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Rachel Gulbrandsen

Professor Cheek
LBS 400
December 9, 2014
Math Reflection
The mathematical frameworks joined the Common Core Standards in 2010. These
standards define what students should understand and be able to do in the classroom.
Elementary schools focus on algebraic expression such as addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division. The mathematic frameworks focuses on the concept of extended thinking.
Extended thinking involves solving math problems multiple ways, which can enable students to
not only look for one answer, but multiple answers. After reading the mathematical framework I
believe that a teacher must have the knowledge of the importance of mathematics. Mathematics
is being used in our every day lives and it is important to understand why that is. It is important
for a teacher to have the knowledge of the concepts of math, such as different formulas and be
open to hearing other interpretations. For example, students could find the same answer in a
different way. The frameworks say that math skills and understanding of math concepts will
evolve over time. My MAT 107 and 207 classes taught me how to use extended thinking by
finding multiple ways to solve a single problem. For example, I learned that that the reason
1+1=2 because 1 one plus 1 one equals 2 ones. I have never thought of math in that way. I feel
that I am prepared in early algebra, such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication,
which the frameworks cover in 1st and 4th grade. I feel less prepared in higher education
mathematical classes such as calculus or trigonometry. When you start to substitute and have to
re-substitute values in, I tend to get lost.

The artifact that I will use will be my MAT 207: Geometry and Statistics class journal.
To complete this portfolio, I had to recall on previous knowledge I learned through out the
chapter and write about what I learned. In my class I learned the differences between different
shapes, such as triangles and quadrilaterals. I also learned the areas of different shapes. One of
the most important concepts I learned was that the definition of a square fits the requirements of
a rectangle and rhombus, but a rhombus and rectangle is not a square. I had to recall the
definitions of different shapes and examine how or if they correlated with other shapes. The
sample piece demonstrates my knowledge of mathematics because I had to prove that I
understand what was going on in the classes to get a good grade. I will also be presenting my
lesson plan for 5th grade math, which I had to teach for LBS 400. This lesson plan incorporates
what I have learned from all of my liberal studies classes through making a lesson plan, but also
mathematics because I had to teach the concept of adding and subtracting decimals through a
hundredths grid. My lesson plan connects to the frameworks because I had to think of the
frameworks when designing my lesson plan. In fifth grade, students go over adding and
subtracting decimals, but the ideas of how to teach the lesson to the students came from me. The
work samples connect to my personal experience because I felt very proud of what I did to earn
the grade the grade I got in my MAT 207 class and I was able to get practice writing a lesson
plan, which I will have to do when I become a teacher. In my math classes I would also help
students who were having a hard time learning the concepts and I would show them how to
complete problems, which gave me confidence in teaching mathematics.

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