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Summary of Sleepy

The story begins with school

teacher, Ichabod Crane, leaving
a local party. As he was going
home, he went through a creepy
forest where legends had it the
headless horsemen wondered at.
He went past a cemetery where
he saw the headless horseman
come out of the ground. Ichabod
freaked out as the horseman was
after him. His horse was
galloping as fast as it can, but the
headless horseman was catching
up. Ichabod was hurrying to the
local bridge because rumors had
it the horseman cant cross the
river. As he crossed the bridge,
the headless horsemen went on
top of the bridge. Ichabod was
now face to face with the
headless horseman. As Ichabod
was trying to escape, the
headless horsemen through his
head Ichabods face. He fell off
the horse and was never seen


What is Sleepy Hollow?

Sleepy Hollow is an urban legend

about a headless horseman that
stalks people that enter his woods.

It takes place in a postrevolutionary war time in

a small town called Sleepy
Hollow in modern day
New York.



Washington Irving Published it

as a collection of short stories
called The Sketch Book of Geoffrey
Crayon in 1809.

Legend of

Who wrote it?

By:Eric Saavedra

History of urban Legend?

Washington Irving wrote this
short story in 1819 when visiting
a small town in New York. This
town was predominately Dutch.
He learned their culture and all
their tales. He originally heard of
the headless horseman from the
Dutch. However, he took their
tale and made it take place in
America after the Revolutionary
War. His urban legend is still
very popular today. The movie
industry have taken this story
and made into two hour long
movies. These movies often
revolve a slightly different plot
than the story due to the fact that
the story is so short. The headless
horseman has also become a TV
show on FOX.

Is the urban legend real?

The headless horseman has been
a popular urban legend for over
200 years. Many people visit this
town every year to get a glimpse
of the headless horseman, but
there has not been any reports of
the headless horseman.

1. Browne, Patrick. The

Story Behind Sleepy
Hollow. Historical
Digression, 31 Oct. 2011.
Web. 28 Sept. 2014.
2. Quidor, John. The
Headless Horseman.
1858. Sleepy Hollow.
Wikipedia. Web 27 Oct.
3. Irving, Washington. The
Legend of Sleepy
Hollow. Project
Gutenberg eBook, 26
Nov. 2012. Web. 28 Sep.
4. Biography of
Washington Irving (17831859). Biography of
Washington Irving, n.d
Web. 28 Sep. 2014.

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