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Conner Lang

ENGL 1010-19
17 November 2014
Verbal Presentation Outline

A quote from Rachel Carsons famous, and inspiring book says: Those who
contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as
long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of
nature-the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
The lack of recycling contributes to this world-wide problem of pollution, which
has become something that the majority of first-world countries can relate to,
internationally. The issue has grown into a large quantity that involves greatly
with the human population, particularly focused on the citizens of the United
States. It has become an increasingly significant problem in larger urban areas,
such as New York, New York and Los Angeles, California. There should be a
natural concern on the health of the environment, especially when it affects the
resources that are depended on to survive. It became a large issue once the era of
industrialization was introduced. This led to the decrease in conservation, causing
the amount of pollution, mainly household waste, to increase.
When the public decides that the importance of conservation has become a top
priority throughout the nation, there will be a gradual improvement of life, and

therefore will be able to perform with excellence through health, and affect the
overall population, leaving the environment in a better position than what has
been predicted.

Describe the problem:
Over time, the human culture has evolved over centuries, which has lead towards a
stratified societal way of thinking; meaning that people have become accustomed to the idea that
the value of money outweighs the importance of anything else economically. This becomes a
problem when trying to present the idea of recycling to several communities, because when it
comes to looking at numbers, there is less money spent on sending household waste to a landfill
than it does to take waste products to recycling facilities to re-make items. There is a known
statistic that it costs thirty-seven dollars a ton to send to a local landfill in the state of Tennessee.
That number looks very convincing, and is hard to compete with when the Waste Department
tries to persuade the public to join curbside programs that have obvious benefits for the
community and the environment. Educating the public has become a large struggle because
higher authorities do not believe that contributing to publicizing recycling is not a top priority,
causing many citizens to stay clueless to the benefits of recycling and what it can do to help with
local ecosystems and natural resources that the population believes that there is an endless
amount. There is not a large amount of people that are contributing to the green community,
and it needs to grow faster than its current rate.

To show the community that there are benefits to recycling, it must be publicized in order
to spread the idea. There needs to be a cite, or a page that spreads the awareness of becoming
greener by blowing up newsfeeds with inspirational articles and helpful hints, or facts. We
need to merge it with pop-culture, making recycling the cool thing to do. If there are enough
people that become a part of a group that support the importance of conservation, there might be
a larger impact among the majority. An example of this would be the activist group known as
Sea Shepherd, who created a televised show that had visual documentation on their work in the
Southern oceans of the Antarctic Ocean, working against the Japanese Whaling Fleet that had
claimed over several years that their poaching was towards scientific research. They created
several pages on social networking cites, such as Facebook, that continue to show their activist
progress. If we could start a small group that spread the word of recycling to other individuals,
that could show the benefits to the public and the great change in the environment, then the
people would make a greater effort to helping the planet.
Explain the rhetorical design of advocacy campaign:

Monomodal-text: I chose the open letter genre for my monomodal text because it seemed
appropriate when trying to inform the problem that we are facing towards the specific
group of people that need to be addressed through an inspirational delivery. The
particular audience that I would try to grab the attention of would be people that were a
part of a greener community, and explain to them that spreading their influence would
be a tremendous help with getting the word out to the public. The goal of becoming much
more conservative than the current population today is the purpose of the campaign; to
help create a greener community, and increase the amount of recycling that occurs,

making it a large part of trying to make the environment return to health because of the
amount of energy it saves and the opportunities it creates.

Multi-modal text: I chose to use a Facebook page for my multimodal text because this
model seemed appropriate when trying to deliver the message across by visually showing
people the increase of destruction the environment has dealt with, created over several
decades. Seeing the images of how the world has been destroyed may enlighten the
people with the fact that their way of living can cause problems that are so much bigger
in the world. The audience that the page would aim for would be the public that are
internet users, but mainly politics because as leaders they would be able to persuade the
majority to follow them when talking about conservation, and would be able to help
convince the public that recycling is a necessary step towards cleaning up the mess that
the population has created. This text fits the campaign because the campaign is trying to
reach minds of the majority, to persuade them that we need to contribute with
conservation and shocking images would capturing the public eye, which would
hopefully lead to the realization behind the trash and junk that is thrown away on a
regular basis.

The monomodal and the multimodal text complement each other because one describes
the problem through a written document while the other is the visual representation.
They both carry the theme of trying to get the public to realize the amount of waste that
the average person creates; contributing to a quantity that will take a very long time to
degrade unless the population acts now. This device represents the campaign as a whole
because there are components in each one that allows the public to see the views of

environmentalists (tree-huggers if you want) and the people who really want to make a
difference in the world.
Summarize: Several people do not know that their world can affect others, which includes the
amount of household waste that they create on a regular basis. This leads to large amounts of
waste that collect and pile up in the local landfills, and add on to the years that are used when
trash is degrading. If the public realizes how this is harmful to the earth then there can be a
change in the way we treat it through conservation. Recycling would help cut down on the
accumulation of the average waste material created, leading to the size of landfills to stop
growing exponentially. Convincing everyone to join a curbside program would have benefits,
including the addition to sustainable lifestyles and creating jobs for the public, and it would save
and produce large amounts of energy. Spreading the word through a popular movement that
would capture the public eye would help persuade the majority to
Concluding Gestures:
If people do not do what I recommend, there will be a continuous increase of household waste
products that will add up to the growth of landfill mounds, that will practically cover large areas,
and will poison the inhabitants of local environments. Eventually the population will find itself
out of resources and in a heaping wasteland of no return. If we take on the action of becoming
greener with conservation and going by the Three Rs-Reduce, reuse and recycle, the world will
find itself in a brighter, cleaner environment. Why should we tolerate a diet of weak poisons, a
home in insipid surroundings, a circle of acquaintances who are not quite our enemies, the noise

of motors with just enough relief to prevent insanity? Who would want to live in a world which
is just not quite fatal? (Rachel Carson, Silent Spring).

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