Exercise 5 5

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Yanira Kpeli

English 112
Professor Douglas
Chapter 5 Exercise 5.5
September 4, 2014
Identifying the Elements of a Deductive Argument
1) Paraphrase the essays thesis.
There should be more U.S. citizens with a college education. It can add advantages in income
and to the U.S. nation. All U.S. citizens should be able to attain a college degree.
2) What argument does the writer present as evidence to support her thesis? Which do you think
is the strongest argument? Which is the weakest?
The first argument Sanchez demonstrates is she believes college is the only place a person
could find out what they really want to do in life. College is where people could try different
fields, learn from experts and find their career path.
The second arguments states that more and more jobs are being sent out of the country. If
more people had a better education we would be able to keep more jobs here today. In the
future only jobs requiring low level of skills or, high levels of skills will be available. People will
need to able to apply all the skills learned in college to the work field. This is another reason
citizens should have a college degree.
Lastly, a college education help people have a better understand of what is going on with
democracy. They can understand the news, politics and so much more going on with the nation.
They can make better choices on who should be elected because they can now use better
thinking skills.

I believe the strongest argument Sanchez has is the second one. I do think people should be
prepared for the future. It will be harder to get a job people want if they dont have the skills
needed. The skills and knowledge one can learn and put into action in college. Sanchez also got
information on the subject to make it more reliable.
The last argument was the weakest. She isnt giving any references to verify her argument. It
does sounds logical but is a college education really needed to understand what is going on in
the nation or who to elect.
3) What opposing arguments does the writer address? What other opposing arguments could she
have addressed?
Some people are opposed with the idea what everyone should be able to go to college. These
people believe that it will overcrowd the school. Some students will not be able to keep up and
this will slow down the other students.
Another opposing argument Sanchez could have addressed is the amount of funds that will be
needed. Colleges and Universities are very expensive and someone will have to be responsible
for paying tuition fees.
4) What points does the conclusion emphasize? Do you think that any other points should be
The conclusion points out that college education could better the nation as it did for the
veterans of World War II. All U.S. citizens be able to get a college education so we could all have
a better future.
I think the conclusion should also point out how the knowledge and skills acquired on college
can help ready us for what is ahead. A college degree will provide us with a better future in the
career field.

5) Construct a syllogism that expresses the essays argument. Then check your syllogism to make
sure it is sound.
All U.S. citizens with a college degree help better our nation.
Tyler is a U.S. citizen with a college degree.
Therefore, Tyler can help better our nation.

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