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Eric Saavedra

November 21, 2014

English 101.001
Professor Larsen
Final Portfolio

Reflection Essay

The Learning Outcomes that we have covered this year have tremendously helped me
with my writing. These Learning Outcomes pushed me even harder with my writing. I needed
each of these outcomes to help make my writing very strong. Some Learning Outcomes were
more useful than other in our sequences. For sequence one, the focus was mainly on Learning
Outcome A, Learning Outcome C, Learning Outcome D, and in some ways Learning Outcome I,
and Learning Outcome J. Sequence two was focused on Learning Outcome I, Learning Outcome
J, Learning Outcome B, Learning Outcome G, learning Outcome H, and Learning Outcome E.
sequence three covered Learning Outcome I, Learning Outcome J, Learning Outcome G, and
Learning Outcome A. We have covered every Learning Outcome throughout many assignments
throughout the semester. Learning Outcome A has been used the most throughout the
Learning Outcome A has been applied to a number of assignments throughout the
semester. Because of its complexity, this learning outcome can be applied to any assignments
we have covered this assignments. I have made the biggest improvements within a few sections
of this learning outcome. I have improved in improving and reflecting arguments. I was able to
achieve this through peer reviews, proposal, and the rhetorical situation. The peer reviews have

taught me how to reflect on arguments. When someone reviews my writing, I now take in
consideration of other peoples opinions. I analyze and consider their arguments now. In the
past, I would ignore them because I thought I could do the essay myself. I started looking at the
reviews and saw that they were really helpful. They pointed out things that I could improve that
not even I saw. It has benefited me tremendously because it is making my writings stronger.
Both the rhetorical situation essay and proposal taught me to compose my arguments better.
Creating solid arguments was always a weakness of mine. I used to rush these types of essay
because it was always difficult. I have a much easier time because I have had a lot of practice
throughout the semester. I have made improvements within the analyzing arguments section. I
was able to achieve this through multiple methods. The main method was through researching.
This semester has required me to do a lot of researching for my essays. For each essay, It has
required me to do research based on my arguments. I had to look at many newspapers articles
or interviews conducted by others in order to do my writing. I have made some improvements
with the consider evidence and mediums section. Each section has required me to consider
different types of researching. Each writing is requiring different arguments. For instance, the
documentary required me to conduct research for the headless horseman. My research was
closely revolving around the headless horseman and its history. Now my proposal was more
lose because my research wasnt only revolving around my issue. I had to look up reasons and
the history of the issue. It started off as research for the shortage of police. It moved on to
salaries, crime statistics, and pensions. Considering proper mediums was very difficult
especially because many mediums would work. Throughout the semester, the professor
assigned us a medium so it was easy to conduct. However, the professors did not give us a

medium. We had independence with it so it was very complicated to decide. There are many
methods of mediums to choose from. I ended up choosing a PowerPoint because it allows me
to present my proposal in anyway, and it also me to be creative. I was able to improve within
these section, but I did not improve on the consider strategies and claims section. I did not
because it was a very difficult for me to understand at the beginning. I struggled gripping the
section. I finally understood the section at the end of the semester because the class went over
what the Learning Outcomes means. Since I have a basic understanding now, I am now able to
apply this knowledge next semester in English 219. With the learning of this section, it will
continue helping me develop better writings. Learning Outcome A has been applied throughout
the semester but so has Learning Outcome I.
Learning Outcome I is all about researching and sources. All of our major writing
assignments have revolved around researching. At the beginning of the semester, I was really
weak on researching and sources because I have had very little experience with these types of
essays. Most of my essay composed before this semester have resulted in very few researching.
I have improved significantly with researching in Urban Legends documentary. This assignment
needed a lot of research because I did not have a lot of information about the urban legend me
and my partner chose. Conducting research for this assignment helped me understand what to
look for and trusted sites to use as well. Identifying sources was always a challenge of mine.
Since our library visit earlier in the semester, it has become a lot easier for me. The library
tutorial we did and the explanation the librarian had done made identifying sources very easily.
Analyzing and evaluating sources was never a problem for me for some reason. I had a descent
understanding of this. However, when the professor presented the CRAAP criteria, it gave me a

very clear understanding. CRAAP stands for Currency (the time of the information), Relevance
(The importance of the information and whether it fits with your subject), Authority (Where the
source come from), Accuracy (Whether the source is reliable, nonbiased, and truthful), and
Purpose (The reason the source is posted). This criteria really helped me with sources
throughout the semester. Before the semester, I had a so-so understanding with synthesizing
sources. I wasnt weak with it, but I also wasnt strong. LSA #5 really helped me understand this
section of the learning outcome. LSA #5 was about conducting a research paper about the
reasons and history of the problem for our proposal. This assignment made me think really hard
where to place sources within my writing assignment. I had to think where sources were
appropriate. It took a while to do this assignment, but I feel like my sources were placed
appropriately because I realized where I needed information that called for in-text citations. I
have made significant improvements within Learning Outcomes A and I, but the Learning
Outcome that I have made the most improvement on was Learning Outcome C.
Learning Outcome C is about writing as a process. Before the semester, I did not do any
prewriting or planning before writing an essay. I would just write it and pray that it worked. I
also did not do any revisions and editing to my essays. I always thought they were good the way
they are so I did not make changes. This semester I have learned to prewrite and plan. The best
evidence of this comes from writing LSA #5. Before I wrote it, I wrote out a bunch of ideas I
wanted to use for my proposal. I originally chose the topic that interested me the most. My
original topic was about the shortage of correctional officers at the county jail. I began doing
research because I needed evidence to support my claims. I had a lot of difficulties finding
information though. I decided to change my research into interviews because I know a lot of

correctional officers. With my research finished, I began organizing and made an outline. I
began noticing problems within my assignment. I thought it was going to be too short due to
lack of research. I, however, continued on and began writing my first draft. My worries were
correct, however, when I was about halfway through the first draft. I was reading what I had
written and noticed that it was too short and vague. I was very unhappy with how the draft was
turning out so I scrapped it. I went back to the brainstorming and found a new topic. My new
topic was about the shortage of police officers across the state. Researching was so much easier
as I was able to collect all information needed this time. Prewriting and writing the first draft
went very smooth. I gave my first draft to my god father because he is an expert with essays.
He began pointing out critical mistakes I was making like the lack of sources to support all my
claims. Normally I would ignore the feedback, but this time I listened. I went back to do
additional research and applied it to within my second draft. I incorporated all the feedback
given to me and it made my essay a lot stronger. By following the writing process, it helped me
compose essays that were stronger. I was making fewer mistakes because I was catching my
mistakes or have someones feedback. By the time I turned in my final draft, I was very
satisfied. The writing process really effects your writing and makes it better. Learning Outcome
C improved the way I use the writing process, but Learning Outcome D helped my organizations
of sentences, and paragraphs.
Learning Outcome D is about improving the way you organize sentences and paragraphs
in the American English way. In the beginning of the semester, I did not even understand what
this learning outcome meant. It confused me because I have had very little experience with it.
Throughout the semester my understanding of this outcome has improved. The sentence

diagramming we did all semester helped me greatly. The sentence diagramming taught me how
to write more functional sentence because diagramming sentence taught me how to organize a
sentence. I know where adjectives, adverbs, verbal, etc work best with in a sentence. The
results are that my sentences flow a lot better. With better sentences, my paragraphs are more
flowing and organized. Peer reviews helped me understand this learning outcome as well. The
people who reviewed my essay would point out comments about the structure of my
paragraphs. They would leave comments to move sentences or paragraphs around. The
comments helped me understand even better how to organize sentences, paragraphs , and
essays as a whole because they were showing me what I did wrong and how to correct them. I
have made significant improvements within these several outcomes, but there is one that I
have not made any improvements on.
Learning Outcome E has been a struggle for me all semester. I didnt have an
understanding of it all semester. I tried all semester to get an understanding, but I have failed.
Without a proper understanding, I wasnt able to apply it to any of my writings. It wasnt until
the end of the semester that I finally understood what the outcome meant. I got an
understanding when the professor went over all the Learning Outcomes. Her explanation really
helped me have a decent understanding of this learning outcome. With a better understanding,
I will be able to use it next semester when I take English 219 (technical writing). I can use this
outcome prewrite my essay. I can use this to analyze who my audience would be and how it
would affect my tone and vocabulary. With this new information, it would help me identify the
Rhetorical Situations a lot better. I would be able to decide the type of language needed for an
essay. Overall, I struggled with this learning outcome all semester. It was the only one that I

didnt have an understanding. With the new information I learned about this learning outcome,
I will apply it to every writing assignment that I need to write. The Learning Outcomes I have
discussed were able to be applied this semester, but Learning Outcome F gives me the
opportunity to discuss how I will use them in the future and other courses.
Learning Outcome is all about reflecting throughout the semester in the future. I feel
like this semester has been the biggest I have seen within my own writing. At the beginning of
the semester, I was struggling a little bit because most of our assignments called for research
which is something I wasnt used. I was struggling a little bit at first as you can see with my first
MWA #1. As the semester progressed, I found that by following the learning outcomes, it would
make my writing a lot faster. I was able take the time and plan out my writing instead of just
jumping in. I was able to conduct better research because I had an understanding what to
research and how. I continue to make improvements with my citations as I get more and more
experience with them. At the beginning of the semester, I had not a clear idea with citing
sources. I did the best I could. The assignments and activities we did throughout the semester
really helped me understand the format a lot better. Overall I am very happy with the
improvements I have done because it has given me the ability to apply it to other courses. I
I have the ability to apply these learning outcomes to other classes like my Art History
class. This class revolves around a lot of writing so it gives me the ability to use them. I use
Learning Outcome A in every writing assignment in Art History because Knowing the Rhetorical
Situation helps me understand how to write this in terms the purpose, audience, and language.
These outcomes have greatly helped because I now use the writing process in every writing
that I conduct. The result is stronger papers because I can catch errors early, and I have the

ability to see if my topic is working. My writing grades have gone up across the board because
of these outcomes. I used to write at a C level meaning it was just acceptable. Now my writings
are receiving As. I am very thrilled of how the learning outcomes have assisted me throughout
the semester. I used to ignore them because they seemed insignificant to me. I now know that
these are here to help improve my writings. With the knowledge I have now, I can continue to
apply this to other courses and the future as well.

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