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Instructor(s) Victoria Vega, Rebecca Owen, Katy Graves

Date 4 December 2014

Grade Kindergarten
Subject Literacy/Reading
Unit/Theme December Celebration(s) Variations in Fictional Texts
Lesson Retelling How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Big Idea In this unit, students will see the varied way that December holidays can be celebrated
through a variety of fictional texts. They will see an array of perspectives on the holidays, and
have opportunities to engage with the texts in meaningful ways: making connections (text to
self, text to world, text to text), discussing perspectives of characters and authors, and become
more familiar with the functionality of texts. This unit has been created intentionally to be
ongoing through the month of December as a way to tap into students prior knowledge and
background knowledge. In the month of December, students will become increasingly aware of
the holiday components that December brings (Christmas trees, lights on houses, decorations,
etc.) This unit has a plethora of teachable moments into culture and multiculturalism: not all
students will celebrate the same holidays, and they will have opportunities to see and discuss
the similarities and differences in the celebrations. Each student is an expert in regards to how
they celebrate, and will be allowed to share those connections and stories in class. The unit will
have texts to discuss: Kwanzaa, Hanukah, and Christmas.
AZ InTASC Standard(s)
o Standard #2 Learning Differences: The teacher uses understanding of individual
differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning
environments that allow each learner to reach his or her full potential.
o Standard #3 Learning Environments: The teacher works with learners to create
environments that support individual and collaborative learning,
AZ ELA Standard(s)
o K.RL.2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories including key details.
AZ ELL Standard(s)
o ELL Stage 1: Kindergarten, Comprehending Text
Standard 3: The student will analyze text for expression, enjoyment, and response to
other related content areas. The student will demonstrate knowledge of reading
comprehension by:
PE-4: Sequencing a series of given pictures to retell a story or event, with
instructional support.
E-4: Sequencing a series of given pictures to retell a story or event.
B-4: Sequencing a series of given pictures to retell a story, or event using
key words.
LI-4: Sequencing a story or event in complete sentences
HI-4: Sequencing a story or event including the beginning, middle, and end
using transition words. (e.g. first, next, last)
Content Objective Students will be able to retell the story verbally using their individual finger
puppets. Students will be able to orally retell the story in pairs. Students will be familiar with
text, and able to sequence the order of events as a whole group.

Content Area Taught This lesson addresses literacy/reading content. It requires students to listen
attentively to the story in order to be able to retell the story and sequence the order of events.
As students retell the story using their puppets, they should naturally be retelling the story in the
order of events that happened. This lesson also focuses on developing the students oral skills.
Description of Learners (grade, type of ELL class, proficiency levels, language backgrounds, etc.)
This is a kindergarten SEI classroom, students range from ages 5-6, and there is a variation of
cultures, languages spoken, and learning diversities. Because 90% of the students in this
classroom are identified in the school system as being English Language Learners, we have
purposefully incorporated numerous visual aspects to this lesson, as well as an emphasis on
reading, listening, and oral skills. The ELL students in this class range from pre-emergent to
SIOP Features
Links to background
Integration of Processes:
Guided practice

Hands on
Linked to objectives
Promotes engagement
Group options:
Whole class

Sheltered English Strategies

o Content and language objectives displayed
o Different grouping configurations
o Vocabulary words defined or clarified
o Opportunities for interaction
o Connection to students' prior knowledge
o Appropriate wait time
o Speech is appropriately controlled (slow, clear)
o Clarification of Key Concepts
o Hands on Activities
o Modeling, demonstrating of concepts
o Positive feedback or other encouragement
o Repetition
o Graphic Organizer
o Gestures, facial expressions, drama, etc.
o Other Visual Support (visual directions)
o Assessment (informal checks for comprehension)

Supplementary Materials
o Text, How the Grinch Stole Christmas
o Sequence/Summary Grinch Cards to use as whole group
o Visual Directions including Content and Language Objective printed to be displayed
o Class set of paper puppets
o Glue (staples or tape can also be substituted)
o Scissors
o Crayons
Key Vocabulary
o Holiday (Fiesta)
o Christmas (Navidad)
o Sequence (Secuencia)
Lesson Sequence
1. Have students gathered at the carpet during their usual designated reading time.
Talk to students about what they are noticing in their communities (are people putting lights on
their homes? Did they see any Christmas tree stands be put up? What other holiday things are
they noticing either in their own home or in their community) Allow students to share their
2. After posting the content and language objectives on the board, read them aloud and have
students repeat after you. This will assist in ensuring that the students understand their goal for
the day.
3. Tell the students that we are going to read How the Grinch Stole Christmas. This will not be
the first time the students will have heard this text in this classroom, they should be familiar with
the text. Begin the story by asking students questions such as,
o What do remember about the story?
o What happened in the story?
o Who are the characters in the story?
4. Prior to re-reading the story, have your students see if they can hear something new that
maybe they didnt hear the previous times the story has been read. Remind them of the
content/language objectives and to try to remember what happens in the story.
5. After you have read the text to the story, show the students the finger puppets that they will
be making. As you discuss each task, post the visual directions. Demonstrate what the task is.
A. All of the students will return to their desk to color, cut, and construct (glue) their
finger puppets.
B. Once the class has completed creating their finger puppets, ensure they have cleaned
up their area.

C. Students will be given a partner. In partners, they will take turns retelling the story.
The students have an option to each retell the entire story, or take turns sharing in the retelling.
For example: student 1 will tell the story, student 2 will then tell the story. Or,
Student 1 and 2 will simultaneously take turns telling the story each contributing
ideas. This will be modeled by the instructor and a teacher assistant.
6. As the students are working in pairs retelling the story, the teacher should walk around
ensuring that students are on task, comprehend both the task and the story that been read, and
providing support when necessary. This will be a time for informal assessment.
7. Once students have had ample time to each retell the story at least twice, gather the class
back as a whole group. Have the sequencing cards posted out of order on the whiteboard, and
have the students assist in sequencing the order of events. Students will raise their hand, come
up, and put the card in order. Have students explain why one card would go after another.
Example: How do you know this event happened after that event?
o Ask the students sitting at the carpet if they agree or disagree (use gestures here: thumbs
up/thumbs down, etc.)
8. At the end of the lesson, ask students to think about what their goal was for the day
(content/language objectives). Have a few students share aloud if they think we as a class have
met our goals.
9. Have students put puppets in their backpacks/cubby. Proceed to transition students into next
lesson plan.
Assessment for this lesson will be through informal observations. As the teacher walks around
she should be paying keen attention to what the students are sharing as they retell the story,
noticing what key details they are or are not leaving out. Other informal observations should be
used during the whole group sequencing.
*Lesson components are at bottom of this lesson plan.

Sequencing Cards: How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

The Grinch plans to steal the Whos Christmas

The Grinch take all of their Christmas things.

He gets caught by Cindy! He lies to Cindy and tells

her he is taking the tree to have it fixed.

Christmas still comes.

The Grinch brings everything back and his heart

grows 3 times bigger.

The Grinch has a feast with the Whos.

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