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BA 4305-003 Spring 2005 - SOM Building Room 1.1023 Tuesday 16:00-18:45
BA 4305-501 Spring 2005 - SOM Building Room 1.1023 Tuesday 19:00-21:45

Professor Michael D. Oliff 972-883-4118

Office 1.707 Hours: Tuesday 12-16:00, or by appointment

Graduate Assistant – TBA

Writing Tutor – Gillian Towers []

The Social and Political Environment of Business is a capstone course in business at UTD. Its
purpose is to integrate the learning acquired in operations, marketing, organizational behavior,
MIS, finance and accounting and utilize these foundations to study the strategic management of
the firm as well as the responsibilities of the general manager. Individual and group assignments
will be graded on both written and oral presentation skills.

This is an intense course that requires substantial time commitment each week (4-8 hours outside
of class). The university has mandated as part of this course a requirement of at least 15 double
spaced pages of writing per individual student that will be evaluated not only for content but also
for grammar, punctuation and writing style. A writing tutor will assess each written assignment,
provide detailed feedback and determine whether revisions are required. Because of this dual
feedback, please submit 2 copies in writing. The tutor will grade your work on a scale of 1-10.
Any assignments receiving grades of 5 or below must be rewritten and will be assessed again.
Be aware that you must complete all 5 written assignments with an assessment of 6 or more
to pass the course.

You will be required to read 50-100 pages of material per week from:
Strategic Management, Pearce & Robinson, McGraw Hill, 9th Edition
4305 Course Pack - Additional Cases, readings, etc. (Available in Bookstore)

Grading Policy
(50%) 3 Exams will be given. These are cumulative in nature and contribute 15%, 15% and 20%
each to the final course grade

(10%) Individual written assignments. Each student is required to independently prepare 5 Case
write-ups of 3 pages each (double spaced). These are due the beginning of class on the day the
case is discussed, one hard copy in class and a soft copy emailed to the writing tutor.

(20%) Individual Class Participation: Students are expected to attend class and participate in
class/case discussions.

(20%) Small Group/Team Assignments. Each team will develop and present (in writing and
orally) an original business case or strategy study that illustrates and applies course concepts.
Members will be evaluated by each other as well as the Professor.



1. Dominance or Death Creating Value with Customers, MD Oliff
Jan 11 Strategic Management, Mission Statement Chapter 1, Chapter 2

2. Belbin Team Roles Bahlsen GmbH: Transforming the Enterprise,

Jan 18 Creating Customer Value UTD, 2004, MD Oliff
Grand Strategies Chapter 6, Belbin Materials

3. External Analysis Chapters 3

Jan 25 Customer Activity Cycles Tin Soldiers... excerpts
SKF (A), SKF (B), IMD, 1993, SVandermerve
4. Internal Analysis Chapter 5
Feb 1 Global Environment, Strategic Intent Navigating the Enterprise, MD Oliff
Nokia Mobile Phones, IMD, 1992, MD Oliff
5. EXAM 1
Feb 8
6. Global Environment Chapter 4, Nokia–The Creation of New
Feb 15 Strategic Intent Markets, UTD, 2004, MD Oliff

7. Single Product Firms Chapter 7

Feb 22 Strategic Intent Wal-Mart – Strategy for the 21st , UTD, 2004,
MD Oliff
8. Multi-Business Firms Chapters 8
Mar 1 Implementation Chapter 9

9. Strategy Formulation & Implementation Bahlsen GmbH: Converting Strategy into

Mar 15 Competency Mapping Action, UTD, 2004
Bahlsen GmbH: Building a Distinctive
Competency in the Demand Chain, UTD, 2004
10. EXAM 2
Mar 22

11. Implementation Chapter 10,

Mar 29 Employee Value and Stretch Cultures CMB Packaging, IMD, 1993, MD Oliff

12. Strategic Control Chapter 11, Bahlsen GmbH: Developing Key

Apr 5 Key Performance Indicators Performance Indicators, UTD, 2004
Leadership and Transformation Purpose, Focus & Discipline, MD Oliff
13. Group Presentations
Apr 12
14. Group Presentations
Apr 19
Apr 26 EXAM 3

Class Guidelines.
Be on time for class. Turn cell phones off, respect each other by listening actively. Meetings
before and after class are encouraged and I will make appointments at other times based on your
needs. It is easiest to contact me outside of class by email ( )

Small Group/Team Guidelines.

Teams will be formed (self-selected) during the second class meeting, based on Belbin results.

Class Participation.
You need to come to class prepared to discuss assigned readings. Voluntary contributions are
the norm, but please do not be offended when I call on you individually. A seating chart and
desk placards will be used to acquaint class mates.

Scholastic Dishonesty.
Students who violate the UTD rules on Scholastic Dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary
penalties, including the possibility of course failure and/or dismissal.

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