Swimming Preprac

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Mike Cleary

Date: 11/20/14

School: East Longmeadow High School

Lesson #: 6

Time: 7:30-8:50
Facilities: ELHS POOL

Class Size: 28 (approx. will differ with who is swimming/who isnt)

Unit/Theme: Swimming

Grade: 9

Generic Level: Control/Proficiency

Equipment: 1.Watch+Whistle 2. Kickboards 3. Pull Buoys
Focus of Lesson: Swimming- Crawl Stroke/Breast Stroke/ Back Stroke
Student Performance Objectives (SPO):
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P): Demonstrate appropriate stroke movement when asked by instructor throughout

activity (S1:H1:L1;MA CF 2.17)
(C): Identify appropriate skill cues of the different strokes when asked by the instructor
during the closure of the lesson (S2:H2:L1; MA CF 2.17)
(A): Respect classmates and demonstrate positive attitude and support throughout activity
(S4:H2:L1; MA CF 2.26)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Give positive specific feedback and corrective feedback whenever appropriate to
students during game play
2. Maintain good positioning throughout the lesson
3. Be active in the class by encouraging students and desisting bad behavior.
4. Be very concise and clear when giving directions and instruction.
5. Use small demonstrations to help clear confusion while explaining activity

Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students in
this class?
-Huge safety concerns when working in pool
-Positioning and awareness are key at all times
- never take eyes off students
-Absolutely 0 horseplay/running/diving
National Standards & Grade Level Outcomes for Physical Education


Introduction- Students will line up
for attendance in the gymnasium. I
will briefly explain the focus of
todays lesson After attendance is
taken students will proceed to the
locker room to get changed



Transition- Students will go from

the lockeroom to the pool where I
will meet them
Introduction: Today we will be
working on reviewing both the
freestyle and backstroke while also
working on refining our breast
To begin we are just going to do a
few warm up activities to get
Warm Up:
-Have students get in their own
personal space throughout the pool
and practice floating on their front
sides, place an emphasis on
breathing and breath release hereWhile floating I would like you to
Blow on the soup and slowly
release air- see who can stay in the
dead man position the longest


Have students form equal lines
throughout the pool lanes to now
practice flutter kick and traveling
Activity 1: Flutter Kick/Breathing

Some students still need

help with the flutter kick so I
will have students begin by
facing me and grabbing onto
the side of the pool keeping



their face in the water

Alternate legs but begin

movement in your hips,
keeping the 12-15 inch
window we spoke about

Slight flex in knee, feet

pointed out

Make the water chop or boil

While practicing the flutter kick I

would like students to keep their
face in the water to practice
breathing as you would in the
freestyle stroke with a slow
release like we worked on with
the dead mans float
-From this activity I would like
students to use the kickboard but
hold it with their arms extended in
front of them to allow them to
submerge their face while kicking
and continue to practice breathing

Review of Freestyle Arm

movements after flutter kick
proficiency is shown by at least
60% of swimmers
-One arm lead out infront,
-bring hand about 8-12 inches
below water,
-Bend in arm and bring towards
hip pocket
-Lift elbow out of water first and
reach forwards
- Alternate arms throughout.
-Have students use the pull buoys
to practice isolation of the upper
body movements before

combining the full skill

-Students will then perform laps
of the freestyle stroke until
proficiency is shown.
Back Stroke:

I would like students to

extend their arms above
their head and practice on
the flutter kick backwards
and also keeping their
heads as straight as
possible to ensure
traveling in a direct path.
- Stress the small window of
the flutter kick again and
have students also work
on arching their back to
keep their chin above the
water level
Bring students in and reintroduce
the arm movements of the back
- Arms straight and
- Brush ear with Upper Arm
- Rotate cupped hand
- Rub thigh as you come
back through
- Brush down thigh as arm
returns to the surface
-Have students pair both the
upper and lower body
movements together to
demonstrate the backstroke,
looking for an emphasis on the
flutter kick and staying on a
straight line throughout

The area which the students need

the most improvement so where
the most time will be spent.

Have students practice just

standing in their personal space
working on the arm movements
of the breast stroke:
-Hands together out in front of
your self
-Cup hands outward as you bring
them through in a medium circle
about 3-4 inches outside of
shoulder width
-Finish the circle under the chest
as you return arms to the starting
extended position
Once students have shown
understanding ask them to
practice the same skill while
incorporating the proper
breathing progression
-Start with face in the water
hands extended
-As you create your medium circle
using your arms you should lift
your head as your arms come to
your sides and then resubmerge
as you extend your arms back to
the starting position
-To focus on getting the proper
rhythm of the breathing I would
like students to use the flutter
kick we practiced earlier but
incorporate the upper body
movement and breathing
technique of the breast stroke
that we just worked on

As noted previously the head should

rise along with the upperbody now
as your arms come out to your sides
and submerge as the hands fully
extend (this will lead up to the glide
Lower Body:
Using the same approach as with the
flutter kick I will have students find
personal space along the wall of the
pool and practice demonstrating the
proper kick of the breast stroke
-Bring knees sideward
-Feet towards bottoms
-Flex your ankle so the foot stays flat
-Kick downwards as you bring your
legs back together
-After students have practiced using
the wall I would like them to use
their kickboards extended in front of
them like we did with the freestyle
but this time use the breast stroke
kick we just went over
To put the skill together I will
introduce the cues of
-Sweep(when Arms are out to the
side), ---Breathe( Raising the head as
our arms sweep) ,
- Kick(the leg motion we just
-Glide (Fully extended letting
momentum carry you in the Pencil
The glide phase is where students
should be working on the slow
release of air that we worked on
-Students will then practice the
breast stroke until at least 30% can
demonstrate an appropriate rhythm
and glide-repeat activities if it seems

Side Stroke:
Introduce skill cues of the leg
movement first and have students
practice just their legs:
-Lift like a crouch both legs together
-Split them in opposite directions
-Extend as you kick legs together
-Hold and glide
-A kickboard can be placed
underneath the students upper
neck/head to help practice this skill
-Upperbody: Introduce the skill cue
of reaching for an apple, transferring
the apple(switch hands), place it in
the bucket(finish by thigh)
- Due to difficulty of isolating
upperbody movements introduce
timing of Arms and legs bend, arms
and legs straighten and demonstrate
the alternating pattern.

If there is time I will review push

offs into a streamline position:
When the student is close to the wall
they should:
-Sink ( allow body to drop
underneath water and come to a
parallel level with the pool
-Load (Crouch legs similar to the side
stroke but place feet up against the
wall of the pool)
-Drive (with the arms fully extended
in front of you want to squeeze your
ears with your biceps and fully
extend by pushing off forcefully from
the side of the pool. Gliding for as
long as momentum will carry you)
Students will then practice the push
offs attempting to hold the glide for
as long as they can)
Closure: Students will be asked to
return their kickboards and pull
buoys to the storage containers and
bring it in for a closure:

-Identify the 4 strokes we have

covered throughout the two lessons
-Identify 2 skill cues for a specific
-Explain the difference between the
scissor and the flutter kick
-Identify the four proper steps of a
breast stroke (Sweep, Breathe, Kick,

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