Tiara Phillips Reflection Essay

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Tiara Phillips
Professor K. Cantrell
TPS 1107
7 December 2014

TPS 1107: Reflection Essay

When I first enrolled in Kennesaw State University I saw that an arts class was a
requirement. Being a freshman I decided that I just get it out the way. I didnt decide on music
because I heard you had to learn notes. I didnt decide on art because I cant draw. I didnt
decide on dance because I didnt feel like dancing so the only class left was theater. I thought to
myself that it couldnt be too bad. Before I knew it my eyes had been opened to a world I had
never explored before. I developed a sense of appreciation and admiration for the theater while in
Professor Cantrells class and I am extremely grateful for knowledge I have obtained.

The lectures of my TPS 1107 class were both interesting and entertaining. Each
day we entered the class we learned something new. Because I had never even taken a theater
class before most of the things I learned surprised me. I was really surprised at how long theater
had been around. I would have to say the most surprising thing were the interactive class
lectures. My favorite one would have to be the Performance by the Atlanta Percussion Trio. It
was my favorite because of the simple fact that not only were we applying what we learned
about the purposes of performance we got to experience music from different cultures while
doing so.

One of the many things we talked about in theater class was having a willing
suspension of disbelief. Basically saying that you have to go along with whatever is happening in
the performance without adding logic to it. I guess you were really supposed to incorporate your

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imagination. I found this hard to do because at least 90% I am a literal person. This was
especially hard to do when I went to see the first two out of class performances. I dont if was
because the topics of both performances did not appeal to me or if I really just could grasp the
concept of either of them.

It was required to see three approved out of class performances in the semester.
Out of the three that we were required to see, two of them I did not like at all. The first
performance was called Violet Juno. I dont know what I was expected but what I received what
nowhere near it. The performance was like a life story. The storyteller basically explained
through a series of personal stories how language is important. I did not like this is performance
because it was very hard to follow. I tried to relate and understand the storyteller but I just could
not. The second performance was called The Doctor, The Devil and My Dad. The performance
was not on campus and the theater was located in a weird part of what I guess was Atlanta. That
factor alone already had me on the negative side. The reason I didnt like the play itself because
after about twenty minutes into it I had figured out the whole beginning, middle and end thus
making me become uninterested for the remainder of the show. I also felt as though the play
would have been more effective if the role of Summer had been played by someone younger.
The only good thing about the play was the set design. In class we learned about both storytelling
and plays. I feel as though knowing the elements of both helped me to analyze each performance
effectively. I took the knowledge that I learned in class and assessed each play to determine
whether the performance was effective or not.

The final requirement of my TPS 1107 class was to perform a scene from one of
the plays we had read in class. I was surprised when I learned that we had to do this. I knew that
it could either go really go or really bad based on the collaborative effort put in by the group
members. I was fortunate enough to be placed in a group with very hard working individuals. All
of us wanted to make a great scene for the final performance. I could only imagine all the work
that goes into a real play. It really does take each individual doing their part in order to put
together a great scene.

Every group has strengths and weaknesses. I feel that our groups strength is the
actors that we have. Each actor was able to connect with their character and portray their role
fabulous. I feel like every time we rehearsed it got better. The actors became more comfortable
with their role. By them becoming comfortable with their role they were able to add more of
their own personality to it while still effectively portraying the character. How effectively the
audience identifies with the actors can make or break a performance. If the actors do not aid the
audience in identifying with the play a disconnect can form and that is the last thing you want.

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Our actors use their emotions, personality and gestures to help provide what will be an excellent

Everyone is the group is responsible for their own individual part. I feel as though
I am a very strong group member. I took on the task of having two jobs. Not only am I in the
play, I decided to be the dramaturg as well. I knew that it would require me to write two essays,
and keep an actors journal. However, somebody had to research things so I didnt mind. I
actually got really intrigued by my research. I found out a lot of information that I would not
have known if I had not volunteered to be the dramaturg. I am glad that I did both roles because
after researching I was able to understand the concept of the play a lot more.

Sometimes when completing projects we face challenges that we are not prepared
for. I definitely not prepared for the challenged that arose for me. While completing my research,
I kept thinking about how awful the living conditions of the Democratic Republic of Congo are.
Each time I dug deeper for research purposes it seemed to get worse and worse. It wasnt until I
started researching rape incidents did my research become extremely challenging. The mot heart
wrenching piece of information was when I found out that in some cases of rape the use object
such as branches and guns. The use of these objects cause a hole to be torn in the uterine wall
and a life threatening infection will develop in the woman. This information brought me to tears
because I am a woman and I felt sympathy for the women who have to go through such a
horrendous thing. After being brought to tears, I had no idea how to conclude my research. I was
at a loss for words. I overcame this by gathering my thoughts and thanking the Lord for me
being blessed to never have to endure such a hardship. I could never imagine having to endure
such a life and my heart aches for those that do.

By doing this project I learned about the terrible living conditions of those that
live in the Democratic Republic of Congo. My perception has changed. I now humble myself
knowing that there are those out there that are extremely unfortunate. I have a new found respect
for the women that have live and women that are still are living through this. I have respect for
Lynn Nottage for having the courage to tell the story to the world. I feel sad that the world can be

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such a cruel and awful place. The never-ending violence and diseases that have overtaken the
unfortunate continent of Africa are things that I wish all the world knew about. Places in the
world like America are only concerned with things that pose threats to them. It is sad to say that
their maybe no hope for the African people.

Overall, TPS 1107 was a great class. If I were to give any advice to those to come
it would be that be engaged in the class. You can either learn a lot from this class or just sit and
do nothing but the work assigned. However, the experience and knowledge that you gain may
change your perception on how you view the world. The in class performance help you take a
trip to different parts of the world without having to go anywhere. It is important to pay attention
because it is not every day that you get to experience a new culture. The out of class
performances you may not agree without however, either way it goes you take something from
it. You may learn that you like a specific type of performance, whether it be storytelling, a
musical, or just a normal play. Lastly, working with a group will show you your strengths and
weaknesses as a team player. The group project is a chance to be creative and there are different
roles that you can take on to try and bring out your creativity. You end up learning while
incorporating your creative side which in my opinion is the best of both worlds.

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