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Week 6 Overview

Teacher: Chris Ngo

Evaluator: Richard Bergstrom
Date of Lesson: 11/3/2014
Grade: 4th
Number of students: 22
Unit: 6 (volleying)
Previously learnt skills: overhand throw, underhand throw, softball pitch, high and low
catching techniques, spatial awareness, personal space, general space, high-med-low levels
Facilities: Blacktop/grass
Equipment: volleyballs for each student
1. Systematic Observation 1
b) The first 10 min. of the SOFIT, I observed Miguel (210 seconds of MVPA), Christopher
(340 seconds of MVPA), and Christian (410 seconds of MVPA). The total MVPA was 960
seconds (16 min.).
c) Chris does a great job with keeping the students active but even though they are all
engaged in the activity, not all of them are getting the maximal benefit. Some of them are
goofing off because the skill is too easy for them or they are bored. Chris should extend the
task (volleyball bump) by increasing distance or having a team challenge to see who can
keep it up in the air the longest. Another thing to note is when Chris is giving feedback, he
says "Don't do...". I think instead of starting the sentence with a negative, he could use "Can I
show you a better way..." or "Do you want to see how to maximize this skill...". Students can
be defiant or perceive words differently so it's best to start the sentence with a positive
2. Systematic Observation 2
a) Demonstrations
b) Chris started the lesson with Simon Says. No demonstration was needed as the students
already knew what the game was. After, Chris taught the students the volleyball bump using
the following cues: Hand in hand, thumbs together shrug shoulders, knees bent, and arms.
He implemented a student in his demonstration and used a volleyball.
c) One thing Chris could do is have 2 students demonstrate the volleyball bump to each
other after he demonstrates it. Also, he could demonstrate the whole-part-whole method
since not all the students are highly skilled.
2. Systematic Observation 3
a) Idiosyncrasies
b) Chris didn't say any idiosyncrasies during this lesson. He doesn't have any tendencies to
say any words or phrases either.
c) Chris could use "Tiger Pride", "class", "everyone", etc. to address all the students. "Boys"
or "guys" for the males and "ladies" or "girls" for the females.

Week 6 Overview
Teacher: Chris Ngo

Evaluator: Richard Bergstrom

Date of Lesson: 11/5/2014
Grade: 4th
Number of students: 22
Unit: 6 (volleying)
Previously learnt skills: volleyball bump, overhand throw, underhand throw, softball pitch,
high and low catching techniques, spatial awareness
Facilities: Blacktop/grass
Equipment: volleyballs for each student
1. Systematic Observation 1
b) The first 10 min. of the SOFIT, I observed Sebastian (180 seconds of MVPA), Sarai (340
seconds of MVPA), and Jenika (190 seconds of MVPA). The total MVPA was 710 seconds (11
min. 50 sec.).
c) MVPA went down but I thought the quality of MVPA was better than on 11/3. Students
had a variety of content like mountains and valleys, volleyball setting, and volleyball serve.
They didnt seem bored. Reducing management time is one thing to improve upon so the
students have more time practicing and refining the skills. Another thing Chris couldve
done was to set up 2 stations: 1 station for volleyball setting/bumping and 1 station for
underhand serving.
2. Systematic Observation 2
a) Demonstrations
b) The lesson started off with mountains and valleys using cones. The instructions were,
When the cone is up, it is a mountain and when the cone is down, it is a valley. There are
two teams consisting of those who flip the mountains and those who flip the valleys. The
next content was volleyball setting. The cues were the following: knees bent, hand shape
like a diamond, look through diamond, extend (absorb contact of ball above head), and
push. Volleyball serve was next. The cues were the following: hold with opposite hand, tick,
step, and hit.
c) In this lesson plan, Chris didnt use a student in his demonstration for the mountains and
valleys activity and volleyball serve so that should be coordinated to avoid confusion and
lack of motivation. Also, he couldve reiterated the cues for bumping from the previous
lesson plan so the students remember them.

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