Author-Illustrator Lesson

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Name: Maria Franciosa

Subject: English Language Arts

Date: October 15, 2014

Topic: Illustrator Brian Pinkney

Grade: Level 5

Purpose: Students will be introduced to the illustrator, Brian Pinkney; listen to a book talk on a few of the books he has
illustrated; listen to The Faithful Friend, and complete a short follow up activity on illustrators technique.
Core Standard(s):
English Language Arts:
RL.5.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrses as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as
metaphors and similes.
RL.5.7: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel,
multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).
RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the
SL.5.2: Summarize a written text, read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually,
quantitatively, and orally.
1. Given background knowledge in literary writing techniques students will be able to identify those techniques as they
are used in the text.
2. Given background knowledge in illustrators technique students will be able to identify how the illustrators work
helps to emphasize the text and help us relate to the story.
Materials Needed for Learning Experience:
Teacher: Tri-Fold Display
Trade books: The Faithful Friend, The Dark-Thirty, The Adventures of Sparrowboy, Boycott Blues, Ella
Fitzgerald: The Tale of a Vocal Virtuosa
Scratchboard, scratch tools
Anticipated Length of Learning Experience: 1hr
Student Grouping: Individual, seated at desks
Prerequisite Knowledge:
Teacher: Background knowledge on Brian Pinkney, the trade books in the book talk, and The Faithful Friend
Student: Authors Technique
1. Introduction:

We have done a lot of work with authors technique, especially in our narrative writing pieces. This
morning I would like to take us through a little bit about illustrators technique, specifically through the
illustrator Brian Pinkney.

Set expectations for learning:
-Everything put away, off desks. Good listeners (what does this look like) Remember to be good
listeners while our classmates are talking or asking questions, they may have a question you have
or may be sharing something you can relate to. Feel free to ask questions at any time, but please
raise your hand first.
2. Body of Learning Experience:
1. Brian Pinkney: Tri-Fold
a. Basic biographical information
b. Scratchboard
c. His own authored books
d. His collaborations
e. Awards




Book Talk:
a. Ella Fitzgerald:
i. Biographical story told through the voice of a cat, Scat Cat Monroe. Details Ellas rise to
fame from an orphan to a vocal virtuosa. Illustrators note in the back cover
b. Boycott Blues:
i. The story of Rosa Parks inspiring a nation to peacefully fight against segregation set in a
blues setting. Specifically the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Blues music is deeply rooted in
the black tradition and conveys the weariness of struggle but can also bring on a
feeling of hope when truly expressed. How does the illustrator emphasize the blues
and the struggle in the illustrations? Does this help you feel the emotions being
c. The Adventures of Sparrowboy:
i. Written in the comic book style. Read inside cover, and then up to Henrys ZAP!
d. The Dark-Thirty- Southern Tales of the Supernatural:
i. Read Authors note at the beginning. One illustration per section really helps to detail the
Read Aloud: The Faithful Friend by Robert D. San Souci
a. Based on a folk/fairy tale from the island of Martinique in the French West Indies
b. While I read, be on the lookout for both authors technique and illustrators technique. What does
the illustrator do that really helps add to the meaning and understanding of the text. (Guided
Reading Questions)
c. Make a quick prediction about what the story might be about. Look at cover and title for clues.
(Guided Reading Question 1)
d. Pg. 8: Right away do we think Monsieur Zabocat likes Clement? How does the illustration help
you to understand this?
e. Pg. 9: lots of author and illustrators technique He thundered, his heavy mustache quivering and
his dark eyes flashing red, like burning charcoal
f. Pg 14: quimboiseur- mentioned earlier, wizard; What do you think Hippolyte will do now that he
knows the zombies plan?
g. Pg. 23: Vengeance: revenge, punishment, retaliation- why does the Monsieur have vengeance?
h. Pg. 28: What will happen next? Will the Monsieur win and carry out his vengeance? What will
Clement and Pauline do?
i. When completed the reading: Lets think back to the title and our predictions before the book
began. (Go over Guided Reading) Were our predictions correct? Why do you think San Souci
titled the story as he did? What can we take away from the text? What does it show us about the
meaning of friendship? How did Pinkney help illustrate the meaning of the text throughout the
book? Did the illustrations help you feel/visualize the story?
Scratchboard Illustrations activity:
a. In the spirit of Brian Pinkney and his love for art and books I thought it would be fun for us to
scratch our own scratchboard illustrations.
b. Duke Ellington pg 14, 18, 26 Read text show pictures, have students chose one of the pages and
scratch your own interpretation of the text. OR Have them discuss the theme of The Faithfull
Friend and scratch your interpretation of the theme (your interpretation for the cover of the book)
3. Conclusion:
Wrap up scratchboard activity, put away materials.
As we move forward, continue to use your authors technique skills but also realize, we are never too old
for a picture book and illustrators technique is equally important. We illustrate our stories in our
minds, and must remember to describe them in detail as we see them, or our images and thoughts may
not be our readers.

The Faithful Friend by Robert D. San Souci, illustrated by Brian Pinkney

Guided Reading Questions
1. Predictions before we read: What do you think this book will be about? What
does the cover illustration tell you?

2. Examples of Authors Technique: Be listening for sensory details throughout

the story and write at least 2 examples down and what sense it appeals to.

3. Examples of Illustrators Technique: What does Pinkney do in his illustrations

that help the reader relate to the text? Did the illustration help convey an
emotion? Write down at least 2 examples of illustrators technique.

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