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Flores-Rosario 1

Bryan Flores-Rosario
Mrs. Knudson
UWRT 1103
10 November 2014
Dream Journal
Day 1:
Last nights dream brought me back to 9 years old and playing in the yard with
my dog Scooter. The only reason I remember this was from the sound of the wind
through the pines behind the house, the smell of the food on the grill, and the feeling of
Scooters hair through my fingers. I never truly knew what that dog looked like but he
was small yet loud.

Day 2:
Always black. The nightmare last night was terrible. Only screams. These
nightmares happen a lot though so Ive gotten used to the overload of only one sense. I
hope I never lose all of my senses; that will be the day I fall hopeless.

Since blind people rely on their senses to understand the world, their dreams are
restricted to the use of these senses. Smells, hearing, and touch dignify how their dreams
will take course. This journal would just be a general example of a recap of the persons
dreams to show just how limited (sensory-wise) their dreams are.

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