Reflection Essay Two

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Reflective Essay Two:

Sarah M Grissom
Florida State University


Never in my life have been so inspired and challenged by my educators as I have

this semester. The past two weeks have been a stressful whirlwind of assignments due,
presentations to present, observations to sit through, and papers to write. Never have I
worked harder; never have I been more stressed. This semester I took FSUs English
Education set one of classes: Teaching English as a Second Language, Teaching High
School Literature, and Teaching High School Writing. In addition, I took a speech course
and an educational psychology class. Each of these classes has contributed to helping me
grow as a persona and as a pre-service teacher.
Ive never been a public speaker. I have despised the spotlight. Every public
speaking opportunity I have met with shaking knees and sweaty palms. I didnt look
forward to my speech class this semester, knowing that giving speeches was a major part
of it. But public speaking is an essential part of teaching, so I knew it was absolutely
necessary that I learn how to do it properly and with confidence and grace. Slowly I have
improved with each speech given. Yesterday I had a presentation in another class, and it
was the first time I enjoyed speaking in front of a class. Theres hope for me on the
horizon. I know my public speaking skills will improve with continued practice.
My education psychology class was mostly review. I took AP Psychology in my
senior year of high school and got a five on the big exam, and most of the topics we
covered in class this semester were ones I had already studied. The difference between
my current class and the one I had formerly taken was that with this class, I have a reason
to know the material, other than an important exam. The knowledge I am gaining in class
now will be of great importance in my future career as a teacher. Some of what I have
learned has changed some of my beliefs about teaching. For example, Ive learned that


sometimes the best way to end student misbehavior is to simply ignore it. This new
knowledge will certainly help me in the future. Ive also learned how important it is that
teachers simply believe in their students. When we believe in our students, and believe in
what they can achieve, our actions and words will attest to it, and students willconsciously or unconsciously- strive to do their best, and deserve that belief.
In my TSOL (teaching English as a second language) class, Ive learner new and
better ways to teach English learners writing. Ive come to realize how vastly different
teaching styles are around the globe, and that I must anticipate this when teaching
immigrants and/or English learners. English learners should be taught writing with an
expectance of eventual comprehension, and appreciation for their potential and
intelligence, and respect for their native culture. Writing differs across cultures, so that
should be kept in mind. What is appropriate here may not be appropriate in the culture
some students come from, and vice versa.
Finally- my favorite two classes: LAE 3333 and LAE 3331. In these classes I
have learned great depths of new information. Ive learned many different methods for
teaching literature and writing. For writing specifically, Ive learned to use small group
activities, literary lingerings, and workshopping, among other methods. Actually seeing
these methods in action, as the student on which they are imposed, has helped me to
appreciate how they can effectively be implemented for my classes when I am the
teacher, as well as giving me an understanding of how it is to be the student in those
situations. I used to be much more formalist in my approach to writing- seeing the form
as highly important. Now I have come to greatly value creativity and originality as well.
Hearing others responses during out literary lingerings in class has given me an


enormous respect for the abilities and creativities for my peers and fellow students. And
through my observations as Rickards High School, Ive come to realize the importance of
dealing with each student on an individual basis. One thing that stood out to me was how
understanding and respectful of students needs Paco was. One girl needed to sit in the
hallway in order to not be distracted and be able to complete her work. Most other
teachers would not have tolerated it, but Paco did. And through that, Ive learned that
sometimes it is best to make room for out-of-the-box solutions to common problems.results over method.
All in all, I feel it has been a significantly successful semester, and I have learned
so much about teaching, writing, and teaching writing. I hope that all that I have learned
will stick with me and allow me to be a truly great teacher- like several of my teachers
this semester. As I said in my previous reflection essay, I hope to be the kind of educator
that creates a lively, intelligent environment in which my students can truly learn and
develop their writing skills, and have a good time while doing it.

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