sentence contains a bare-infinitive rather
than a participle. The infinitive refers to a complete
action, but the participle refers to an incomplete
action, or part of an action.



. I heard Mai playing the piano. (=she had started
before I heard her, and probably went on
. I heard Mai play the piano .(=I heard her
complete performance)
+ as an adjective
. It was an interesting film.
. Its a bit worrying when the police stop you.
+ with the verbs spend and waste, in the pattern:
verb + time /money expression + present
. I spend two hours a day traveling to work.
. Dont waste time playing computer games!
. Theyve spend $ 4,000 buying that watch.
+ with the verbs catch and find, in the pattern:
verb +object + present participle
With catch , the participle always refers to an
action which causes annoyance or anger:
. If I catch you stealing my apples again, Ill tell
your parents.
This is not the case with find, which is
. We found our dog lying in the bathroom.
. They found their mother sitting in the garden.
+ to replace a sentence or part of a sentence
- When two actions occur at the same time,
and are done by the same person or thing,
we can use a present participle to describe
one of them:
. He sang to himself. He walked down the road.
(= Singing to himself, he walked down the road.)
- When one action follows very quickly after
another done by the same person or
thing ,we can express the first action with a
present participle:
. He put on his coat and left the house (= Putting
on his coat, he left the house.)
- The present participle can be used instead
of a phrase starting as, since ,because , and
it explains the cause or reason for an action:
. Feeling tired, he went to bed early (=because he
felt tired)
. Knowing that she likes roses, he gave her a bunch
of red roses on her birthday.
Giving their name
- Give some sentences.
- Ask Ss to distinguish which is gerund and
which is present participle.
1. I object to him having made private calls on
the office phone.
2. Having been his own boss for such a long
time, he found it hard to accept orders from




3. They denied having been there.
4. Having tied one red of the rope to his bed,
he threw the other end out of the window.
5. Having read the instruction, he snatched up
the fire extinguisher.
6. The children admitted having taken the
Expected answers:
- Gerund: 1, 3, 6
- Present Participle: 2, 4, 5
Make some sentences with gerund and present
Prepare reported speech.






What type of sentences
- Give out some sentences.
- Ask Ss to give out the type of sentences.
1. Im a teacher
2. He said he was a teacher.
3. They told me to work hard.
4. She insisted on seeing me.
Reported speech with infinitive
- Ask 2 Ss (A &B) to come to the board. T says to A:
Close the window, please and to B: Sing a short
song. After A &B performed the actions, T asks
the whole class: Why did A close the window? Why
did B sing a song?
- Write the model sentences on the board:
Close the window, please the teacher said to A
=> The teacher asked A to close the window.
- Then continue
Sing a short song. The teacher said to B.
=> The teacher told B to sing a short song.
- Ask Ss to look at the examples to elicit the
+ O + to-infinitive







Reported speech with gerund.

- Give some examples:
1. A: Its so hot today.
B: Lets go to Thuan An beach.
He suggested going to Thuan An beach.
2. Im sorry. Im late
She apologized for being late.
3. A: Thank you. It was nice to help me.
B: My pleasure.
She thanked him for helping her.
1. Are the sentences above direct or indirect speech?
2. What is the structure?
3. Do you know any other verb of reporting followed
by a gerund?
Expected answer:
a. V + V-ing
admit, deny, suggest
b. V + prep + V-ing
apologize for, complain about, confess to, insist on, object
to, dream of, think of
c. V + O + prep + V-ing
accuse of, blame for, congratulate on, criticize
for, warn about / against, praise for, thank for,
prevent from
Usage: in reported speech.
- Run through the meaning of the verbs / phrasal
verbs given.
- Ask Ss to make some more examples with the
structures given
Change these sentences into reported speech:
1). "I'm sorry I have to leave so early", he said.
2). "Don't forget to return the book to the library", he said.
3). John said, "You'd better not lend them any money,

4). "Please don't tell anybody what happened. Ann said to

5). "Why don't we visit the National Gallery?"
6). "Stay in bed for a few days", the doctor said to me.
The doctor




7). "You mustn't go out at night", our parents said.

Our parents
Making sentences
- Make some reported sentences
Prepare conditional sentences






Game: Matching
- Divide the class into 2 teams, A and B.
- Team A make If-clause
- Team B make main clause.
- Combine one of A with one of B to make conditional
Presentation Lead-in
- T makes an example: If I were a queen, I would go round the
Or T makes a half of sentence, example: If I were a queen ...).
T asks: + What is the kind of this sentence?
+ How many types of conditional sentences are there?
1. If you need a ride to the airport, Ill be happy to take
2. If he had known the meeting, he would have come
* Conditional sentences
Type I: Future possible.
If clause
Main clause
Present tense
Future tense
Type II: Present unreal
If clause
Main clause
Simple past tense
Present conditional
(would + bare infinitive)
Type III: Past unreal
If clause
Main clause
Perfect conditional
Past perfect tense
(would have + p.p)
Conditional in reported speech
- T makes some examples:
1. If you work hard, youll pass the exam, the teacher said
The teacher said that if I worked hard, I would pass the
2. He said to her, You would be punished if you came late
He said to her that she would be punished if she came
3. They said, He wouldnt have been in prison if he hadnt


Interactions Time




Home work

stolen the car

They said that he wouldnt have been in prison if he
hadnt stolen the car.
- Ask Ss ti give the comment.
(Expected: + Type 1: change the tense.
+ Type 2 + 3: not change the tenses.)
Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D:
1. If I time, Ill help you.
a. have
b. had
c. had had
d. will have
2. If you are right, I wrong.
a. am
b. will be
c. would be
d. would have
3. If I you, I do that.
a. am/ will
b. were/ will c. were/ would d. had been/
4. If I was offered the job, I think I it.
a. take
b. will take
c. would take
d. would have
5. If I had known you were in hospital, I to see you.
a. will go
b. would go
c. went
d. would have
6. If I , I would have said hello.
a. had seen
b. saw
c. see
d. would see
Key: 1a, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5d, 6a
Making sentences
- Make some conditional sentences in reported speech.
Prepare Non-definite pronouns.

First - term test (45 mins)
I. Aims: test students knowledge and achievements in English
II. Materials: English papers
III. Steps
1. Organization
2. Test: Students do the test (multiple choice questions)
3. Collect the papers
4. Homework: Review lesson
I. Aims: to help students revise their knowledge gained







II. Materials: English papers, keys

III. Steps
1. Organization
2. Correction: - Correct the test
- Students write down the answers.
3. Homework: Review lesson


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