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Reservoir Host: Where

microorganisms reside. Can

be on food or in water or a
human source. Break it By:
Dont leave standing water,
properly refrigerate food.

Infectious Agent: Any microorganism

that is capable of producing an
infection. Break it By: Bandaging
wounds, clean out cuts

Susceptible Host: Person who is

susceptible to an infection A
Compromised host is a person at
increased risk. Break it by: Not
going by sick people, getting a shot.

Portal of Entry: Place where

the infection agent enters the
body. Break it by: Autoclave,
be safe with equipment.

Chain of

Portal of Exit: In order for an

etiologic agent to establish an
infection, the microorganism must
leave the reservoir. (Mouth, Nose,
ect) Break it by: Covering areas
with wounds or infections,

Route Of transmission: How the

microorganism travels from one
place to another. Direct
Transmission involves direct contact
between the infector and susceptible
person. Break it by:
Washing Hands and Sanitizing hands

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