Pre-Post Campaign Evaluation: 1. Demographics

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Pre-post campaign evaluation:

1. Demographics:
Date: _____________________ Start time:__________________
District Municipality:__________________________________________________________
Venue name:_________________________________________________________________
Venue type: Open Air Hall/Closed
If open air venue, what are the weather conditions like?__________________
Main language/s used in the performance:
Approx. number of people at the venue:
Approx. number of Men: __________
Approx. number of Women: __________
Approx. number of children: __________

2. Pre-Intervention questions:
How do the learners react to the following questions (e.g. Roughly what percentages of the
learners answer the questions; do they readily answer the questions; do they know the answers to
the questions; do they interact?)
2.1 In your view what is violence? _______________
2.2 In your view what is violence against women? _________________
How do you stop the cases of burn violence in your community? _______________
2.3 What is violence against women? (% of learners wanting to answer) _______________
2.4 What do you do when you come across a situation of someone facing burn violence?

3. Post-Intervention Questions:
3.1. In your view what is violence? _______________
3.2 In your view what is violence against women? _________________
3.3 How do you stop the cases of burn violence in your community? _______________

3.3 What is violence against women? (% of learners wanting to answer) _______________

3.4 What do you do when you come across a situation of someone facing burn violence?

4. Questions relating to performance effectiveness:

4.1. Do you think the Burn violence messages were educational?
4.2. Do you think the performance enticed the learners to communicate the awareness against
burn violence to their friends and families?
4.3. Do you think the educational materials were contextualized to the needs of the audience?
4.4. Would you like to witness similar awareness campaigns in your community in the future?
4.5. Did the story make sense to you?
4.5. Can you recall who to take primary care for a patient affected by burn?
5.5. Can you remember which authority to call in cases of burn violence? (emergency number)

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