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Chem 26.

1 (Retrato)
Quiz on Ion Exchange Chromatography
Identification (1 point each)
1. Primary standard in the experiment.
2. General type of chromatography employed.
3. Mobile phase of the system.
4. Complete name of the stationary phase of the system.
5. The stationary phase was initially stored in ________ (complete).
6. pH of the eluate must be _________ to the pH of distilled water.
7. Give the ion-exchange equilibria involved in the experiment.
8. Indicator used in the titration of the eluate.
9. Sample used in ion-exchange chromatography.
10. Number of acidic hydrogens displaced in the resin for the experiment.
Problem Solving (5 points)

Another 1.836 g covellite (CuS) mineral sample was digested and dissolved with 250.00 mL 1.00 M HCl
and diluted to 1.00 L with distilled water. A 100.00 mL aliquot from the solution was afterwards allowed
to pass through a column packed with Dowex-50. The eluate and the washings required 22.70 mL 0.1510
M NaOH to reach the endpoint.
a. What is the % (w/w) composition of copper in this covellite sample (FW Cu = 63.55 g/mol)? (5 points)
b. If covellite is known to have a 51.80% composition of copper, which method between colorimetry and
ion-exchange chromatography, is the more suitable method of analysis for covellite? Justify your
answer using percent error. (5 points)

Cause and Effect (3 points each)


If HCl was accidentally poured into the column with bound Cu 2+ solution. (Parameter: [Cu2+])
If the length of the column was doubled. (Parameter: [H+]).
If the volume of eluate collected was in excess. (Parameter: [Cu2+]).

Rationalization (5 points)
Identify the factors affecting ion-exchange chromatography.

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