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Ivan Sepulveda \ [ss of Analytical Review: 1278 Words wher Dear Reader: 264 Words American Reality DIN \/_ Aspublisher F.F. Woodycooks & Company has requested of me, I have reviewed gta a handful of articles regarding the American Dream. As a college student myself, I have come to realized that understanding the concept of the dream as well as it% relevance today is vital to all Americans. College instructors especially need to know this because they are teaching the next generation of adults; these adults, for better or for worse, will shape America’s economy. This is why college students would also benefit from this review. LY th: Ever since Christopher Columbus discovered the America®, people from all smtpd the world have let everything behind for a fresh start in this new world. Over ie orgie the aspiration of achieviny success in America was called the American Dream. A i 5 < equality. Bor uuld undoubtedly recommend this article to college instructors and students since not only can they see a new perspective on America’s fiscal situation, but they can also benefit from reading these successful uses of rhetorical techniques. n of the YY Although Herbert seems to be rather concerned with the recogni Ne ee +" problem that is our economy, Cal Thomas focuses his article on his own personal Coy elution for success and achieving the American Dream. \ &y, ‘Thomas begins his piece by defining what the American Dream used to mean and x” ci what it means to most people presently. He states that originally this dream meant to &y build a life “based on the foundational principles that crate and have sustained American for over 200 years”. So it’s apparent that Thomas has a conservative point of view, this is Ivan Sepulveda Analytical Review: 1278 Words Dear Reader: 264 Words why Thomas blames the increasing challenge of attaining the American dream on liberal policies and criticizes the people who sincerely need government help, First, Thomas declares that liberals have a different version of the American Dream, which is a government-dependent one. He states, “the eclipse of liberalism’s American dream has been largely caused by expanding, encroaching, over-taxing, over-spending and over-regulating government. This has produced a country of government headaches with Vw an entitlement mentality” ao Through this series of hyperboles and exaggerations, Thomas gets his message across. He even goes so far as to say that believing that politicians and government officials will ike faith, which can never be fulfilled”. To Cal solve everything is something of a “c ‘Thomas, the American Dreat is suf¥eriig because of over-dependence on government, but itis not impossible. Thomas lays out a what is, to him, a logical means to attain this, dream: achieve an undergraduate degree, avoid drugs, get married before you have children, save and invest for your retirement (so that the taxpayers do not have to pay for it), do not overspend, and live morally. To Thomas, people who follow these rules will attain success, Although it is a good plan, Thomas fails to connect on everyone's level. ‘Some of these factors are inevitable, many times children are raised in a drug-using household and grow into the life, sometimes students cannot afford college because of their parent’s financial situation, and more than often, teens/young-adults are not careful A) and babies happen.|Living by Thomas's rules is not as cut and dry as Thomas makes it at pflyout to be, This is an unsuccessful use of logos because logos should appeal logical to | le Stncbeverybody, not just the author. This section of the passage causes the audience to view Ivan Sepulveda ‘Analytical Review: 1278 Words Dear Reader: 264 Words ‘Thomas as a narrow-minded conservative. Although Thomas starts off his article well, it seems that he let his own personal opinion take over. I would not recommend this article for that specific reason; it is not beneficial to anyone except Thomas’s alter ego. In conclusion, I recommend that Bob Herbert’s “Hiding from Reality” be published in F.F. Woodycooks & Company's anthology.the article has deep significance and stimulates thoughts on the relevance and possibility of the American dream in our well-damaged economy while also successfully using rhetorical devices; thus, this article would be extremely beneficial to college instructors and students. Unfortunately, Cal ‘Thomas's article “Is the American Dream Over" is frankly much too opinionated, so this ial to college instructors or students. Dwdli-G 4 apts pH te drsbe

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