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Comparative Essay By.

Mike and Colin

There are many things that Canada is famous for. One of the lesser know facts is that Canada played a
huge part in the idea of insulin being used on humans to save the lives of those with diabetes, Thanks to
Fredrick Banting. This paper will prove that Fredrick Banting is one of the greatest Canadians to ever live.
Fredrick Banting was born in a farm house right outside Alliston Ontario in 1891 where he attended high
school. in september of 1910 he began studying general arts at Victoria College on University Of Toronto
campus, later in 1912 he applied for medical and was accepted in 1913. As the first world war started in
1914 he opted out of medical school to join the army only to turned down, Though he reapplied later that
year and finally got in. He was fast tracked through school and graduated right before leaving overseas.
he was wounded in the battle of Cambrai in 1918 although he was injured he helped other wounded
soldiers for 16 hours he was later awarded The Military Cross for heroism. After the war he returned to
Toronto and studied to become a surgeon in The Hospital For Sick Kids. After reading an article about the
pancreas he became interested and thus his research started which eventually would lead to him testing
the use of insulin on a 14 year old boy which yielded the modern use of man made insulin on diabetics
saving lives all around the world.
His scientific exploits didn't stop at revolutionizing modern medicine. later in 1938 he took part in the
studying of phycological affects on combat pilots flying at high altitudes in WWII. He investigated the
causes of pilots blacking out due to G-Force. Later he invented a suit which he named the G-Suit that
would counter the affects of the gravitational pull or push causing pilots to black out. as well as the
research in G-force he also studied the affects of mustard gas and antidotes even going so far as to test
the mustard gas and antidotes on him self. For his incredible advances in modern medicine he was given
many awards which included a Nobel Prize in Medicine and as well as being knighted as a Knight
Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
There are many people who would agree from a different stand point that Henry Woodward could
contest as one of the greatest Canadians to ever live. Henry Woodward filed a patent application in 1874
for what was to be the first incandescent light bulb. Which they later sold all the rights and license over
to an American man named Thomas Edison would later go to be credited as the Inventor of the
incandescent lightbulb. Although the lightbulb is an incredibly important invention, It is widely agreed
that the fact that Frederick Banting was responsible for saving millions of lives in the years to come could
easily outweigh the invention of the lightbulb which was quickly sold off to an american.
In conclusion is it is easy to see that Frederick Banting was by far one of the greatest Canadians to ever
live with evidence from discovering one of the most important advances in modern medicine to working
with the Canadian Military to save more lives to even being knighted by the british empire.

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