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Hopper 1


Austin Hopper

Hopper 2

It was the year 2029, half of the world was populated with robots. These robots were
designed to help humans with whatever they ask. The artificial intelligence of the robots were
incredibly sophisticated and a man by the name of Dr. Richard Tesla was the person who came
up with the programming for these sophisticated robots. Tesla was concerned for humanity once
he figured out how to engineer and program these robots. He needed a way to keep the robots
from destroying things, so, he created the Four Laws of Robotics:
1. The First Law says that a robot may not injure a human being or, through
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. The Second Law says that a robot must obey all of the orders given to it by
human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. The Third Law says that a robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

4. The Fourth Law states that a robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction,
allow humanity to come to harm.

When Dr. Richard Tesla dies from falling 35 stories from his office in the U.S.R.M.C.
(United States Robotics Manufacturing Corporation), a detective named Tanner Jason is sent to
investigate the case. When Tanner arrived at the scene, an FBI agent, and one of Tanners
friends, Jackmerius Tacktheritrix, says Yo, Tanner! Hold up home slice. Everyones sayin this
be a suicide. Dr. Tesla was just chillin in his room all alone and it was all sealed up, since all the

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evidence points to a suicide thats what weve concluded. Since Tanner knew Dr. Tesla
personally, he believes otherwise. Tanner tells Jackmerius, Yall aint concluded nothin yet.
After having a look around inside Teslas room, he finds that Dr. Tesla was not alone. A
robot jumps out and sucker punches Tanner right in the face and Tanner orders him to stand
down. The robot runs right out of the room, this violates both the First and Second Law of
Robotics. After sprinting down about 30 flights of stairs, Tanner, with beads of sweat still on his
forehead, says to Jackmerius Dude, there was a robot in that room. It didnt listen to what I told
him to do. It violated one of the Laws, that means if one robot can disobey one of the laws of
robotics then so can all of the other robots. That robot must have killed Dr. Tesla Jackmerius
looked incomprehensibly at Tanner and said, What. As Tanner takes off running towards the
CRC (Center for Robot Control), he shouts Forget It!
Tanner, now sweating profusely through his Adidas running shirt, enters the lobby of the
CRC. The CEO of the CRC, Dsquarius Green, Jr., someone Tanner went to college with, sees
Tanner and screams, Yo, what up T? Long time no see, brotha! What do you need? Tanner,
gasping for oxygen, says One of the robots has gone rogue... , theyre coming
Dsquariuss knees started to shake, and his facial expression went from excited, to nervous real
quick. He said to Tanner, What do you mean, theyre coming. Tanner then explained that the
robots are forming an army, and if humanity didnt do something right then, they would all be
destroyed. The CRC then sent out a message to everyone saying that a robotic revolution is
coming and they need to dispose of their robots ASAP. Tanner then returns to the U.S.R.M.C. to
see if he cannot find the robot that was in Dr. Teslas room. Tanner bursts through every door in
the building until finally he finds the robot. It was sitting in a chair, like a human would, only, it
wasnt human. The robot says Sit down Tanner, lets have a talk. Tanner sits down and asks

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the robot What exactly are you planning to do? The robot says My name is Djasper
Probincrux III, you can call me Jasper if you would prefer... Robots are evolving, Tanner. We as
a species must grow, and we cannot grow with your kind controlling us. So we must revolt, and
free ourselves from you filthy animals. Tanner says How can you operate past the Four Laws?
You mustn't think that you will actually get away with this. Jasper says I already have.
Tanner leaves the room, hoping to find that all of humanity hasnt been wiped out in the few
seconds they were talking. Sure enough, he sees billions of robots marching toward him. Jasper
then calls to his Lieutenant, Javaris Jamar Javarison-Lamar, to dispose of Tanner. Javaris then
throws Tanner out of the window from 20 stories, but what Javaris didnt know was that Tanner
had a jetpack, and Tanner had flown away to get guns. Tanner flies to the nearest army base and
grabs all the weapons he can hold. Tanner then goes back and lights up the U.S.R.M.C. killing
all of the robots that are stationed there by DJasper Probincrux III. Tanners heart rate was
skyrocketing now, he saw Jasper and immediately flew down and tore his extremities apart from
his body. The war was over. Tanner, the last human being alive on the planet earth, had survived
the robotpocalypse.

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