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The Company


Bob Smith


Eric Saavedra


September 4, 2014


Rhetorical Analysis

The ice bucket challenge videos have become an internet sensation. Everyday thousands of new
videos are being posted on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. The
videos consist of mostly of the younger generation in participation. However, middle age adults
and some seniors are taking part of this new sensation. The videos follow the same purpose and
genre plot. These videos are being conducted for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. This disease
effects the cells in the brain and spinal cord and often leaves the person paralyzed. Since the
videos have begun, the audience videos have grown.
The audience of these videos have spread throughout the world. Everyone from small children
to the elderly watch these videos. However, young people, probably from ages 16-24, watch
these videos because we have easier access to these videos. These videos are uploaded on
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While people of all ages use Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram are predominantly used by younger ages. The teenagers and young adults see these
videos because the videos are on their timelines to scroll and watch. Since most adults dont use
Twitter and Instagram, they have a harder time viewing these videos.
These videos can only be viewed as a video recording. Usually someone records the person
nominated on a cell phone due to its easy access. However, you do see some people using
actual video cameras to film the video, but the dominant source is cell phones. Once these
videos are conducted, they are uploaded to social media websites. Some are uploaded to
YouTube or Facebook, but the Bulk of these videos are uploaded to Instagram. Due to its
restrictions on how the video can be performed, you see the same general plot.
The ice bucket challenge video will usually start by someone recording the person nominated
for the challenge. Most people use cell phones to record due to its easy access. The person
nominated will state his or hers name and why they are doing this video. The person will move
on to discuss who nominated him or her. The person nominates a few people of his or her
choosing and gets the ice water poured onto them. After the water is dumped, the video

concludes with usually a funny reaction by the person. Most videos follow this plot. However,
some videos will not follow the typical genre plot.
George Bushs ALS ice bucket challenge video doesnt follow the same genre plot you
normally see, but it does follow several rhetorical patterns and appeals. George Bush begins his
video by stating who nominated. He was nominated by Woody Johnson, Jenna Bush, Coach
Jim Harbough, and Roy McElroy. He moves on to discuss that he is doing this video for the
ALS Foundation to help find a cure. However, he says its not presidential to do the video so
he is going to write the check instead. As he is writing the check, his wife, Laura Bush, comes
up behind and dumps the water on him. After she dumps the water she says, That check is for
me. I need it for my hair. When the water is dumped on him, he screams out really quick. The
video moves on to nominate Bill Clinton for his birthday. The video concludes with Bush
giving the website for more information. This video is slightly different because usually the
nominated person will take the challenge. In George Bushs video he decides to write the
check. George Bush is surprised attacked by his wife with the ice water. In other videos, the
person sees it coming. This video also is different because usually these videos ends with the
ice water being dumped on the nominated person. In the George Bush video it concludes with
him nominating people and then giving the foundations website. Overall this video follows
somewhat of the same plot, but it does mix it up a little bit.
George Bushs video follows several of the rhetorical patterns. The first one you would
recognized is narrative. You see narratives at the very beginning of the video when he explains
why he is participating in this challenge. You also see it when he gives the reason why he wont
do he challenge. He doesnt want to participate in the challenge because it isnt very
presidential to do so. You also see Narrative when Laura Bush explains that the check
George Bush was writing was going to be for her hair.
The rhetorical pattern definition is represented in this video very well. You can make the
argument that he defines what presidential is since he uses that excuse to no doing the
challenge. The overall video follows a certain definition if you observe it very closely. The
video is defined as stating why someone is doing the video, the nominate people, then have the
water poured on them.
There is a lot of description in this short video. Laura Bush uses description to describe what
her check is for. It is also used when Busch describes Bill Clintons gift being cold and wet
since he nominated Bill Clinton for his birthday. You can also make the argument that this
video gives a description to who George Bush is. This video shows he is formal since he tried
to avoid the challenge, likes to keep up with you because he actually made the video, and fun
because he actually took the challenged and was a good sport about it.
The cause and effect pattern is present within his video. You can argue that writing the check is
the cause of him looking presidential and the effect is Laura Bush pouring the ice water on
him. You can also say that writing the check is the cause of him being nominated and the effect
is having him participate in the video.
It is very hard to find Classification/Divide in the video. The only evidence of this is George
Bush classifying him as presidential. By classifying him as presidential, he is holding
himself as a very high person. He is also thinking of his reputation as many Americans would
see this video. Since he is a former president, he does have the ability to classify himself as that.

The video doesnt use compare and contrast in any form. He doesnt compare his video with
any others. There is no solid evidence supporting Compare and Contrast. This video uses these
patterns to persuade people to participate, but it also uses rhetorical appeal as well.
His video uses rhetorical appeal in order to grab the audiences attention. The video uses Ethos
by having George Bush as a credible source. You can trust George Bush so you know what he
says is true. You can trust him because he used to always on TV giving speeches and working
hard to help the Americans. He worked hard as the leader of this country in order to satisfy
American and keep the American Dream alive. He is a credible source because he was our
former president from 2000-2008. This is a very high achievement because not many people
get to become president. He was at one point very likable person by the American people. You
can also make the argument that this video helps his credibility and image because he is doing
this video for a great cause. Laura Bush is also a credible source because she was the first lady
when Bush was in office. She also did a lot of charity work as the first lady. She would help a
lot of foundations and charities. This also helps her credibility because she is continuing helping
charities in some way. There was some evidence of Pathos in the video.
The video mostly uses Pathos to reach the audience. The video achieves this by showing Bush
really caring about the cause and wanting other to join. You can see that by him actually doing
the video. Many people who are nominated to do this video ignore it because they dont want to
get involved. He is showing that he cares by making this video and donating the money because
if he didnt care, he would have ignored the challenge. This video uses laughter as Laura Bush
dumped the ice water on him as a surprise. You dont see many videos like this because most
know when the water is going to hit him. George Bush got surprised attacked by his wife. This
is what makes it funny because he never saw it coming.
This video use logos by providing information about this cause. He gives information about the
website you can go to for the ALS foundation. He also gives information about why he is doing
this challenge. You could say this whole video is informational because he is giving
information about who nominated him, why he wont participate in the challenge, and his own
George Bushs ice bucket challenge video follows similar conventions to most videos you
would see on the internet. It differs from most videos because he wasnt going to participate it
originally. He ended up taking part of the challenge after Laura Bush dumped the water on him.
You never see this very often because usually everyone sees it coming. This video is truly
unique but it still follows the same rhetorical patterns and appeals. It uses these to persuade the
audience to participate and help a worthy cause. With so many people doing these videos, it is
no wonder it has become an internet sensation.

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