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Dear Professor Knudson,

This portfolio serves as an expansion to my interpretation of readings and stories.

Instead of the superficial extraction of knowledge, this portfolio has opened my mind to
the ideas that everything and everyone has helped in the advancement of my literacy. The
portfolio is a metaphoric timeline to the advancement of my thoughts about reading
throughout the year. The beginning is very formulaic and neutral when it comes to my
opinions and how I believed others would interpret my ideas. I always assumed that my
opinions should be kept to myself because others would deny my insight to things. I
quickly realized after the first few non-communicative classes that I should give my ideas
so others could spawn off of them. This shows in the ICWs of the blog page where the
first few are short and to the point but eventually progress to my full-fledged thoughts
with little to no restriction.
The portfolio highlights my major projects in which I was able to show my ability
to comprehend how much my literacy has changed and developed. I started off with a
strong foundation because of the fact that I was able to take AP English classes in high
school that strengthened my analytical skills. These skills were strengthened through the
challenging Extended Inquiry Project that tested my analysis of the articles based on my
topic. The Extended Inquiry Project was the most challenging project due to the fact that
it required a lot of personal insight and interest in a topic. It strengthened my inquiry
skills and I am now able to use these skills in other classes apart from English classes.
The uses learned from the class are shown in the portfolio.
Your Student,
Bryan Flores-Rosario

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