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Project 1: Video/DVD Analysis

This video called Dragon vs Tiger: Whos stronger in China-India Race focuses on the
battle between China and India. Both countries is growing rapidly and economically improving.
Also both countries have the most population in the entire world. The growth between these
nations differentiate from one another in many ways. Both countries have a surplus of supplies
and good, which makes them a prosperous country. India provides raw materials while China
provides manufacture goods. In addition, they both have a wonderful demographic. India led in
IT and back offices, China leaped ahead with their masses. Even though, India has great
intelligence, but struggles to provide labor for its people and produce sufficient goods. More
than 70% of India to China exports are raw material. On the other hand, more than 90% of
China to India exports are manufactured goods. Both countries are selling well, but still India is
struggling to stabilize their work force. Both will continue to grow together and are satisfied,
but India has to deal with the hole they are in before they collapse.
Auguste Comte, a French philosopher as known as the father of sociology, he believes
that most societies develop and progress through religious, metaphysical and scientific. He also
thinks that in order for society to solve their problems they must use scientific knowledge
based on facts to do so and not just have speculated. Setting rules and laws will maintain order
and ties societies together. If Comte was to interpret this video he would agree that both of
these counties are working together to support one another under orders and laws. There
seems to be no competition and both have mutual relations between one another. No one is

going out of their way to surpass one another. Even in the video it states that they are satisfied
since money is rolling in and there hasnt been any down slope in their growth.
Another French philosopher and sociologist Emile Durkheim, he believes that studying
social facts and patterns of behaviors. Durkheim believed that earlier, more primitive societies
were held together because most people performed similar tasks and shared values, language,
and symbols. He wanted to understand the impact of large scale structures of society and
society itself, on the thoughts of an individual. He defines something called social fact which
consist of laws, morals, values, religious beliefs, custom, fashions, rituals and rules that govern
social life. All of these factors make up society. If Durkheim was to interpret this video here, he
would say that both these countries have their own beliefs and custom that makes up the
majority of society. They are tied by laws and share similar task, such as trading amongst one
another. Both provide one another with good and services which makes up a society.
Lastly, another philosopher and sociologist named Karl Marx, he focused on economic
conflict between different social classes. He is mostly accommodated by the conflict theory. He
viewed society as a competition for scarce resources. In addition, he saw that one must
compete for power and control. Some individuals are able to produce and have more materials
than other which can be found here. Mostly this video can related to Karl Marx and caught his
attention. If he was to interpret this video, he would see that both these countries are striving
to see who can out-compete over one another. Even though, the India believe they are fine and
there is no competition, it is implied that there is a race going on between to see who is
superior between one another. India is struggling since they are economically weaker

comparable to China. Each country are better than each other in another category, so that does
conclude there is competition.
I believe the paradigm that is mostly related to this video is the conflict perspective.
Social conflict is defined as inequality and conflict that would lead to social changes. It is filled
with contradictions, clashes and competitions. Race, gender, religion, class, age etc. all play a
factor to an unequal distribution of resources. The world is competitive when it comes to
resources and in the end, the riches will benefit, while the poor will suffer. As we see China is
benefiting of India because they are getting raw materials at a cheaper cost, while India is
getting their manufacturing goods are a much higher price. As it continues, the money gap
between both countries increases without a stop. In the video it says that China is out
producing and generating more profit than India. In the end, as the conflict theory says the
rich will benefit from the poor. As shown it's heavily implied that both these countries are
striving to outperform one another.
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