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Marketing Plan

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus

Burke Library Room #29

4000 Dauphin Street
Mobile, Alabama 36608
I. Situational Analysis
Spring Hill College is the oldest Catholic College in the Southeast and is considered one
of three major colleges located in Mobile, Alabama. The colleges Communication Arts
Department includes concentrations in Digital Video Production, Graphic Design, Journalism
and Public Relations and Advertising. In recent years the department has seen a decrease in
students who major in communication arts and has credited this in part to a lack of awareness
surrounding the program.
The current website has been in operation for several years and is updated by the division chair.
Note: For clarity purposes the current website in use by the college will be referred to as the 'old
website' within this creative plan.

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

Below is a situational analysis in regards to the websites current strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats:




Website with rich

Too much text becomes

To keep main points of

Reader becoming bored


overwhelming to

history with the

with material or not


addition of engaging

being able to find desire



Color scheme

No inviting heading,

Being creative with the

Other SHC departments

incorporates Badger

too many pages

website header,

have minimal pages


consolidating pages

Presentation of faculty

Some faculty photos

To provide updated

Lack of consistency


photos of faculty

shown with the absence

of some photos

Easy to read typeface

Consistent San Serif

To liven up the website

Some fonts may distract

text throughout the

with the addition of

the reader. Choosing the

website, little to no

another font style

right one is critical


Figure 1: SWOT
II. Target Market(s) Analysis
The target market for the website redesign, promotion and launch are largely internal
customers followed by external customers. Internal customers consist of current students who
study Communication Arts, all faculty and staff and students in other majors and concentrations.
External customers include prospective students and community organizations and companies
interested in the communication department.
A. Market Demographics

1449 SHC students

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

40 % male, 60% female (SHC Body)

78 full-time SHC faculty members

Gulf Coast businesses

High School Juniors/Seniors

Adults returning to college/ Lifelong learners

III. Marketing Objectives

To have a fully redesigned website operational by the beginning of Fall Semester


To have no less than 50% of the Spring Hill faculty, staff and administration
aware of the website and what it provides by December 1, 2015

To have 75% of the Communication Arts majors aware of the website and the site
benefits by October 1, 2015 and 100% awareness by December 1, 2015

To raise awareness among community organizations and companies of the use of

the website for internships and student project help by 20% by the end of the Fall
Semester 2015

IV. Research -SHC/college and university departmental sites, branding, positioning and
Several other SHC departmental websites have incorporated large color photographs on
their home pages. Other departments have also consolidated many of their concentrations so that
there are not multiple pages to choose from. The Communication Arts website needs to set itself
aside from other departments by putting forth an artistic and exceedingly functional and efficient
website. The agency suggests a logo to be used specifically for Comm. Arts printed and
interactive media. The logo will incorporate a new tagline at the suggestion of Prism: Strategize,
Create, Inform, Succeed. These four words will encircle the SHC emblem, with the text Spring
Hill College Communication Arts centered underneath. Color schemes of purple, grey and white
should remain consistent with the current logo.

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

As Spring Hill College is a historical and private institution, all branding efforts should
convey this logic. Internal and external customers who are looking at the Communication Arts
department for requests or enrollment should feel that their needs will be fulfilled efficiently,
effectively and with zeal. The website re-design should also reflect this approach.
V. Marketing Strategic Direction
The vision of the Communication Arts Department is clear. It desires a website that is
easy to navigate, user friendly and aesthetically pleasing. The Prism + agency will provide this
by setting forth the following steps for the creation, launch and promotion of the new site.
Course of Action

Intended Outcome

To design a Comm. Arts logo based off of

To allow for the department to stand out from

SHCs primary logo

its fellow departments

Introduce logo to social media accounts

To raise awareness of the redesign of logo and

Update current social media (Facebook,

provide a tease for the new site to come (target

Twitter with the addition of Linked In)

external and internal customers)

Re-design of website

Produce a visually pleasing but informative


Inform social media of new website design

To raise awareness of the new website and

with link

features (target external and internal


Purchase promotional items for give away for

Will serve as constant reminders of the Comm.

students and community

Arts department/website

Host website launch party /contact

To get students, business partners and faculty

Springhillian for press coverage

and staff in one place where the focus is the

Comm. Arts departments (promotional items
will be distributed)

30,60,90,120 day evaluations/ reports

To gauge the effectiveness of plans, revisions

will be made as necessary

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

Figure 2: Strategic Direction

VI. Branding and Positioning Strategy

The positioning strategy for the website includes the incorporation of the tagline
'Strategize, Create, Inform & Succeed'. The tagline conveys a process that is not just limited to
current students but also to prospective students, not just to Communication Arts faculty and
staff but also to staff across all departments.
Positioning Statement #1: For students, Spring Hill College's Communication Arts department
will be the vehicle needed to drive creative and responsible thinking. Spring Hill College's
Communication Arts department is known for using top tier professionals. Its outstanding
undergrad level coursework promises to prepare a solid foundation for graduate school or for
careers within media and related fields.
Positioning Statement # 2: For faculty, Spring Hill College's Communication Arts department
will be a melting pot where ideas, strategy and the creative vision for the college can be honed
through the use of its varied media equipment. Spring Hill College's Communication Arts
department is known for being the creative hub that produces material used throughout
departments. Its technological and media capabilities promise to provide a convenient and
meaningful alternative to outside production companies.
Positioning Statement #3: For community organizations and companies, Spring Hill College's
Communication Arts students will be perfect interns who are free and responsible thinkers and
not the typical college interns. Spring Hill College's Communication Arts students are future
leaders in media and related fields. Our coursework and college culture promises to provide
interns who are creative, motivated and dependable.
VII. Timeline and responsibilities for creation and publicizing new website
The agency will utilize an implementation checklist to assist in the documentation of the
completion of tasks that will ultimately lead to the agencys objectives being met.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of tasks. Clients will receive an updated list at start of

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus

Implementation Chart


Date Completed


Developing and redesign of website
Developing and redesign of logo

Launch of new website


Introduction of new Comm. Arts logo


Organize wine social #1 (promotion of



Host wine social #1 (promotion of site)


Surveys distributed to SHC students


(effectiveness of campaign)
30 day evaluation of site (client reports)
Copy for Springhillian advertisements
approved by client
Organize wine social #2 (promotion of



Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts


90 day evaluation of site (client reports)

Run Springhillian advertisements for new


Comm. arts website and logo


Host wine social #2 (promotion of site)


Surveys distributed to SHC students
(effectiveness of campaign)
90 day evaluation of site (client reports)

VIII. Measured control

Attendees at the wine social to promote the new website and logo will be counted. Guests
will be asked to sign in upon entering the event. A Prism personnel member will also be on hand
to count guests to ensure that an accurate count is captured for the evening. Sign-in sheets will
also include areas for attendees (external centric) to provide their email addresses for updates or
events that will be hosted by the Communication Arts department.
Evaluation of the effectiveness and overall campaign will be measured with the use of
surveys from Junior and Senior level Communication Arts students. It will be beneficial to obtain
feedback from students who are in their 3rd and 4th year as it is probable that they have received
training on effective campaigns and can comment on any strengths and weaknesses observed.
Surveys will be administered a week before the official site is up, 30 days post website
introduction and then again 90 days post introduction. Those attendees who provided their email
addresses at the wine social will also receive an electronic survey to obtain feedback.

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

Social media analytics will also be used to track visitors to the websites, length of time
spent on the website and pages visited. Analytics can also be used for Facebook and Twitter will
allow administrators to track how many likes re-tweets or shares that a post or photo

Prism Plus Agency

Department of Comm. Arts

Creative Plan

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Why are we communicating? What is the assignment? (The communication problem)
The Communication Arts Department website is unknown and rarely used because of its poor
design and outdated content. After the launch of the new website, it must be actively promoted to
make students, faculty, staff and businesses aware this website exists and the resources it offers.
The new website will be equipped with organized information, new design, a user-friendly
navigation system and all program information.

To whom are we talking? (The target audience for the campaign)

The target audience for this campaign is prospective students, current Spring Hill College
students, faculty and staff, organizations, companies and non-profits.

What is the Communications Challenge? (Problem/Opportunity)

To convince targets to use this website as a resource and a tool and to raise awareness that this
department has a website.

What should our communication do?

Objective Statement: Communications will raise awareness of the new Communication Arts
website. Communication efforts will expose targets to the newly designed and full
functioning website. It should change the targets attitude by encouraging students, faculty,
staff and outside organizations to utilize this website as a resource to engage and a tool to
learn from.

To have a fully redesigned website operational by the beginning of Fall Semester


To have no less than 50% of Spring Hill faculty, staff and administration aware of the
website and what it provides by December 1, 2015.

To have 75% of the Communication Arts majors aware of the website and the site
benefits by October 1, 2015 and 100% awareness by December 1, 2015.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

To raise awareness among community organizations and companies of the use of the
website for internships and student project help by 20% by the end of Fall Semester

How will it do this?

This will be done by actively promoting the new website with multiple advertising and
promotional efforts.

What is the strategic idea?

The strategic idea is to connect targets through the use of the word come in the tagline
come to the creative side. This invites all targets and calls them to action asking them to go
to the website and discover the program and all it offers.

How will we support this idea?

This idea will be supported through factual information about the creative elements
of this program and the creative new website.

What are the creative considerations?

Long Term Brand Image: The Communication Arts Department is lacking proper brand
image. A well-designed logo promotes professionalism and will showcase the program
in more accurate manner. The new logo will be featured on all creative material and will
assist the department in building a long-term brand image.
Positioning: With Come to the creative side as the tagline, the brand will reach all target
markets. It will occupy a distinct competitive position in the mind of a consumer will help
rebrand the department inviting targets to go to the website.
Budget: Due to a limited budget, advertising and promotional efforts will be
kept at a low cost.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

What are the deliverables?

Content for website

Design for website and design for website explained

Flow chart for website

Springhillian advertisement

15 second radio copy for promoting website

30 second radio copy for promoting website

30 second Badger TV commercial

Brochure for business

Brochure for students (majors and minors)

Promotional item: koozie

Social posts

Promotional materials: flyers

New Logo

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Content for Website

Content for Website:

There are five tabs, About, Departments, Faculty, Our Work and Internships. Each will have a
drop down list with sub tabs. The content for each tab and sub tab will be as follows
About Tab
Communication Arts
The Communication Arts Department of Spring Hill College offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Communication Arts with concentrations in Journalism, Public Relations & Advertising, Digital
Video Production or Graphic Design.
Mission Statement
We believe there is intrinsic value for all students in examining the role of media and
communication processes in our society today. They permeate our lives in both overt and subtle
ways; and their serious study is very appropriate within a liberal arts context, where students are
trained to be both free and responsible thinkers. For our majors we seek to cultivate a high level
of media literacy and a keen awareness of the impact these media have on our life and
culture. The Communication Arts department aims to provide students with a foundation
for graduate study, for future professional accreditation and for careers within media and
related fields. We believe that preparing our students to eventually participate in these media
fields is a significant and worthwhile endeavor. Students progress from analysis and reflection to
ethical action both as consumers and as potential producers of media content.
Sub tab- Policies and Procedures
Department of Communication Arts Statement of Learning Outcomes
LEARNING OUTCOME 1:Students will apply the foundational theories, tools and concepts
essential for communication study and practice to successfully and independently conceptualize,
research, plan, implement and evaluate applied projects or basic research.
LEARNING OUTCOME 2:Students will apply their understanding of interactions between
media and society to successfully and independently conceptualize, research, plan, implement
and evaluate applied projects or basic research.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

LEARNING OUTCOME 3:Students will successfully and independently conceptualize,
research, plan, implement and evaluate applied communication projects or basic research using
media and tools appropriate to the task and to the discipline or its sub-disciplines.
LEARNING OUTCOME 4:Students will demonstrate their responsibility to apply their
knowledge, skills and abilities in service to the community.
Undergraduate students develop these competencies by preparing for and completing SHC Core
coursework, Communication Arts coursework and/or minor coursework as well as an internship
and participation in departmental extra-curricular activities. Students demonstrate these
competencies via a capstone experience that includes a portfolio presentation and an
INDEPENDENT, integrative and synthesizing work (research paper or project) appropriate to
each of the three concentration areas.
Sub Tab- Integrated Media Center (IMC)
The Integrated Media Center is a hub for all Communication Arts students. Here students have
access to the latest equipment need to succeed in each of the concentrations. This center is where
students creativity is explored and honed to produce award-wining work.
Sub Tab-Equipment
This tab will feature what equipment is available to Communication Arts students in the IMC,
such as the Mac graphic design lab, the radio lab and the Badger TV studio.
Mac Graphic Design Lab
Students interested in design or advertising have a well-equipped computer lab to their
disposal. All the tools needed for design can be found in this lab. This lab features the newest
Macintosh desktop computers; each computer is fully equipped with Adobe Creative Cloud
The Top of the Hill Studio
Students who are interested in the radio industry can take the Top of the Hill class, which
offers students the opportunity of disc jockeying Spring Hill Colleges radio station. This studio
is fully equipped to provide students with real world experience in working in the radio medium.
Badger TV Studio

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Students interested in Journalism or Video Digital Production can take advantage of the
Badger TV Studio, which gives students real world experience in the broadcast journalism
industry. The studio features professional equipment needed to produce news broadcast.
Sub Tab-Forms
*This will be a place for students to make suggestions about classes, make anonymous
complaints and request classes to be offered. It will be set up in Google forms and linked to the
Communication Arts department information email.
Sub Tab-Contact Information
Communication, Fine & Performing Arts Division Office:
LAC 222 (within the Comm. Arts/Graphic Design Integrated Multimedia Center) 251-3803840 Division Secretary: Margo Andrews
Departments Tab
*This tab will feature four blocks for each of the Communication Arts concentrations. Upon
clicking on the block a light out box will appear with information about the concentration and a
list of available classes.
PR & Advertising
Students interested in the fast-paced and competitive fields of public relations and advertising
will be exposed to industry-standard KSAs (knowledge/skills/abilities) through a program that
helps cultivate core competencies of initiative, resourcefulness, time management and teamwork
while underscoring the importance of ethical practice. Public Relations & Advertising prepares
students to be professional persuasive communicators with focus on writing, strategic planning,
message development and the adaptability that comes from a rich, Jesuit, liberal arts foundation.
Adaptability is necessary as persuasive communication continues to become more focused on the
individual through advancements in technology and the proliferation of digital media. Public
Relations & Advertising prepares students to be highly flexible for varied career paths in just
about every industry and form of practice, including corporate communication, agencies,
nonprofits, special event planning, media relations, fundraising, online content production and

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Digital Video Production

Students who are interested in the hands-on production of still and moving imageryaudio and
video within a variety of digital formatswill find this an attractive, worthwhile and challenging
degree. Students learn to write professionally, produce, edit and distribute (on the Web)
documentary, journalistic, promotional and short fictional videos, and still photography. They
will produce these videos in a single-camera, film style with emphasis on employing creative
expression while learning professional procedures. Both of those aspects are grounded in Spring
Hill Colleges Mission Statement that emphasizes the pursuit of truth and an ever-deepening
appreciation of the beauty of creation, the dignity of life, the demands of justice, and the mystery
of Gods love.
This engaging area of study will challenge students who hope to work as professional
communicators. The field of journalism has become wide-ranging from traditional forms of
media such as newspaper, magazine and broadcast, to Web and other digital applications.
Students will learn to professionally write, produce, edit and design information for a variety of
formats. They will put into practice newsgathering strategies, alternative forms of information,
and the legal and ethical considerations of working as a media professional.
Graphic Design
*It is recommended to add this concentration to the Department of Communication Arts.
Faculty Tab
*There will be blocks containing faculty pictures that when clicked upon will open a light out
box that will give information about the professor.
*It is recommended that each professor in the Communication Arts Department update their
about and contact information.
Our Work Tab
Our students learn by doing because we believe that they should apply the things theyre learning
in our classes. In our efforts to form leaders engaged in learning, faith, justice and service for
life, we select in-class work or local nonprofit clients for upper-division courses that encourage

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

student learning and growth AND benefit our community while building each students preprofessional portfolio. Some of Communication Arts classes are cross-listed with other
departments, so they can be taken as Graphic Design, Marketing or Writing courses. This helps
round-out teams because students from varied majors bring varied skill sets to projects or

*This tab will be completely redesigned. It will re-evaluate archived work and place a cap on
how long student work is achieved on the website. Under this tab visitors will find, student
portfolios, senior seminar examples, student run media, and clubs.
Alumni Tab
*This is a new tab. It will function as a resource for students who are seeking advice or
information about their concentration.
Internships Tab
The Communication Arts Internship is major-specific and required for graduation. CMM 490 is
repeatable for up to six credit hours. Communication Arts (PR/Ad, Journalism, DVP) requires a
minimum of two credit hours of 490 and one credit hour of CMM 290. Graphic Design & ArtBusiness require a minimum of three credit hours of 490. The internship program offered
through SAS does not satisfy CMM/ART internship degree requirements. SAS internship can be
taken by CMM and ART students as elective hours. CMM/ART 490 is an internship experience
meant to provide students with meaningful field experience, building students portfolios and
benefitting the professionals with whom the students are working.

*This tab is being completely redesigned. It is recommended that an up-to-date list of available
internships be created.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Website Design Explanation

Home Page

The top of the website will say COMMUNICATION ARTS and underneath will
display the new department logo.

The top bar will be a list of the website pages. It is the goal to eliminate some of
the top tabs and create drop-down pages to discover all the necessary information.
This will efficiently organize information and be more visually appealing to a
potential viewer. The tabs along the top in the menu bar will be: About,
Departments, Faculty, Internships and Our Work.

All pages in the menu bar will have a drop down pages.

Underneath the menu bar will be four pictures continuously rotating in a

slideshow showcasing each department with a word branding each department.
All pictures will link to the page of the concentration (Example: a user can click
on the Public Relations picture and be brought directly to the PR/Ad page).

o First picture should represent the Public Relations Department with the
word STRATEGIZE across the bottom of the picture. This image should
be PR/Advertising students working together in the IMC.
o The second picture should represent the Graphic Design and DVP
Department with the word CREATE. This should be a double image
representing both departments. The graphic design picture should feature
students working in the design lab showcasing both work and the lab. The
DVP picture should feature students with the green screen showcasing
both the work and tools of the department.
o The third picture should represent the Journalism Department with the
word INFORM across the bottom of the picture. The image should be
students in The Springhillian room with the newspapers positioned in the

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

o The fourth picture should represent the results achieved through this
program with the word SUCCESS. This picture should be
Communication Arts students on graduation day.

Underneath the slideshow are four logos: Badger TV, Top of the Hill, The
Springhillian and Badger Blog. All logos link to a page where a user can learn
more information (all pages are also listed under Our Work).

The footer displays social icons and contact number. (Note: the footer is displayed
on every page).

About Page

The page is titled About will consist of text explaining the department.

Policies and Procedures Page

The page is titled Policies and Procedures will consist of text explaining the
departments policies and procedures.

Integrated Multimedia Center

The page is titled Integrated Multimedia Center and will have a picture of
the center and text explaining what it offers.


The page is titled Equipment and will have a picture of the equipment
offered or students using the equipment. In addition, there is text explaining
what it offers.


This page is titled Forms and will offer all forms in PDF format for instant


This page is titled Contact and will display all contact information for any
user to easily reach the department.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts


This page has four photos (two rows of two). These four pictures should come
from the Home page slideshow. The four photos displayed represent each
concentration within the major. When an image is clicked it is brought to the
page dedicated to explaining the particular concentration. Top row photos left
to right: Digital Video Production and Graphic Design. Bottom row left to
right: Journalism and Public Relations and Advertising

Digital Video Production

This page is titled Digital Video Production and displays information about
the concentration, lists courses and any other information the department
deems necessary.

Graphic Design

This page is titled Graphic Design and displays information about the
concentration, lists courses and any other information the department deems


This page is titled Journalism and displays information about the

concentration, lists courses and any other information the department deems

Public Relations and Advertising

This page is titled Public Relations and Advertising and displays

information about the concentration, lists courses and any other information
the department deems necessary.


This page displays a headshot of all faculty. All pictures have a light box
effect. This means, when a user clicks on the photo the image will come to the

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

front of the screen blurring everything in the background. Underneath the
image will display a short bio.

Our Work

This page displays a slideshow of photos showcasing the department.

Current Projects

This page displays four photos of current work from student agency, strategic
planning, strategic writing or any other course that partners with real clients.

Underneath the photos the contact form for real clients looking to work with
the department on a project.

Student Portfolios

This page is titled Student Portfolios. It gives brief summary of student

portfolios and underneath features four student portfolios with students name
linking to the online portfolio.

Senior Seminar

This page is titled Senior Seminar. It gives brief summary of the course and
what it requires. Underneath the description, the page will showcase six
students work. This can be done through pictures or links of the seminar
project. This decision should be made based on what information is available
to share.

Student Media

This page has the three logos representing student media. Underneath each
logo gives a brief description of the medium.


Similar to the Student Media page, this page has the ADPRO logo and a
simple text box for the Film and Video Club. Underneath gives a brief
description of each club.


Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

The left side of this page is titled Connect with alumni displaying eight icon
photos linking to an alums LinkedIn Page. The right side is labeled Where
alumni work displaying eight company logos linking to a company website.
The numbers for both of these sections can be more or less depending on the

Current Internships

This page is titled Current Internships and displays only logos linking to a
company internship information page or contact page.

Current Jobs

This page is titled Current Jobs and displays only logos linking to a
company job opportunity or contact page.

Badger Blog

This page is linked from the home page and is titled. The page displays a
photo of a Communication Arts student and texted wrapped around the image.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus

Burke Library Room #29

4000 Dauphin Street
Mobile, AL 36608


Spring Hill College Communication Arts Department


Quarter-Page Newspaper/Black & White

The Comm. Arts Department Website Launch


Come to the Creative Side


Communication Arts Students

Calling all Spring Hill College Students and Communication Arts Students, the Comm. Arts
website underwent a drastic make over! Check out our work, discover internship opportunities
and connect with alumni. With new hands-on features, our website is easy to navigate and
accessible for all of your needs.
Facebook: Comm. Arts- Spring Hill
Instagram: @shccommarts
Twitter: @shccommarts
Hashtag: #shccommarts


Communication Arts Department Logo


Strategize Create Inform Succeed

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus

Burke Library Room #29

4000 Dauphin Street
Mobile, AL 36608


Spring Hill College Communication Arts Department

15-second Radio
The Communication Arts Departments Makeover

Sound FX:
V-O (Announcer):

Drum Role
Calling all Spring Hill College Students and
Communication Arts Majors, the Comm. Arts Department
website underwent a drastic makeover! Visit it today and
check out our work, discover internship opportunities and
connect with alumni.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus

Burke Library Room #29

4000 Dauphin Street
Mobile, AL 36608


Spring Hill College Communication Arts Department

30-second Radio
The Communication Arts Departments Makeover

Sound FX:
V-O (Announcer):

Drum Roles
Calling all Spring Hill College Students and
Communication Arts Majors, the Comm. Arts website
underwent a drastic makeover! Visit it today and check out
our work, discover internship opportunities and connect
with alumni. With new hands-on features, our website is
easy to navigate and accessible for all of your needs. In the
Comm. Arts department you will have no problem finding
your niche. Have any questions? Check out the website and
come to the creative side!

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Sample: Story Board

30-Second: The New Communication Arts Department Website


Badger Purple Screen: Bold Font

CREATIVE SIDE! (Enthusiastic Voice)

SHC Comm. Arts students smiling and talking while gathered around a
V-O: The Comm. Arts website underwent a drastic makeover! Visit it today and
check out our work, discover internship opportunities and connect with alumni

SHC Communication Arts students gathered together and talking

while holding different equipment/objects that portray their major.
V-O: With new hands-on features, our website is easy to navigate and
accessible for all of your needs.


SHC Students walking on campus in front of St. Johns

V-O: In the Comm. Arts department you will have no
problem finding your niche.
Facebook: Comm. Arts- Spring Hill
Instagram: @shccommarts
Twitter: @shccommarts

Badger Purple Screen: Bold font Comm. Arts Website and

Social Media site information
V-O: Have any questions? Check out the website and come to
the creative side!

Prism Plus Agency

White screen with new Comm. Arts logo.

V-O: Strategize, create, inform, succeed Spring Hill College
Department of Communication Arts


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus Agency


The Communication
Arts Department of
offers a Bachelor of
Arts degree in
Communication Arts
with concentrations in
!Public Relations &
!Digital Video

We prepare students
for graduate study, for
future professional
accreditation and for
careers within media
and communication


Discover the
Arts Department

Department of Comm. Arts

Spring Hill College Communication Arts

4000 Dauphin St.
Mobile, AL 36608


Prism Plus Agency


Experience all phases of the digital video creation

process from scriptwriting and pre-production
through production, editing, and post-production.
Youll gain real-world experience through a variety
of exciting internships while building your personal
portfolio of documentary, journalistic, promotional,
and short fictional videos.

Digital Video Production

Youll craft stories that inform, entertain, and

stimulate discussion. Youll have the opportunity
to intern with local television stations, newspapers
and news websites, as well as magazines and a
variety of other media.


Youll push boundaries, brainstorm big ideas, and

perfect core competencies like time management
and teamwork, all while delving into the
importance of ethical practice, leadership and
service to others.

Public Relations and Advertising

Student Groups

SpringHillian and The Hillian Newswire

Student-Run Radio

Other Groups Include

The SHC Film and Video Club
SHC Creatives

An affiliate of the National Communication

Association, membership in Lambda Pi Eta
recognizes Communication Arts students for
excellence in scholarship and leadership.

Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society

The Advertising & Public Relations Student

Organization is SHC's student group affiliated
with the Mobile chapters of the American
Advertising Federation and the Public Relations
Council of Alabama/Southern Public Relations


Majors or Minors Suited for Everyone!

Check us out on social media!

! Association for Women in

Sports Media Scholarship

! AAF District 7 Scholarships

! Alabama Broadcasters

! Southern Public Relations


! Public Relations Council of

Alabama State and Mobile

What scholarships and

awards can I apply for?

Dr. Sharee Broussard

Division of Communication
Arts Chair

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more information?

Yes, you can visit it today: at:

Is there a website where

I can find more


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus Agency


The Communication
Arts Department of
offers a Bachelor of
Arts degree in
Communication Arts
with concentrations in
!Public Relations &
!Digital Video

We prepare students
for graduate study, for
future professional
accreditation and for
careers within media
and communication


Spring Hill Colleges

Department of
Communication Arts

Department of Comm. Arts

Spring Hill College Communication Arts

4000 Dauphin St.
Mobile, AL 36608


Prism Plus Agency


Clear Channel

FusionPoint Media

Alabama Media Group

Disney, Orlando, FL
M Booth, New York
Blue Sky Marketing, Houston, TX
HGTV Magazine
Mobile Bay Magazine
New Orleans Jazz Music Festival
CNN Travels
X Factor

Red Square Agency

Where We Work:

Saatchi & Saatchi, New York

Ocean Drive Magazine, Miami, FL
Stache Media/RED (SONY Music), New
Clarion Herald, New Orleans

Where We Intern:

Interns are generally upper-division students

who have taken most of their major courses,
but students occasionally intern earlier.
Please consider your interns level (Senior,
Junior, Sophomore, Freshman) when setting
your expectations for his or her performance.
Please know that the students have been
encouraged to do their best and to represent
themselves, Spring Hill College and our
programs well.
Always keep in mind that the internship should
be a supervised learning experience for the
Especially if the internship is unpaid, it must
meet the six standards established by the U.S.
Department of Labor in 2010

SHCs Communication Arts (PR/Ad, Journalism,

Digital Video Production), Graphic Design and
Art-Business programs require internships and
portfolios prior to graduation. We couldnt have
that requirement without the support of
professionals like you!

Explore the Students of Communication Arts

Who to contact?
Dr. Sharee Broussard
Division of
Communication Arts

Gain career experience and

portfolio pieces
Internships provide students
meaningful field experience,
building their portfolios and
contributing positively to their
Check us out on social media!

Course description:


Complete the internship with a

positive and approved
reference from the internship

To cultivate initiative,
resourcefulness and time
management skills

To cultivate leaders engaged

in learning, faith, justice and
service for life

To provide students with

meaningful work experience in
the professions theyre

To provide a link between the

classroom and the workplace


Pre-professional and personal




Department of Comm. Arts

Promotional Item: Koozie

Koozie Front:

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Social Media Posts: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Social Media Post

Alert : The new Shc Communication Arts site is up and running go see all we have to offer!
Hey badgers, see what all the buzz around the new Shc Communications Arts site is all about
(link) #Shccommarts
Searching for internships, look no further than the updated list of internships on the Shc
Communications Arts page (link) #Shccommarts
Support our badgers, like the Shc comm arts page and visit the new and improved site (link)
Communication Arts major or not the Shc Communcations site is a must see! (link)
Check out for yourself the what all of campus is talking about, the new Shc Communications
Arts site (link)
Everything from internship information to personal connection with alumni in the field is waiting
for you at the new Shc Communication Arts site.(link) #Shccommarts
In the Communication Arts field or not your going to want to be at the wine launch party for the
new Communication Arts Site coming to you in late May. (link) #Shccommarts
Instagram content is unavailable because these photos should be uploaded at the time they are
taken. However, all photos should be posted using the hashtag #Shccommarts.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Communications Arts Department Logo: Old vs. New

Old Logo

New Logo

The Spring Hill College Communication Arts Department logo has been changed to better suit the
image of the department. The logo original was messy, it did not suit the department and it was not
easily recognized or remembered. The agency suggests to give the Comm. Arts department its own
identity while still being associated with the Spring Hill College brand. The fleur de lis will be added
as part of the new logo because it is a big part of the College logo and associated with the Spring Hill
image as well. The new logo has the font written in Badger Purple that is easily recognized by all
students. Next, the words Strategize, Create, Inform, Succeed have been added as parts of the new
logo because they are words that briefly summarize the divisions of the Comm. Arts department. The
new logo will better suit the department and the fact that it is a cleaner design will give the Comm.
Arts department the opportunity to put it on promotional items, advertisements, social media, flyers,

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Public Relations and

Promotions Plan and

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Public Relations & Promotional Plan

Prism Plus plans to effectively promote the new Communications Arts web site utilizing
campus print media, building on existing social media presence and initiatives a well as campus
events designed to connect on-site with users and showcase our site with experiential campus
Print Media
Eye-catching, full color, full page ads will appear weekly in the Springhillian. From August to
December 2015 (excluding weeks of thanksgiving and fall break) the ads will introduce the new
logo and invite users to visit and enjoy our content. The weekly ads will also display our
#shccommarts hashtag.
Social Media
In an effort to build on to our existing Facebook profile and connect with new users, accounts
called Shccommarts will created for Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter. These new campusfocused accounts are recommended to complement our current efforts on Facebook.
Promotional Events
Our wine launch parties will be created for the first Thursdays in October and May 2015 in the
Gautrette room. All who attend event will have the opportunity to physically be walked through
the site and see all the site has to offer. All students will also leave with a shccommarts black
kooze with displays the new commarts logo in the front and link to site in the rear. The event will
end with a walk through of the updated list of internships and a Q/A session for one-on-one
questions from students.
A brief report about the Communication Arts department during the student portfolio section of
badger connection that will finish a handout for student to take home all basic information on
new site and department as a whole.
Promotional tools
Branded promotional Brochures will be placed in all students mailboxes and local businesses
who can utilize any of our services or the required services of a college intern.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Promotional Flyers will be placed in student center, IMC, fine arts building, and library in hopes
of reaching students who do not live on campus.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts


Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts


Prism Plus agency believes the rebranding and redesigning of the Department of Communication
Arts website can be done by May 2015. This is recommended because this will support to the
success of having no less than 50% of the Spring Hill faculty, staff and administration aware of
the website and what it provides by December 1, 2015. It addition, having 75% of the
Communication Arts majors aware of the website and the site benefits by October 1, 2015 and
100% awareness by December 1, 2015.
January 2015
This month will focus on completely redesigning the homepage, which is the page to grab the
users attention.
Week 1

Replacing content.

Week 2

Change format and tab selection on the page.

Week 3

Add slideshow including text and pictures.

Week 4

Add logos to Springhillian, Top of the Hill, Newswire, and Badger TV. Also add
contact and social information.

February 2015
This month will focus on the departments page. This page is important because it showcases the
majors that a student can take.
Week 1

Redesign the page and tabs for the departments main page. Add tab for Digital
Video Production and add content.

Week 2

Add tab for Journalism and add content.

Week 3

Add tab for PR & Advertising and add content.

Week 4

Add tab for Graphic Design and add content.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

March 2015

This month will focus on students work and faculty. This page will be completely redesigned as

Week 1

Work on content for slideshow to showcase the department. Add photo and text
content for current projects and student portfolios.

Week 2

Add photo and text content for senior seminar and student media.

Week 3

Add photo and text content for clubs and alumni.

Week 4

Changing the format for the faculty page but leave content.

April 2015
This month will focus on the about page. This page will have a lot of written text but will have
rich information.
Week 1

Work on policies/procedures page.

Week 2

Work on integrated media center and equipment page.

Week 3

Work on forms page.

Week 4

Work on contact page.

May 2015
This month will focus on internship and badger blog page. In addition, to compare the updated
website to the recommendations that was made.
Week 1

Redesign of internship page. Add content to current internships and jobs page.

Week 2

Add the badger blog page.

Week 3

Compare the website to the recommendations made by the Prism Plus agency.

Week 4

Finalize and launch website.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Internet Strategy/Plan

Strategy for using the web site to communicate with strategic partners (Internships).
To increase usage of the internship program and resources, the team must update the
internship page by making it easier and accessible for SHC students. Students tend to be
frightened of getting internships but if the team can keep the page friendly then students will be
more open to look at the page.

Replace the list of internships with a page of all the different company logos. To find out
about the internship the user must click the logo.

Keep the layout simple by using the logos to make it easier for students.

Update the list and make sure internships are still available at that business or company.

Strategy for using the web site for customer service. (Comm. Arts Majors)
In order to ensure that students are informed about majors and minors in the
communication arts department, the website page will be updated by listing course titles and
hours. In turn students will feel more comfortable because they know more than they did before.

The 4 areas of interests in the Departments of Communication Arts will be displayed on

the page by having an image for each concentration.

Each concentration will have its own page.

Each page will include lower and upper division courses, which contains course number,
title, and hours.

The current format and content of the Concentrations page can be left as they are now.

Strategy for using the website as research tool to collect data from students.
By building alumni network/ page, SHC students and alumni will be provided with
opportunities and resources. By having a big alumni network the communications arts
department will seem more credible.

The left side of this page is titled Connect with alumni displaying eight icon photos
linking to alumni LinkedIn Page.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

The right side is labeled Where alumni work displaying eight company logos linking to
a company website. The numbers for both of these sections can be more or less
depending on the information.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Media Plan

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

The student media offered through the department will serve as a way to promote the new
program website. The media that will be used are:



Badger TV

Social Media Outlets (Facebook and Twitter)

Media Objectives:

1. Reach: To reach 60% of students by December 2015.

2. Frequency: The audience will be exposed to this message 3 times per week through each
medium, expect the Springhillian. The advertisement in the newspaper will run once a in
the weekly issue.
3. Continuity: All media will run September 2015 to December 2015 expect when Spring
Hill College is not in session. One week in October for fall break and one week in
November for Thanksgiving break media advertising the new website will pause.

Media Rationale

Student Media (Springhillian, WTOH and Badger TV)

Student media will successfully promote the new website because the audience is Spring
Hill students and staff. The message will be seen by the target audience and reach a
multiple majors and students of various interests. This will help target both
Communication Arts and students of other majors.

Campus media will also reach faculty and staff at Spring Hill College. The target
audience will be reached through clever advertising.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Social Media

Facebook is a strong social medium to connect all age groups. This medium has the
power to reach a large audience and promote the new website. Facebook can connect
alumni, current students, faculty, prospective students, businesses and non-profit
organizations. Also, it is a tool to raise awareness about internships and class project
opportunities for businesses. Twitter is a fast-paced medium used regularly by students
and professional companies. Along with Facebook, Twitter will connect businesses to the
department to raise awareness and discover new internships and job opportunities for
students driving them to the website. This is also a way to share information frequently.
Twitter allows one the ability to send multiple posts in one day without annoying
followers because of the newsfeed pace. Instagram has also been proposed because of its
new popularity. This account is a way to showcase the department strictly through
pictures and a link to the website can be attached in with each photo.

Media Budget

Springhillian advertisement
Circulation: about 700 copies
Frequency: weekly, Thursday distribution
Method: throughout Spring Hill College campus
Size: 4 inches high by 8 inches wide
Price: $89.00 for 6-10 weeks
*Spring Hill College organizations receive half off.
Price with discount: $44.50 for 6-10 weeks

Social media posts

Cost: Free

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Campaign Budget

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts


Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Appendix A

Meeting with Sharee Broussard

Discussed the background information and the problem.

Dr. Broussard discussed what our multi-part strategic plan covered.

Got insight on objectives for the web site.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

Appendix B

Christy JonesHudson- Formulated the Marketing Plan and worked with the Internet/Social
Strategy team. She typed the Marketing Plan.

Jabulani Thompson- Collaborated with Demi to complete the Internet/ Social Strategy Plan. In
addition worked with the creative team and Marketing team. He typed up the Internet/Social
Strategy plan with Demi.

Nicole Pembroke- Collaborated with Lourdes to complete creative plan. In addition, she created

Lourdes Gomez de Cordova- Collaborated with Nicole to complete creative plan. In addition,
she created deliverables.

Demi Jordan- Collaborated with Jabulani to complete Internet/ Social Strategy Plan. In addition
worked with the creative team and Marketing team. She typed up the Internet/Social Strategy
plan with Jabulani.

Julian Legido- Worked on the Public/ Relations/ Promotions Plan and formulated the Schedule.

Prism Plus Agency


Department of Comm. Arts

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