Art Lesson Plan

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Art Integration Lesson Plan 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children
Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Famous Missourian Facebook Page
Lesson Overview/Summary*: Through observation, students will have gained insight on perceptions based on impressions that allow them to interpret
meaning in visual art, literacy, and social studies.

Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know.*

1. Visual Art:
Art is a form of visual language that communicates meaning to the
A portrait can represent a persons personality through facial
Each person can interpret a piece of art in a different way.
2. Literacy:
Literacy is a form of verbal language that can help support ideas
through explanation.
A biography tells the bias history and background about someone
elses life.
3. Social Studies:
History can be objectified and interpreted by an audience.

Grade Level*:4th
Class Periods Required:
(please circle)

1 2 3
Essential Questions (3-4)*:
1. What impressions can people perceive from a portrait?
2. What does a portrait revel about a persons background?
3. How can people interpret different meanings from the same piece?
4. How did their historical figure impact Missouri?

Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at What you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to identify realistic facial proportions and interpret portraits based on the visual impressions of facial expressions.
Students will be able to portray the personality of their famous Missourian through drawing a portrait of them in oil pastel.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to construct a summary about a persons background to support the research they found.
3. Social Studies: The students will be able to objectively review historical claims about a famous Missourian and explain the significant impact the person
had on Missouri.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) (
1. Visual Art: Strand II: Elements and Principles (EP) Select and use principles
of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork. Identify
realistic facial proportions.
2. Visual Art: Strand I: Product/Performance 3. Communicate ideas about
subject matter and themes in artworks created for various purposes. Portrait:

Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art form with the
other identified content areas:
1. Impression-an appearance of suggestion of something.
2. Perception- the way you think about or understand a person, place, thing,
or idea.

Art Integration Lesson Plan 2

Create facial features in correct proportion.
3. Literacy: 1 Develop and apply skills and strategies to the reading process.
Post reading. DOK 3, Standards CA 2, 3, 1.5, 1.6, 3.5. Apply post reading skills
to demonstrate comprehension of text: a. answer basic comprehension
questions b. identify and explain the relationship between the main idea and
supporting details c. make predictions*d. question to clarify *e. reflect f. draw
conclusions g. analyze h. paraphrase i. summarize.
4. Literacy: Writing. 2 Compose a well-developed text. DOK 3, Standards CA 4,
2.1. Compose text a. showing awareness of audience b. in a format
appropriate to audience and purpose.
5. Social Studies: Concept: 3a. Knowledge of continuity and change in the
history of Missouri and the United States. DOK 1, Standards SS3 1.10, 1.6.
Identify and describe the significance of the individuals from Missouri who
have made contributions to our state and national heritage; examples include
Lewis and Clark, Mary Easton Sibley, John Berry Meacham, Geroge
Washington Carver, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mark Twain, Harry S Truman and
Thomas Hart Benton.

3. Interpret- to explain the meaning behind something.

4. Express- to make your thoughts or ideas clear.
5. Objectify- to express something in a form that can be experienced by
6. Portrait- painting, drawing, or photograph that usually includes a persons
head and shoulders.

Content Areas Integrated*:

1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: __________________)
2. Literacy
3. Social Studies

Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific):

Day 1
1. Ask students to sit on the carpet around the smart board or white board
2. Pull up a Facebook profile picture of someone you prescreened (a family
member or trusted friend with appropriate picture.)
3. Have students observe the features of the face and background.
4. Introduce the word portrait to the students.
5. Ask for a raise of hands to see who is familiar with the word.
6. Have students discuss what they believe a portrait is and what it
7. Next, have students share aloud what type of personality the person in
the profile picture has based on what they observe. (For example, the
person seems happy because she is smiling. The person might like the
outdoors because trees are behind her.)
8. Once the students have shared their thoughts, read the profile of the
9. Remaining seated, have the students self-reflect if their impressions

Art Integration Lesson Plan 3

matched the personality traits of the person in the picture.
10. Now, reverse the cycle of thinking by asking the students to predict what
your Facebook profile looks like based on your personality.
11. Show the students your profile picture and have them reflect on if their
speculation was correct.
12. Introduce the Famous Missourian activity. Each student will pick a
famous Missourian of their choice. However, no two students can do the
same Missourian. Have a list of influential Missourians that students can
choose, but do not limit the students to this list.
13. Once each child has chosen a person, have them begin research on their
persons background. This research will include hometown, schooling,
marital status, hobbies, and most importantly their most famous
contributions to Missouri.
Day 2
1. Allow time for students to finish completing their research.
2. Give Facebook template for students to transfer their information into.
The slots are small so encourage students to only identify important facts
and summarize the research they found.
3. Have the students print out a portrait of their famous Missourian as a
5. Point of key features of a realistic face.
6. Give students oil pastels for supplies.
4. Have students create their own portrait of their Missourian based on the
information they found. Students should include facial expressions that they
believe would represent the personality of their historical figure.
Day 3
1. Have each student share their Facebook profile and picture to the class.
2. Hand out five reflection sheets to each student. It is their job to interpret
five of their peers profiles.
Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention)*:
Visual Art: Students will enjoy looking at the modern technology use of the
Facebook Profiles.
Literacy: Show students the significance of a biography through examples of

Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set):

Art Integration Lesson Plan 4

Social Studies: Show students the impact of one persons influence.
Formative Assessment strategy:
Visual Art: Did the student draw a realistic picture of their historical figure?
Did the student use accurate human facial proportions? Did the student
include facial expressions to empathize their famous Missourians perceived
personality? Did the student incorporate a relevant background for their
Literacy: Did the student include main concepts from their research? Did the
student summarize their persons biography?
Social Studies: Did the student find accurate information about their famous
Missourian? Does the student show understanding in the significance and
importance of their historical figure?

Summative Assessment strategy*:

Visual Art: Students will be able to define the vocabulary word portrait.
Students will be able to identify realistic human face features. Students will
be able to interpret the meaning behind facial expressions. Students will be
able to observe and express thoughts about a portrait.
Literacy: Students will be able to reflect on readings about their historical
figure. Students paraphrase information they found on their persons life
Social Studies: Students will be able to identify key contributions their
famous Missourian made to the state or country.

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