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Jake Meyer

Katie Robisch
College Writing I
10 October 2014

I have a proposition to make. This proposition may be an issue up for

debate by many people. I believe that Comic Sans should be the most used
font by all people. It should be used for formal documents everywhere.
This includes all textbooks, novels, websites, and any other source that uses
the digital word. The typeface is successful in everyway and is sophisticated
and clean.
I would argue that President Obama hinted to this in one of his
speeches. He has been quoted saying, Comic Sans or nothing. (Gingrich 19)
It is a known fact that he has all of his documents printed in the font and
even had all of the fonts in the white house changed to suit his needs. All of
his advisors hated on him for this but he didnt care. The only font Obama
every wants to see again is Comic Sans.
Proven by research in a lab conducted by Harvard, students learn
better when read from documents in Comic Sans compared to every other
font combined. They conducted this study with one subject and the study

was complete within 5 minutes. They asked the student which they
preferred. They picked the one that looks like a preschooler wrote it in
crayon. It was said to be one of their more proven research topics.
(Gingrich 10)
Comic Sans is definitely the most successful font out there right now.
According the Editor of the New York Times, Dean Baquet, Comic Sans is
taking over the face of newspaper. No longer will newspapers use the
typefaces instituted previously editors will strictly stick to Comic Sans for
printing of their paper. He says, This will change the Newspaper industry
forever (Kadavy 2). Will that be for the better? No one knows.
Comic Sans is a font that changed design forever. In 1994 when this
typeface was released to the public pandemonium broke out in the streets.
Police where called into action to stop the public reaction due to the release.
Everyone was excited to use this font in his or her everyday life. It would
help in the aid of reading. Eventually the police were able to restrain the
people from rioting. Soon it became a huge part of the design world.
Many people say comic sans should be reserved for small childrens
birthday party invitations (Kadavy 10), but I disagree with this argument
Comic Sans will be the new Helvetica. The only thing that was missing in the

film, Helvetica was that they did not discuss the impact Comic sans had on
the world, as we know it. The press asked one of the creators, Max
Miedinger, why he didnt talk about the font of Comic Sans in the film. He
was quoted saying He is gravely sorry the overlooked adding discussion of
the font in the film. He refused further questioning (Miedinger 5). Vincent
Connare the inventor of the iconic Comic Sans also strongly urged his
childish font in the movie, Helvetica.
Vincent Connare was a former Microsoft employee that created the
font. He is also responsible for one of the other more successful fonts
known as Webdings. Vincent has received multiple death threats for
creating the typeface. He responded to the press saying, Dont hate me cuz
you aint me (Gingrich 1). Vincent sent this out to the public in a printed
document using the font Comic Sans. His colleagues praised him for this
heroic act.
Comic Sans has shaped the way that we view the world around us.
Without Comic Sans people would not be the people they are today. Comic
Sans will continue to be one of the leaders in successful type everywhere.
Posters, advertisements, newspapers will all one day convert to Comic Sans.
Helvetica is now in the past ushering in a future of Comic Sans.

Gingrich, Newt. "Vincent Connare." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Oct. 2014.
Web. 16 Oct. 2014. <>
Kadavy, David. "Why You Hate Comic Sans -- Comic Sans Hate." YouTube. YouTube,
n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2014. <>.
Miedinger, Max. "Chapter 5." Comic Sans 4 Lyfe. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 25-35. Web.

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