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Garage Band MIDI Input Lesson Plan

Given a basic knowledge of Garage Band, students will reproduce a MIDI input checklist
showing basic proficiency of inputting tracks with MIDI keyboard controllers.
Computer stations with MIDI keyboards (connected & troubleshot)
Garage Band
Teacher station hooked up to the projector
MIDI Input checklists
1. Begin with the students seated audience style in view of the board (no stations yet)
2. Ask if any students are familiar with inputting tracks with a MIDI keyboard
3. Ask if anyone knows what MIDI stands for?
a. Musical Instrumental Digital Interface- allows us to have a wide variety of
electronic instruments and sounds at our fingertips to create with
4. Open up Garage Band and select Keyboard Collection, choose the correct save
location and hit create. Turn on keyboards.
5. Go over the various tracks on the left side and delete all but 3. Also show how to add
tracks should they accidently delete one too many.
a. To add tracks: Track menu, New Track, Software Instrument
6. Click the different tracks and play the keys. Demonstrate different sounds. Go over
the Software Instrument browser; be sure to show synth textures, synth pads, and
sound effects (relate to the final soundtrack project).
7. To input into a track:
a. Go to the Control menu and click count in. This gives you a 4 beat click
before the recording begins.
b. When you are ready to record, make sure you have selected the correct track,
have practiced what you wish to input, then you may hit the red record button
hear the 4 clicks and begin to play. When you are done hit the square stop
button and then trim down the extra space at the end of the track.
c. Demonstrate: Be sure to demonstrate a few tracks of recording- have the
students talk you through the steps. Relate the demonstration to the video
d. Also be sure to demonstrate how MIDI creations can be looped just like the
8. Go over the MIDI Input Checklist assignment. Take any questions and then dismiss
the student s to their stations.

a. Once you are complete with the checklist raise your hand to have your work
checked. If you finish and have had your work checked off you can continue
to expand your assignment and add loops if you wish.
Teacher will walk through the checklist with the student ensuring all aspects have been
met and will sign off on the checklist.

Did the student have 3 different tracks?

Yes No
Was at least one of those tracks different from the original preset? Yes No
Did the student have 12 bars of time total? Yes No
Did the student have layers and texture or just 12 full bars of looped tracks? Yes No

NAfME Standards:
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music with specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the


Film Scoring Unit Day 4:
Inputting Music Using the MIDI Keyboard

MIDI Input: MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a useful technique for times when
you cannot find a specific loop or mix you would like, or have composed something that you
would like to input. MIDI gives you access to a library of sounds that you can input through the
keyboard in any way you would like.

To record MIDI:
a. Go to the Control menu and click count in. This gives you a 4 beat click before the
recording begins.
b. Click a track and scroll through the library of sounds. Notice that when you click a
sound, that track will change and become that sound.
c. When you are ready to record, make sure you have selected the correct track, have
practiced what you wish to input, then you may hit the red record button, hear the 4
clicks and begin to play. Hit the square stop button to finish the recording. You can
trim off the extra blank space at the end of the track.

Todays checklist: to be finished during class today. You must get this signed before you leave.

____ I have at least 3 tracks.
____ I have at least one track that is different from the preset tracks.
____ I have input at least 12 bars total.

____ I have layers and texture, I DID NOT loop for all 12 bars on all 3 tracks.

Teachers Initials: _________

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