Rhetorical Analysis

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Erin Reese

Professor Morean
English 100
04 November 2014
A Right to Happiness
What really defines a marriage? Marriage was once known as a special ceremony between a
man and a woman, but times are changing and marriage is becoming more acceptable for all sexual
orientations. Gay marriage should be legalized not only throughout Ohio but also throughout the
country. In the article, Point of No Return, written by Stanley Kurtz, he argues against the legalization of
gay marriage. Versus the article, Whos More Worthy, written by Jonathan Rauch, who condemns the
Interesting enough, these two articles go neck and neck trying to persuade the reader that the
other is incorrect. In Kurtzs article he takes a study from Gretchen Stiers and makes the connections
that, nearly every gay male couple in Massachusetts who had gone through a commitment
ceremony nearly 20 percent of the men questioned did not practice monogamy. Kurtz uses this as an
argument as to why marriage shouldnt be legalized. Kurtz fails to mention that straight couples also
have a high percentage of those who do not practice monogamy. Everyone should have a chance to be
married and live how they want to live regardless of their sexual preference. Raunch argues back and
Kurtz with a comment that sounds a bit harsh, I dont believe homosexuals can handle marriage
responsibly. And they should never be allowed the chance to prove me wrong. Sorry, gay people but
thats life. Rauch states this to show everyone what Kurtz is really trying to say to people without any
sugarcoated words.

Marriage should no longer be about a man and woman because we have all seen plenty of those
fail, marriage should be about the love and the passion from one human being to the other. If someone
is truly in love nothing should stop them from taking the next step in life like everybody else. Raunch
states, A marriage is a real marriage as long as the spouses continue to affirm that caring for and
supporting and comforting each other is the most important task in their lives. Marriage should no
longer be based off sex roles, times have changed and people should be able to express themselves
freely because this is America, land of the free.
Rauch and Kurtz both state clearly their positions on this topic, but the only people that are
going to make a difference is the ones that act upon their beliefs. Everyone should have the right to be
happy. If their sexual orientations differ than that just makes America more diverse. America is a place
to be free and a place to be whoever you are. I can support Kurtzs opinion on gay marriage but that
should be kept to opinions and not something that should be taken into action. Equality is something
strived for in America and as a nation we should learn to accept gay marriage.

Works Cited
Kurtz, Stanley. Point of No Return. Print. 05 November 2014.
Raunch, Jonathan. Whos More Worthy. 6 August 2001. Print. 05 November 2014.

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