Edad 779 Superintendent Internship I Project Proposal - Fall 2014

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Internship I: Superintendent Project Proposal Form Intern: CURT BRADSHAW Phone/Cell: 937-725-1603 ‘SchooVIateraship Assignment: CLNTON-MASSTE/SOUTHERN OHIO ESC (SOESC) ‘Supervisor: NANCY MeDERMOTT, SOFSC COORDINATOR OF GIFTED SERVICES Date Submitted: September 30°, 2014 Date Approved: ‘Xavier University Supervisor: Dr. Michadl J. Stabile Project Proposal Include projected shadowing experience ofa Superintendent or equivalent For this Intemship experience, Tplan to shadow Mis. Rogina Conroy, Director of Human Resources for the Southem Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC), The SOFSC provides educational services to twelve (12) local school distiets in Adams, Clinton, Fayette, and Highland counties. In aditon, also plan o shadow Mis Robyn Donis, Director of Cuticulum and Instruction for Clinton-Massie Local School Distt in Clinton County. Describe the general idea ofthe project andor projects Field experience projects and activities must integrate with at least two areas of the standards. Include approximate hours for activties/project. intend to complete the following proposed projects and activities during this intemshp experience. Please note the connections tothe administrative standards and approximate hours foreach projecetivty. ‘Proposed Project/Activity ‘Connection to Standard |” Approximate Hours for Project/Activity ‘Shadow Mrs: Rogina Conroy, Dieclor of | Standard Ie The Vision of Leaning | Approximately Sours “lama Resouces forthe Southera Ohio ESC ‘Shadow Mis: Robyn Doni, Direcar of | Standard T- The Vision of Learaing | Approximately Sows ‘Curriculum and tnsteueton forthe Glinton Masse Lacal Scie! District “Analyze Testing Data to Improve ‘Siandard 1 The Vision of Leaning [Approximately IZ bows TInsruction and Adress Student Needs! Disaggregate Student Assessment Data to Infuones Instructional Decisions ‘Analyze and Disageregate MAPs Data to Drive Instruction) ‘Organize and Factiaie Data Analysis and | Standard i: The Vision of Learaing | Approximately To hows laa with the Staff (nalze MAPs and Progress Monitoring Data with TBI/RIT eas, NWEA Data Anabsis) | Sugeest fective Teaching States candard 2; The Guitare oF Teaching | Approximately 12 hours (CMES TBTIRTT Meetings and CMMS T21 | and Learning | Meetings) { “rain Teachers to Use Computer ‘Standard: The Culure of Teaching | Approximately Shows Programs/Software (Compass Odsey, | and Learning | Holt McDougal Onlin, and NW Online | Reports, NEA Learning Contin and Khan Academy Resource Plan and Develop Fnrichment Activites | Standard 2: The Cultare of Teaching | Approvinataly Shows (CMES Gifted Resource Room with Word | and Learing Masters and NevwsBrain and TRURIT Collaboration; CMMS Power ofthe ‘tend Professional Conference (Ohio | Standard 2: The Culture of Teaching | Approximately 16 bours “Assocation for Gifled Children's Fall | and Leaming 2014 Conference in Courses, Ohio. _ “Arrange Bus Van Transportation fora | Standard The Nianagement ot | Approxinataly Thowe | Special School Event Power of the Pen | Learning District Writing Tournament, Live Surgery | Esporionce at The Christ Hospital) ‘Administor Student Recognition | Standard: The Maagoment of | Approximately hour (Consistently Mating a Diference Teaming [CMAD] Award Nominations during CM Board of Edveation Mecting(=) _ Tnnpleme Staff Developme ‘Standards The Management of | Approximately 35 boars Opporunitis (Online Gifted Min-Course | Learning tirowsh Xavier Unoversy lan and Conduct Parent Gifted ‘Sandard & Relations wih he “Approximately 15 boars Information Meetings withthe [Broader Commanity Coordinator of Gifted Services - Prepare a News Release (Live Surgery | Standard @ Relations withthe | Approxinataly Tour rience News Relea) [Broader Community room _(yerti/ Prada we: 40/2014 (Curtis Bradshaw) awoviscuntsnasinne LE i JP om us —— Xavier Supervisor, hada

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