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Management Plan
Katie Lanczki

Core Ideas of Classroom

Students will be respected

Students need to be motivated to love the material by

their instructor

Material will be presented passionately

Students benefits will always be at the center of my

I will always strive to become a better instructor

Goals of CM Plan
Create a welcoming classroom for all

Create a learning atmosphere

Have appropriate behavior be known across the class
Extinct all inappropriate/undesired behavior

Use all class time effectively

Use very little time managing the class
Make the procedures and rules engrained in the students

Mold the minds of students as much as I can!

Discipline with Dignity

Be consistent

Remind student which rule was broken

Use power proximity control
Make direct eye contact when giving consequence
Use a soft voice
Acknowledge appropriate behavior

Do not embarrass students in front of peers

Do not give consequence when angry
Do not accept excuses, bargaining, or whining.

Classroom Rules
1.) Respect others/authority

2.) Do not use homophobic slurs, name-calling, or

anything offensive.
3.) Do not swear
4.) Respect others right to learn
5.) Always try your best!

Every Day Procedures

Raise your hand to answer a question/ask one.
When you enter the room, start the warm up.
If your assignment is late, it loses a grade level each day.
Use this header on every paper



Class hour

When you are absent, ask a classmate what you missed.

Homework is to be turned into the green homework bin on the teachers desk
Late homework will be turned into the red homework bin on the teachers desk
Students will be informed of deadlines through their syllabuses
Classroom attention will be obtained through the teacher raising her hand and students
becoming quiet when they see her raise her hand.

Harry Wong- First Days of School
Methods for First Day

Allen Mendler & Richard Corwin

Discipline with Dignity (1988)
Effective discipline is not an one size fits all program

Students Rights
You have the right to learn in a non-disruptive classroom.

You have the right to ask questions.

You have the right to ask for an extension on an assignment if the

reason is considered valid by the teacher.

You have the right to ask for your grade, and to know how you can
improve it.

Teachers Rights
I have the right to remind students of the procedures/rules if

I have the right to extend due dates

I have the right to let your parents know how you are

I have the right to change/remove assignments if necessary

Teacher Tips!
The first day of school affects the lives of your students
and will determine the success for the rest of the year.

It is essential that the teacher exhibit positive expectations toward all students.
Well-ordered environment+ Positive Expectations= Effective Classroom.
Know how to deliver the instruction to teach to the goal or standard.
Beg, borrow, & steal! Effective teachers take strategies/theories from other effective

Education is not a product; it is a never-ending process.

Continue to learn as an educator through classes, workshops, conferences, professional
meeting, etc.

Greet students at door everyday

Assign seats the first day.
Be consistent in classroom management.

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