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Sarah Combs

Title Page

Background music will begin to
play and continue throughout the
Throughout Unit 2 we will be
discussing the characteristics of
Myths, Fables, and Folktales.

Transition: Hands Down

At the conclusion of this unit, you
will be able to Recount stories and
determine the central message
through key details and Explain
how characters actions contribute
to the sequence of events in a
Transition: Hand Squeegee
Zaption Question:
Before starting our lesson, what background
knowledge do you already have about Myths,
Fables, and Folktales?
So, What Is A Myth? A myth is a
short story that explains why
something is the way it is. For
Example: A myth would give a
short fictional story on why
elephants have a trunk. Did the
elephants nose once get stuck in a
door and it pulled too hard?
Transition: Hand Squeegee
Myths are made up of specific
elements or characteristics. The
main characters in myths are
generally Gods or Goddess instead
of everyday people. Myths teach
you a lesson, usually have magic,
and they come from different
Transition: Hands Down

Sarah Combs
At the beginning of our year we
read the story of Arachne and
Athena- The Tale of Two Weavers.
This story would be considered a
myth that explains why spiders
weave webs.

Transition: Hand Roller

Zaption Question:
Arachne and Athena- A Tale of Two Weavers
explains why spiders weave webs. What other
characteristics of myths does this story have?
A fable is A short story used to
teach a moral or lesson,
often with animals as the main

Transition: Hand Squeegee

As stated, the main characters are
usually animals, they are fictional
tales, and they generally teach you
a lesson. In The 3 Little Javelinas
book our main characters were
javelinas, it was fictional, and we
learned to always stick together.

Transition: Hands Down

Some Examples of Fables include
The Tortoise And The Hare and
The Ugly Duckling.

Transition: Hand Roller

Sarah Combs
Zaption Question:
The Tortoise and The Hare teaches what
What is a Folktale? Stories that
have been told orally from
generation to generation. These
stories generally have no known
author because of this.

Transition: Hand Drawing

Transition: Hands Down

The Characteristics or Elements of

a Folktales include Usually begins
"Once upon a time...". The
characters are generally Everyday
people or animals. Characters have
a problem to solve and everything
happens in threes: 3 Characters,
Tasks, 3 Events. Phrases are
repeated over and over and the
story ends happily.
Examples of Folktales include The
Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks
And The Three Bears

Transition: Hand Roller

Zaption Quiz:
1. Which genres teach a moral or lesson?
2. Which genre usually has 3 characters, 3
tasks, or 3 events?
3. Which genre is usually told orally from
generation to generation?

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