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Y RANER RRS srageraliiqamagrasgys§y |] ‘this book contains the recitation for the meditation of the Great Compassionate One For the Benefit of All Beings as Vast as the Skies SIERRA gs3] ‘The recitation for the Chenrezik meditation. __ First refuge and raising the bodhicitta. =, 3. s SEN GNENHR Sa PARANA] QRETAAQAMTAHASTYSSy SANG GYE CHH6 DANG TS'HOK KYI CHHOK NAM LA JANG CHHUP BAR DU DAK NI KYAP SU CHHI Until each enlightenment, I take refuge in all the Buddhas and in the Dharma and all the noble Sangha. 2: “ —- * areas Dix: rs rey saat Rangwasakse sags] — jagfares Rasen geraqantq DAK GLLIN SOK GYI PAY SO NAM KYI_DRO LAPHEN CHIIR SANG GYE DRUPPAR SHOK By the merit of accomplishing the six perfections, may | achieve Buddhahood forthe benefit ofall sentient beings Repeat three times. 'RBSR]_—_Visualization ofthe deity —_ > eth aqekapraypagetanrsa ds) Qagyy sR gst gs] DAK SOK KHAKHAYPSEM CHEN GYI_CHITSUK PEKAR DA WAY TENG on the crown of the head of myself and all beings, on @ moon on a lotus is 2. acm o, —— “ SrawranapradpgyawgsaN] TRINA Baye Ry HRIH LE P'HAK CHHOK CHEN RE ZIK KAR SALO ZER NGADEN THRO AHRIH.Chenrezik arises from this. He radiates clear white light. 23 Sy, radectreas Rogge tgs Sahay gaya aRMaargeaety DZE DZUM THUK IEY CHEN GYIZ1__ KHIAK ZHI DANGPO THALIAR DZEC He gazes with compassionate eyes and has a loving smile. He has four arms. ‘The first two are folded in prayer. Paapadageasaeagany

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