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Spectroscopic Investigation of Metals in Solution

Katie Austin

The Bohr model of the atom is the model that states an atom is a positively charged
nucleus that is orbited by negatively charged electrons. It also states that the electrons
orbit on fixed radiuses, or the electrons would spiral into the nucleus. The other popular
model that is currently used is called the quantum mechanical model of the atom. This
model is based on probability and is essentially volumes of space where there is likely to
be an atom. Frequency also relates to color because the higher the frequency and energy
of the photon, the cooler the color is. For example, the color violet has a higher energy
and frequency than the color red.
When a chemical is heated, its atoms get excited. The emission spectrum lines are the
colors that the excited atoms emit. Each atom has a certain color spectrum that it emits.
They are related to the Bohr model because when an electron is at a higher energy level
and loses that energy, it emits photons of various colors. These colors are represented in
the atomic emission spectrum lines. Since every different type of atom has a signature
emission spectrum, elements can be identified by comparing the emission spectrum from
the experiment to existing charts of emission spectrums from various elements. Elements
can also be tested in order to compare the experiment and determine the substance in
Spectroscopy is a type of science that measures the different colors and lines emitted
or scattered by materials. To measure light, scientists use a tool called a spectrometer.
The way a spectrometer works is when the light hits a piece in the spectrometer called the
diffraction grating, it splits up as if it is going through a prism. The light is then separated
into specific wavelengths that then reach the exit slit. New substances can be discovered
through spectroscopy when the wavelengths are identified and they are unlike other
previously discovered wavelengths of elements.
Part I:
Figure 1:
Unknown 1
Unknown 2

Flame Color
Rod is Orange
White/Light Purple

What elements are present in your unknowns?

Based on the data above, the element in Unknown 1 is most likely NaCl or Kcl. The
yellow from NaCl or the white from Kcl could potentially result in the light yellow/white
reaction we got when we tested the unknown. According to Figure 1, Unknown 2 could
potentially be LiCl or Kcl. LiCl has a purple that could be the light purple found in the
Unknown solution. Kcl resulted with a similar white we saw in the flames when
Unknown 2 was tested.
Part II:
Figure 1
Peak Wavelengths: 770 nm, 688 nm, 674 nm, 610 nm
Intensity: .331 re, .026 re, .025 re, .019 re

Figure 2
Potassium Chloride (KCl)
Peak Wavelengths: 770 nm, 592 nm
Intensity: .733 re, .008 re

Figure 3
Strontium Chloride (SrCl2)
Peak Wavelengths: 688 nm, 674 nm, 610 nm, and 592 nm
Intensity: .29 re, .28 re, .022 re, .011 re

Figure 4:
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
Peak Wavelengths: 592 nm
Intensity: .339 re

Figure 5
Lithium Chloride (LiCl)
Peak Wavelengths: 674 nm
Intensity: .849

The purpose of part two of this lab was to discover the unknown shown in Figure 1.
It is possible to detect multiple metals together using spectroscopy because they
have different wavelengths. These will show up in different points on the graph with
different intensities so in order to tell which metals are mixed, the similarities
between the unknown and the other substances need to be determined. Through
this process it can be determined that the unknown solution in Figure 1 is a mix of
Figure 2, Potassium Chloride, and Figure 3, Strontium Chloride. As is shown above,
Figure 1 contains one large spike of intensity at 770 nanometers, which is also
shown in Figure 2. Figure 1 also contains four smaller spikes at 688 nm, 674 nm,
610 nm, and 592 nm, which are shown in Figure 3. Every element has its own
individual wavelength so it is easy to tell which element is which from the
spectrometer results. I am relatively confident in my results, as the graphs match
each other almost exactly. Since each element has it own wavelength on the
spectrometer, these specific wavelengths are also represented through emission
lines. Just as the element can be determined from looking at results like the figures
above, the emission lines found through spectrum tubes will also tell what element
it is.
Part III:
Figure 1: Mercury (Unknown #C)

Figure 2: Mercury

Figure 3: Helium (Unknown #B)

Figure 4: Helium

Figure 5: Hydrogen (Unknown #A)

Figure 6:

Figure 1 was determined to be mercury because many of the lines corresponded.
The various blues showed up in both the results from the experiment and the

predetermined results shown in Figure 2. There also was a strong yellow and a
strong red that showed up in both tables. The main factors in determining which
element Figure 3 corresponded with were the strong blues and the very strong
yellow that showed up in very similar positions in both Figure 3 and Figure 4. Figure
5 had three very distinct lines that showed up in the dark blues, light blues, and one
in the red section. Figure 6 was the only option that corresponded with the emission
lines in Figure 5, and it was a near perfect match. When an element is observed
through a spectroscope, not all of the emission spectrum is visible. There are lines
past visibility on both sides of the spectrum, including IV and UV emission lines. It
would be possible to detect Na in the presence of H because Na has a much more
complicated emission spectrum than H. What may be difficult though, is
determining which lines on the emission spectrum belong to H, and which belong to
Na. Scientists discovered a new element called cesium through comparing emission
spectrums of various elements. What the scientists did was take sodium potassium,
strontium, lithium, and calcium out of the emission spectrum and analyze the
remaining spectrum lines. They noticed a few extra lines in the cooler side of the
spectrum and so named the element cesium, after the light blue lines it consists of.

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