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157th Board Meeting

Directors Report
Human Resources

For the quarter ended November 2014-Feburary 2015

I have the pleasure to present in the 157th Quarterly board meeting of UNILEVER for the quarter
November 2014 to February 2015.
Review & Results:
For the development of Walls and to respond to its falling market share. Following are the HR practices
that took place in the current quarter:

Our Human Resource agenda for the quarter PPwas focused on strengthening four key areas:
building a robust and diverse talent pipeline, enhancing individual and organizational
capabilities for future readiness, driving greater employee engagement and strengthening
employee relations further through progressive people practices

Launch of the Future Leaders League, our first global employer brand-building competition
for Walls, to motivate young leaders about our business, the brand, the Unilever Sustainable
Living Plan and our views on future leadership.

Winning Balance Council was also established in, comprising male and female leaders across
functions, who champion and lead the plans. This recognized men and women role models,
who create a simple, respectful and flexible work environment for their teams, which inspires
others to emulate them. With these enablers and focused plans, we witnessed a 10% shift in the
gender balance ratio.

Project Sunset, an IT tool that speeds up decisions, has been rolled out and is already available in
seven languages, escalates business problem solving to the highest levels of leadership within
three weeks.

Future Outlook:
We have invested in Sparkle, a centrally hosted intranet based tool that supports skill mapping, skill
assessment, performance assessment, gap analysis and enables training plan identification, which is
customized according to the priority areas of each workman. Sparkle will be an important tool in the
area of workmen capability development that promotes higher transparency and focused training

intervention linked to individual and business needs. The tool will deliver results for over three years,
which will help our Company in successfully completing appraisals, thereby identifying top performers
and completing skill gap analysis of over 10,000 workmen online. Sparkle is considered as a best
practice and adopted for a global rollout.

Saadia Mansoor Ahmed

Director Human Resource

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