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Roll No.:

M. Tech. (ECE), III-Semester

Examination, Nov.-Dec.-2012
Paper: MEEC-603
Time: 3:00 Hours

Max. Marks:


Note: Attempt any five questions.

1 (a)

Explain the principle behind spectrum and dispreading and how this is used in
minimize interference in a CDMA system.


(b) Define the term chip, in the context of direct sequence system and in the context
of a frequency hoping system.

2 (a) Explain







DS-SS CDMA system using block


(b) Why is CDMA most secure than other multiple access techniques explain basic
operation of CDMA.

3 (a)


What is the near-far problem? Find out the methods of power control to eliminate
this problem in DS-SS.


(b) What is frequency selective fading? How can minimize the fading effect using
DS-CDMA techniques?

4 (a)

A speech


signal band limited to 4 KHz and 256 quantization level is to be

transmitted by DSSS transmitter. Find out the required chip rate to obtain gain of


(b) Explain the performance of FH-SS system.




5 (a) Explain the effect of imperfect power contr610n DS- CDMA performance.
(b) How handoff is done in COMA? Also explain, soft hando'ffs.

6 (a)

A frequency hopping spread :spectrum is to have the following parameters.


(I 0)

Message bit sale = 2400 bps

Hopper message bit = 16
Frequency multiplication = 8
Processing gain


45 dB

Find out the smallest number of frequencies required if this number is to

power of2.


Find out the B. W of the FH spread of spectrum signal.

(b) Compare

the DSSS and FHSS types of system.

systems/standards in which these schemes are utilized.

7 (a)


What do you mean by partial correlation? Why is partial correlation important for
the sake receiver rather than full correlation?

8 (a)


Discuss the frequency and channel specification of CDMA digital cellular

standard IS-95 and explain the forward CDMA channel.


Find out the existing


Discuss the generation of CDMA system. Also explain the third generation
CDMA system.


(b) Write short notes on any three of the followings:


Multi-user detection


Capacity estimation

(iii) .

Error probability for DS-CDMA

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