Unit 5 Test A: Name - Class V Date

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Name _________________________________________

Class V


1. Complete the words for different places in town.

a) s_ _ _ _e
b) u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d s_ _ _ _ _n
c) a_ _ _ _ _ _m
d) t_ _ _
_ _ _l
e) n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ t
points ___/7
2. Match the words on the left with those on the right. There are two
extra words on the right.
a) Post office
b) Computer shop
c) Record shop
d) Railway station
e) Museum

1. a CD
2. statue
3. medicine
4. stamps
5. train
6. flowers
7. a PC

a) ______
b) ______
c) ______
d) ______
e) ______

points ___/10
3. Complete the conversation with the words from the box. There are
two extra words.
straight opposite
A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the supermarket, please?
B: Yes, of course. Go _______ Station Road. Go past the music shop _______
your _______. Then go straight _______ for 100 metres. After that, turn left
at the _______. The supermarket is ________ the museum.
A: Thank you.
points ___/12
4. Write sentences.
a) I / cycle / school 15 minutes
b) Dave / go / the beach / bus 35 minutes
c) Jackie and Lynn / go / the swimming pool / foot 20 minutes

points ___/12
5. Write the names of the following punctuation marks.
a) , __________ b) ___________________

c) : _________

d) !

points ___/8
6. Rewrite the sentences with correct punctuation.
a) is christmas on 7th january every year
b) i live in richmond street next to mr and mrs bond
c) the town library in veles is called goce delcev
points ___/16
7. Circle the correct answer.
a) Can you tell me the way to the hairdresser / gym / bank? I need
some English pounds and American dollars.
b) I want to go by train to Manchester. Is there a railway station /
museum / garden centre near here?
c) Im interested in fish. Can you tell me the way to the chemist /
aquarium / town hall?
d) I want to buy a new laptop. Which is the best underground station /
bank / computer shop near here?
e) My friends and I want to play basketball. Where is the nearest railway
station / gym / square?

points ___/10

Total: _____/75

0-19 (1)
20-29 (2)
30-47 (3)
48-57 (4)
58-75 (5)

Mark ______________________
Teacher _____________________

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