Peru Short-Term Missions Trip March 20-30, 2010

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Peru Short-Term Missions Trip

March 20–30, 2010

Goals: This trip is primarily evangelistic. We are going to be sharing the Gospel with Quechua
villagers, many of whom have never had the opportunity to accept God’s grace. During the
time we are in Peru, we aim to:
 Visit several different villages and share the Gospel door-to-door
 Encourage believers in the outskirts of Cusco
 Share the gospel with children in a village through a 4-5 day VBS
 Share the Gospel in the neighborhood surrounding the church we partner with
While our main goal is to work with the local church to bring people to Christ, we also expect
this trip will have a major impact on you. Through this trip, you will:
 Be trained to share the Gospel and your own testimony in a culturally sensitive way
 Have many opportunities to share your faith
 Grow in your readiness to be used by God for evangelism
 Experience the church as a global body of believers
 Learn better what it is like to be a missionary, and grow in your desire to support long-
term missionaries
 Discover gifts and abilities that God can use for ministry when you return home

Destination: Cusco, Peru—elevation 11,000 ft.

 Saturday, Mar 20: Drive to San Francisco and spend the night
 Sunday, Mar 21: Depart from SFO very early and arrive in Lima very late
 Monday, Mar 22: Arrive in Cusco, rest and acclimate, visit the city
 Tuesday, Mar 23–Saturday, Mar 27: Ministry in Cusco, highlands and villages
 Sunday, Mar 28: Attend church services, rest and visit Sacsahuayman (ruins)
 Monday, Mar 29: Depart Cusco early, leave Lima mid-day arrive in SFO late
 Tuesday, Mar 30: Drive back to SLO

Cost: Approximately $1350/person

 Airplane tickets & traveler’s insurance: $945
 Transportation: $80
 Housing & Food: $200
 Ministry tools: $75
 Emergency money: $50

Please note that this is an estimate and will depend on many factors, particularly airfare. Any
increase in costs will be the responsibility of team members. Please see Short Term Financial
Policies handouts for more information.
There may be additional costs to team members, such as:
 Passport fees (around $80)
 Appropriate attire and gear
 Immunizations and shots (check; none are required but an up-to-date
tetanus is a really good idea)
 Souvenirs, tourism and eating out (apart from team meals)

Team members are expected to pay for only 10% ($135), and strongly encouraged to raise
the remaining 90% by writing support letters. We will help you write and send out letters
during the first week of preparation.

Team Meetings: Before we leave for Peru we will be having weekly team meetings on
Sundays. These are not optional. Please look over the following schedule. If you will have to
miss more than one of the meetings, please discuss it with Ben (805.550.7260) before turning
in your application.
Date Time Subjects covered
Sunday, 1/24 2:30p–4:30p Peruvian Lunch, Overview, Support Letters
Sunday, 1/31 2:30p–4:30p Culture, Religion, and Language
Sunday, 2/14 2:30p–4:30p Missions & Evangelism; Assign tasks
Sunday, 2/21 2:30p–4:30p Sharing Your Story & Listening
Saturday, 2/27 10:00a–1:30p Evangelism—sharing @ Prado Day Center
Sunday, 3/7 2:30p–4:30p VBS/Ministry prep
Sunday, 3/14 2:30p–4:30p VBS/Ministry prep
Thursday, 3/18 5:00p–9:00p Shopping, Packing & Last minute prep
* Weeks in bold are MANDATORY. Please speak to Ben if you will need to miss these weeks.

Applications: The application packet is due by Sunday, January 17th to Ben Barczi. It can be
turned in during office hours to the church or at Sunday morning/Celebration services. You
can feel free to call Ben with any questions, 805.550.7260
For college students only: The parent letter/advice form does not need to be in by the
17th; we just want to know that you have sent it by then. Your parent’s advice will
not be the determining factor in whether you can go on this trip, but we do
consider it important to know whether you have your parent’s support.

We will call you no later than Wednesday, January 20 to let you know if we will be able to
have you join our team. You can also feel free to call Ben at any time with any questions you
may have. Thanks again for your interest!

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